Dr James Thomas

James Thomas

Lecturer in Quantum Technologies

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



Dr Thomas’ research expertise is in quantum electronics, i.e., the fabrication of devices in which individual or self-assembled quantum objects, such as molecules, act as circuit elements. The aims of his research are to understand how the quantum (electronic/spin, vibrational) states of molecules and their dynamics (how they evolve in time) influence how they conduct electricity, and what new functionalities emerge when electronics are scaled down to nanometre dimensions. He is also interested in exploring wave-particle duality of electrons in two-dimensional materials, such as graphene, through the study of electronic interference effects, with a view to new sensing applications.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics


Relevant PublicationQuantum interference enhances the performance of single-molecule transistors
Chen Z, Grace IM, Woltering SL, Chen L, Gee A, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Bogani L, Mol JA, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL and Thomas JO
Nature Nanotechnology, Springer Nature vol. 19 (7), 986-992.  
Relevant PublicationConnections to the Electrodes Control the Transport Mechanism in Single‐Molecule Transistors
Chen Z, Woltering SL, Limburg B, Tsang M, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Mol JA, Anderson HL and Thomas JO
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley vol. 63 (16) 


Relevant PublicationPhase-Coherent Charge Transport through a Porphyrin Nanoribbon
Chen Z, Deng J-R, Hou S, Bian X, Swett JL, Wu Q, Baugh J, Bogani L, Briggs GAD, Mol JA, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL and Thomas JO
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 145 (28), 15265-15274.  
Relevant PublicationNon-equilibrium thermodynamics in a single-molecule quantum system
Pyurbeeva E, Thomas JO and Mol JA
Materials For Quantum Technology, Iop Publishing vol. 3 (2) 


Relevant PublicationCharge-State Dependent Vibrational Relaxation in a Single-Molecule Junction
Bian X, Chen Z, Sowa JK, Evangeli C, Limburg B, Swett JL, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Anderson HL, Mol JA and Thomas JO
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 129 (20) 
Relevant PublicationExchange-induced spin polarization in a single magnetic molecule junction
Pei T, Thomas JO, Sopp S, Tsang M-Y, Dotti N, Baugh J, Chilton NF, Cardona-Serra S, Gaita-Ariño A, Anderson HL and Bogani L
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
Relevant PublicationStatistical signature of electrobreakdown in graphene nanojunctions
Evangeli C, Tewari S, Kruip JM, Bian X, Swett JL, Cully J, Thomas J, Briggs GAD and Mol JA
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America vol. 119 (27) 


Relevant PublicationExperimental evidence of disorder enhanced electron-phonon scattering in graphene devices
Evangeli C, McCann E, Swett JL, Tewari S, Bian X, Thomas JO, Briggs GAD, Kolosov OV and Mol JA
Carbon vol. 178, 632-639.  
Relevant PublicationCharge transport through extended molecular wires with strongly correlated electrons
Thomas JO, Sowa JK, Limburg B, Bian X, Evangeli C, Swett JL, Tewari S, Baugh J, Schatz GC, Briggs GAD, Anderson HL and Mol JA
Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (33), 11121-11129.  


Relevant PublicationUnderstanding resonant charge transport through weakly coupled single-molecule junctions
Thomas JO, Limburg B, Sowa JK, Willick K, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Gauger EM, Anderson HL and Mol JA
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1) 
Relevant PublicationCharge-state assignment of nanoscale single-electron transistors from their current-voltage characteristics
Limburg B, Thomas JO, Sowa JK, Willick K, Baugh J, Gauger EM, Briggs GAD, Mol JA and Anderson HL
Nanoscale, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 11 (31), 14820-14827.  


Relevant PublicationAnchor Groups for Graphene-Porphyrin Single-Molecule Transistors
Limburg B, Thomas JO, Holloway G, Sadeghi H, Sangtarash S, Hou ICY, Cremers J, Narita A, Müllen K, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD, Mol JA and Anderson HL
Advanced Functional Materials vol. 28 (45) 


bullet iconSelf-Organized Three-Dimensional Nanostructured Architectures in Bulk GaN Generated by Spatial Modulation of Doping
Tiginyanu I, Stevens-Kalceff MA, Sarua A, Braniste T, Monaico E, Popa V, Andrade HD, Thomas JO, Raevschi S, Schulte K and Adelung R
Ecs Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, The Electrochemical Society vol. 5 (5), p218-p227.  


bullet iconScanning Tunneling Microscopy: Imaging the Predicted Isomerism of Oligo(aniline)s: A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study (Small 28/2015)
Thomas JO, Andrade HD, Mills BM, Fox NA, Hoerber HJK and Faul CFJ
Small, Wiley vol. 11 (28), 3429-3429.  
bullet iconImaging the Predicted Isomerism of Oligo(aniline)s: A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study
Thomas JO, Andrade HD, Mills BM, Fox NA, Hoerber HJK and Faul CFJ
Small, Wiley vol. 11 (28), 3430-3434.  


bullet iconFormation of Vibrationally Excited Methyl Radicals Following State-Specific Excitation of Methylamine
Thomas JO, Lower KE and Murray C
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 118 (42), 9844-9852.  


bullet iconTuning structure and function in tetra(aniline)-based rod–coil–rod architectures
Udeh CU, Rannou P, Brown BP, Thomas JO and Faul CFJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 1 (39), 6428-6437.  


bullet iconObservation of NH X3Σ– as a Primary Product of Methylamine Photodissociation: Evidence of Roaming-Mediated Intersystem Crossing?
Thomas JO, Lower KE and Murray C
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 3 (10), 1341-1345.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics
solid heart iconNNL Game Changer Challenge
Jan Mol and James Thomas
£10,000 NNL National Nuclear Laboratory Limited
01-11-2024 - 31-01-2025
solid heart iconSingle-Electron Quantum Devices for Ultra-Low Background Particle Detection Experiments
James Thomas, Adrian Bevan and Jan Mol
£36,893 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-11-2023 - 31-01-2024