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05-12-2024 - Maucó K, Manara CF, Bayo A, Hernández J, Campbell-White J, Calvet N, Ballabio G, Aru ML, Alcalá JM, Ansdell M, Briceno C, Facchini S, Haworth TJ, McClure M and Williams JP (2024). A new look at disk winds and external photoevaporation in the σ-Orionis cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences
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01-12-2024 - Aru M-L, Maucó K, Manara CF, Haworth TJ, Ballering N, Boyden R, Campbell-White J, Facchini S, Rosotti GP, Winter A, Miotello A, McLeod AF, Robberto M, Petr-Gotzens MG, Ballabio G, Vicente S, Ansdell M and Cleeves LI (2024). A tell-tale tracer for externally irradiated protoplanetary disks: Comparing the [C I] 8727 Å line and ALMA observations in proplyds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 692
01-12-2024 - Vines JI, Jenkins JS, Anderson DR, Alves DR, Moyano M, Acton JS, Apergis I, Barkaoui K, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Christiansen JL, Collins KA, Eigmüller P, Falk B, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al. (2024). NGTS-31b and NGTS-32b: two inflated hot jupiters orbiting subgiant stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 536 (3), 2011-2024.
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13-11-2024 - Opie S, Verscharen D, Chen CHK, Owen CJ, Isenberg PA, Sorriso-Valvo L, Franci L and Matteini L (2024). Temperature anisotropy instabilities driven by intermittent velocity shears in the solar wind. Journal of Plasma Physics, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 90 (6)
12-11-2024 - Ku Y, Abarr Q, Allison P, Alvarez-Muñiz J, Yebra JA, Anderson T, Basharina-Freshville A, Beatty J, Besson DZ, Bose R, Braun D, Chen P, Chen Y, Clem JM, Coakley T, Connolly A, Cremonesi L, Cummings AC, Deaconu C, Flaherty J, et al. (2024). The Low Frequency Instrument for the Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO). Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities — PoS(ARENA2024).
07-11-2024 - Muzio MS, Ali S, Allison P, Archambault S, Beatty JJ, Besson DZ, Bishop A, Chen P, Chen YC, Chen Y-C, Clark BA, Connolly A, Couberly K, Cremonesi L, Cummings AC, Dasgupta P, Debolt R, De Kockere S, de Vries KD, Deaconu C, et al. (2024). Progress towards an array-wide diffuse UHE neutrino search with the Askaryan Radio Array. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities — PoS(ARENA2024).
07-11-2024 - Salcedo Gomez A, Flaherty J, Connolly A, Ali S, Allison P, Archambault S, Beatty JJ, Besson DZ, Bishop A, Chen P, Chen YC, Chen Y-C, Clark BA, , Couberly K, Cremonesi L, Cummings AC, Dasgupta P, Debolt R, De Kockere S, et al. (2024). Effects of Biaxial Birefringence on Polarization Reconstruction for the Askaryan Radio Array. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities — PoS(ARENA2024).
07-11-2024 - McBride K, Abarr Q, Allison P, Alvarez-Muñiz J, Ammerman Yebra J, Anderson T, Basharina-Freshville A, Beatty JJ, Beaufore L, Besson DZ, Bose R, Braun D, Chen P, Chen Y, Clem JM, Coakley T, Connolly A, Cremonesi L, Cummings AC, Deaconu C, et al. (2024). Design of the PUEO Payload. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities — PoS(ARENA2024).
07-11-2024 - Giri P, Kravchenko I, Allison P, Connolly AL, Ali S, , Archambault S, Beatty JJ, Besson DZ, Bishop A, Chen P, Chen YC, Clark BA, Couberly K, Cremonesi L, Cummings A, Dasgupta P, Debolt R, de Kockere S, de Vries KD, et al. (2024). ARA-Next: a new DAQ and trigger architecture for the Askaryan Radio Array.
07-11-2024 - Dasgupta P, Ali S, Allison P, Archambault S, Beatty JJ, Besson DZ, Bishop A, Chen P, Chen YC, Chen Y-C, Clark BA, Connolly A, Couberly K, Cremonesi L, Cummings AC, , Debolt R, De Kockere S, de Vries KD, Deaconu C, et al. (2024). A search for the ultra high energy neutrinos with a low threshold phased array trigger system of the Askaryan Radio Array. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities — PoS(ARENA2024).
07-11-2024 - Burkhart B, Bialy S, Seifried D, Walch S, Hamden E, Haworth TJ, Hoadley K, Kong S, Johnson M, Jeffreson S, Krumholz MR, Lee M-Y, Sternberg A and Turner NJ (2024). The Molecular Cloud Life Cycle. II. Formation and Destruction of Molecular Clouds Diagnosed via H2 Fluorescent Emission. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 975 (2)
01-11-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Search for pair production of boosted Higgs bosons via vector-boson fusion in the b b ¯ b b ¯ final state using pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, Elsevier vol. 858
01-11-2024 - Anfimov N, Branca A, Bürgi J, Calivers L, Cuesta C, Diurba R, Dunne P, Dwyer DA, Evans JJ, Ezeribe AC, Gauch A, Gil-Botella I, Greenberg S, Guffanti D, Karcher A, Kreslo I, Kunzmann J, Lane N, Corchado SM, McConkey N, et al. (2024). First demonstration of a combined light and charge pixel readout on the anode plane of a LArTPC. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (11)
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01-11-2024 - Brown A, Galvagno F and Wen C (2024). All-loop Heavy-Heavy-Light-Light correlators in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (10)
24-10-2024 - Ding Y, Clements DL, Leeuw LL, Heywood I, Dannerbauer H, Parmar A, Legodi P, Ivison RJ, Blake R, Gutiérrez CM, Carnero A and Sutherland W (2024). MeerKAT observations of Herschel protocluster candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 535 (1), 370-391.
14-10-2024 - Perry MJ and Rodriguez MJ (2024). CFT duals of Kerr-Taub-NUT and beyond. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (10)
09-10-2024 - Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, et al. (2024). Determination of the Relative Sign of the Higgs Boson Couplings to W and Z Bosons Using WH Production via Vector-Boson Fusion with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 133 (14)
02-10-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Sensor response and radiation damage effects for 3D pixels in the ATLAS IBL Detector. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (10)
01-10-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Precise test of lepton flavour universality in W-boson decays into muons and electrons in pp collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C, Springer Nature vol. 84 (10)
01-10-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Measurements of the production cross-section for a Z boson in association with b- or c-jets in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C, Springer Nature vol. 84 (9)
27-09-2024 - Paul P, Clarkson C and Maartens R (2024). Apparent Parity Violation in the Observed Galaxy Trispectrum. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 133 (12)
17-09-2024 - Abud AA, Abi B, Acciarri R, Acero MA, Adames MR, Adamov G, Adamowski M, Adams D, Adinolfi M, Adriano C, Aduszkiewicz A, Aguilar J, Aimard B, Akbar F, Allison K, Monsalve SA, Alrashed M, Alton A, Alvarez R, Alves T, et al. (2024). Performance of a Modular Ton-Scale Pixel-Readout Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber. Instruments, MDPI vol. 8 (3)
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06-09-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, et al. (2024). Studies of the Energy Dependence of Diboson Polarization Fractions and the Radiation-Amplitude-Zero Effect in WZ Production with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 133 (10)
05-09-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in pp Collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 133 (10)
04-09-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Search for pair-produced vectorlike quarks coupling to light quarks in the lepton plus jets final state using 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (5)
01-09-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abdelhameed S, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, et al. (2024). Search for decays of the Higgs boson into a pair of pseudoscalar particles decaying into bb¯τ+τ- using pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (5)
01-09-2024 - Thomas DB, Anton T, Clifton T and Bull P (2024). Constraining Post-Newtonian Parameters with the Cosmic Microwave Background. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2024 (09)
01-09-2024 - Goicoechea JR, Le Bourlot J, Black JH, Alarcón F, Bergin EA, Berné O, Bron E, Canin A, Chapillon E, Chown R, Dartois E, Gerin M, Habart E, Haworth TJ, Joblin C, Kannavou O, Le Petit F, Onaka T, Peeters E, Pety J, et al. (2024). PDRs4All. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 689
30-08-2024 - Henderson BA, Casewell SL, Jordán A, Brahm R, Henning T, Gill S, Mayorga LC, Ziegler C, Stassun KG, Goad MR, Acton J, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Burleigh MR, Dragomir D, Gillen E, Günther MN, et al. (2024). TOI-2490b – the most eccentric brown dwarf transiting in the brown dwarf desert. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 533 (3), 2823-2842.
20-08-2024 - Chen G, Rodina L and Wen C (2024). Kinematic Hopf algebra and Bern-Carrasco-Johansson numerators at finite α′. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (4)
15-08-2024 - Abud AA, Abi B, Acciarri R, Acero MA, Adames MR, Adamov G, Adamowski M, Adams D, Adinolfi M, Adriano C, Aduszkiewicz A, Aguilar J, Aimard B, Akbar F, Allison K, Monsalve SA, Alrashed M, Alton A, Alvarez R, Alves T, et al. (2024). The DUNE Far Detector Vertical Drift Technology. Technical Design Report. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (08)
01-08-2024 - Jolicoeur S, Guedezounme SL, Maartens R, Paul P, Clarkson C and Camera S (2024). Relativistic and wide-angle corrections to galaxy power spectra. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (08)
01-08-2024 - Leleu A, Delisle J-B, Delrez L, Bryant EM, Brandeker A, Osborn HP, Hara N, Wilson TG, Billot N, Lendl M, Ehrenreich D, Chakraborty H, Günther MN, Hooton MJ, Alibert Y, Alonso R, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong D, et al. (2024). Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 688
01-08-2024 - Abud AA, Abi B, Acciarri R, Acero MA, Adames MR, Adamov G, Adamowski M, Adams D, Adinolfi M, Adriano C, Aduszkiewicz A, Aguilar J, Aimard B, Akbar F, Allison K, Monsalve SA, Alrashed M, Alton A, Alvarez R, Es-sghir HA, et al. (2024). Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (08)
01-08-2024 - Babeluk M, Auguste D, Barbero M, Barrillon P, Baudot J, Bergauer T, Bernlochner F, Bertolone G, Bespin C, Bettarini S, Bevan A, Bona M, Bonis J, Bosi F, Boudagga R, Breugnon P, Buch Y, Casarosa G, Corona L, Dingfelder J, et al. (2024). The OBELIX chip for the Belle II VTX upgrade. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 169659-169659.
29-07-2024 - Penzlin ABT, Booth RA, Nelson RP, Schäfer CM and Kley W (2024). Viscous circumbinary protoplanetary discs – I. Structure of the inner cavity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 532 (3), 3166-3179.
10-07-2024 - Gill S, Bayliss D, Ulmer-Moll S, Wheatley PJ, Brahm R, Anderson DR, Armstrong D, Apergis I, Alves DR, Burleigh MR, Butler RP, Bouchy F, Battley MP, Bryant EM, Bieryla A, Crane JD, Collins KA, Casewell SL, Carleo I, Claringbold AB, et al. (2024). TOI-2447 b / NGTS-29 b: a 69-day Saturn around a Solar analogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 532 (2), 1444-1458.
05-07-2024 - Brown A, Galvagno F and Wen C (2024). Exact results for giant graviton four-point correlators. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (7)
05-07-2024 - Aru M-L, Maucó K, Manara CF, Haworth TJ, Facchini S, McLeod AF, Miotello A, Petr-Gotzens MG, Robberto M, Rosotti GP, Vicente S, Winter A and Ansdell M (2024). Kaleidoscope of irradiated disks: MUSE observations of proplyds in the Orion Nebula Cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 687
01-07-2024 - Acero MA, Acharya B, Adamson P, Anfimov N, Antoshkin A, Arrieta-Diaz E, Asquith L, Aurisano A, Back A, Balashov N, Baldi P, Bambah BA, Bat A, Bays K, Bernstein R, Bezerra TJC, Bhatnagar V, Bhattarai D, Bhuyan B, Bian J, et al. (2024). Expanding neutrino oscillation parameter measurements in NOvA using a Bayesian approach. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (1)
01-07-2024 - de Wit J, Doyon R, Rackham BV, Lim O, Ducrot E, Kreidberg L, Benneke B, Ribas I, Berardo D, Niraula P, Iyer A, Shapiro A, Kostogryz N, Witzke V, Gillon M, Agol E, Meadows V, Burgasser AJ, Owen JE, Fortney JJ, et al. (2024). A roadmap for the atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets with JWST. Nature Astronomy, Springer Nature vol. 8 (7), 810-818.
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14-06-2024 - Ziampras A, Nelson RP and Paardekooper S-J (2024). Buoyancy torques prevent low-mass planets from stalling in low-turbulence radiative discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 532 (1), 351-362.
13-06-2024 - Freckelton AV, Sebastian D, Mortier A, Triaud AHMJ, Maxted PFL, Acuña L, Armstrong DJ, Battley MP, Baycroft TA, Boisse I, Bourrier V, Carmona A, Coleman GAL, Cameron AC, Cortés-Zuleta P, Delfosse X, Dransfield G, Duck A, Forveille T, French JR, et al. (2024). BEBOP V. Homogeneous stellar analysis of potential circumbinary planet hosts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 531 (4), 4085-4098.
06-06-2024 - Adamek J, Clarkson C, Durrer R, Heinesen A, Kunz M and Macpherson HJ (2024). Towards Cosmography of the Local Universe. The Open Journal of Astrophysics, Maynooth University vol. 7
04-06-2024 - Pierens A and Nelson RP (2024). Thermal structure of circumbinary discs: Circumbinary planets should be icy, not rocky. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 686
01-06-2024 - Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, et al. (2024). The ATLAS trigger system for LHC Run 3 and trigger performance in 2022. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (06)
01-06-2024 - Battley MP, Collins KA, Ulmer-Moll S, Quinn SN, Lendl M, Gill S, Brahm R, Hobson MJ, Osborn HP, Deline A, Faria JP, Claringbold AB, Chakraborty H, Stassun KG, Hellier C, Alves DR, Ziegler C, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong DJ, et al. (2024). NGTS-30b/TOI-4862b: An ~1 Gyr old 98-day transiting warm Jupiter★★★. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 686
01-06-2024 - Iacconi L, Mulryne D and Seery D (2024). Loop corrections in the separate universe picture. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (06)
01-06-2024 - Fonseca J, Zazzera S, Baker T and Clarkson C (2024). Erratum: The observed number counts in luminosity distance space. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (06)
01-06-2024 - Anton T and Clifton T (2024). Hubble diagrams in statistically homogeneous, anisotropic universes. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (05), 120-120.
29-05-2024 - Barragán O, Yu H, Freckelton AV, Meech A, Cretignier M, Mortier A, Aigrain S, Klein B, O’Sullivan NK, Gillen E, Nielsen LD, Mallorquín M and Zicher N (2024). TOI-837 b is a young Saturn-sized exoplanet with a massive 70 M⊕ core. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 531 (4), 4275-4292.
24-05-2024 - Alday LF, Chester SM, Dorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2024). Relations between integrated correlators in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (5)
06-05-2024 - Zazzera S, Fonseca J, Baker T and Clarkson C (2024). Magnification and evolution bias of transient sources: GWs and SNIa. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (05)
01-05-2024 - Berman DS and Klinger MS (2024). The Inverse of Exact Renormalization Group Flows as Statistical Inference. Entropy, MDPI vol. 26 (5)
30-04-2024 - Clifton T and Hyatt N (2024). A Radical Solution to the Hubble Tension Problem. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 08
29-04-2024 - O’Brien SM, Schwamb ME, Gill S, Watson CA, Burleigh MR, Kendall A, Casewell SL, Anderson DR, Vines JI, Jenkins JS, Alves DR, Trouille L, Ulmer-Moll S, Bryant EM, Apergis I, Battley M, Bayliss D, Eisner NL, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al. (2024). Planet Hunters NGTS: New Planet Candidates from a Citizen Science Search of the Next Generation Transit Survey Public Data. The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 167 (5)
24-04-2024 - Valli M, Bona M, Ciuchini M, Derkach D, Di Palma R, Ferrari F, Lubicz V, Martinelli G, Pierini M, Silvestrini L, Simula S, Stocchi A, Tarantino C, Vagnoni V and Vittorio L (2024). Overview and theoretical prospects for CKM matrix and CP violation from the UTfit Collaboration. Proceedings of Workshop Italiano sulla Fisica ad Alta Intensità — PoS(WIFAI2023).
09-04-2024 - Davies MW, Iacconi L and Mulryne DJ (2024). Numerical 1-loop correction from a potential yielding ultra-slow-roll dynamics. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 2024 (04)
01-04-2024 - Bouchy F, Gillen E, Turner O, Gill S, Nielsen LD, Lendl M, Vines JI, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Jenkins JS, Acton JS, Belardi C, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Costes JC, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, et al. (2024). NGTS discovery of a highly inflated Saturn-mass planet and a highly irradiated hot Jupiter. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 684
01-04-2024 - Brown A, Heslop P, Wen C and Xie H (2024). Integrated Correlators in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory beyond Localization. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 132 (10)
07-03-2024 - Coburn JT, Verscharen D, Owen CJ, Maksimovic M, Horbury TS, Chen CHK, Guo F, Fu X, Liu J, Abraham JB, Nicolaou G, Innocenti ME, Micera A and Jagarlamudi VK (2024). The Regulation of the Solar Wind Electron Heat Flux by Wave–Particle Interactions. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 964 (1)
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29-02-2024 - Henderson BA, Casewell SL, Goad MR, Acton JS, Günther MN, Nielsen LD, Burleigh MR, Belardi C, Tilbrook RH, Turner O, Howell SB, Clark CA, Littlefield C, Barkaoui K, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Dransfield G, et al. (2024). NGTS-28Ab: a short period transiting brown dwarf. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 530 (1), 318-339.
21-02-2024 - Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, et al. (2024). Search for resonant production of dark quarks in the dijet final state with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (2)
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14-02-2024 - Ziampras A, Nelson RP and Paardekooper S-J (2024). Migration of low-mass planets in inviscid discs: the effect of radiation transport on the dynamical corotation torque. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 528 (4), 6130-6140.
10-02-2024 - Brandhuber A, Brown GR, Chen G, Gowdy J and Travaglini G (2024). Resummed spinning waveforms from five-point amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 2024 (2)
05-02-2024 - Federičová P, Affolder A, Beck GA, Bevan AJ, Chen Z, Dawson I, Deshmukh A, Dowling A, Fadeyev V, Fernandez-Tejero J, Fournier A, Gonzalez N, Hommels L, Jessiman C, Kachiguin S, Klein C, Koffas T, Kroll J, Latoňová V, Mikeštíková M, et al. (2024). Setups for eliminating static charge of the ATLAS18 strip sensors. Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (02)
01-02-2024 - Trotta D, Larosa A, Nicolaou G, Horbury TS, Matteini L, Hietala H, Blanco-Cano X, Franci L, Chen CHK, Zhao L, Zank GP, Cohen CMS, Bale SD, Laker R, Fargette N, Valentini F, Khotyaintsev Y, Kieokaew R, Raouafi N, Davies E, et al. (2024). Properties of an Interplanetary Shock Observed at 0.07 and 0.7 au by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 962 (2), 147-147.
01-02-2024 - Miley JM, Carpenter J, Booth R, Jennings J, Haworth TJ, Vioque M, Andrews S, Wilner D, Benisty M, Huang J, Perez L, Guzman V, Ricci L and Isella A (2024). High-resolution ALMA observations of compact discs in the wide-binary system Sz 65 and Sz 66★. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 682
01-02-2024 - Padellaro A, Radhakrishnan R and Ramgoolam S (2024). Row–column duality and combinatorial topological strings. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, IOP Publishing vol. 57 (6)
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18-01-2024 - Turpin GA and Nelson RP (2024). Orbital evolution of close binary systems: Comparing viscous and wind-driven circumbinary disc models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP)
17-01-2024 - Gárate M, Pinilla P, Haworth TJ and Facchini S (2024). The external photoevaporation of structured protoplanetary disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 681
01-01-2024 - Bowen TA, Bale SD, Chandran BDG, Chasapis A, Chen CHK, Dudok de Wit T, Mallet A, Meyrand R and Squire J (2024). Mediation of collisionless turbulent dissipation through cyclotron resonance. Nature Astronomy, Springer Nature vol. 8 (4), 482-490.
01-01-2024 - Coleman GAL, Nelson RP, Triaud AHMJ and Standing MR (2024). Constraining the formation history of the TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 circumbinary planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 527 (1), 414-427.