

Craig Agnor

Dr Craig Agnor

Senior Lecturer in Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

celestial mechanics - planets and satellites, solar system evolution, planets and satellites - formation, planetary dynamics, planetary systems, accretion

Graham Beck

Dr Graham Beck

Senior Research Fellow

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
David Berman

Prof David Berman

Professor of Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Adrian Bevan

Prof Adrian Bevan

Professor of Physics
Head of The School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Ulla Blumenschein

Dr Ulla Blumenschein

Senior Lecturer of Particle Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Higgs boson decays to fermions, Z bosons + c/b quarks, Search for heavy Higgs bosons, MC generators, SM precision measurements, Calorimeter triggers

Marcella Bona

Dr Marcella Bona

Reader in Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Flavour Physics, Dark Matter Search, Machine Learning, Phenomenology, Pollution Studies

Andreas Brandhuber

Prof Andreas Brandhuber

Professor of Theoretical Physics
Head of The Centre for Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Scattering Amplitudes, Gravitational Waves

Matthew Buican

Dr Matthew Buican

Reader in Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

quantum field theory, conformal field theory, topological quantum field theory, quantum symmetries

David Burgess

Prof David Burgess

Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Enrico Camporeale

Dr Enrico Camporeale

Senior Lecturer in Digital Environment

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Machine Learning, Space Physics, Space Weather, Plasma Physics, Computational methods

Christopher Chen

Dr Christopher Chen

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow | Reader in Space Plasma Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

space plasma physics, heliophysics, space weather

Chris Clarkson

Prof Chris Clarkson

Professor of Cosmology
Head of the Astronomy Unit

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Cosmology, General Relativity

Timothy Clifton

Dr Timothy Clifton

Reader in Relativity and Cosmology
Postgraduate Tutor for Astrophysics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Cosmology, General Relativity, Gravity

Linda Cremonesi

Dr Linda Cremonesi

Reader in Particle Physics
Head of The Centre for Fundamental Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Particle Physics, Neutrinos, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Ian Dawson

Dr Ian Dawson

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Edward Gillen

Dr Edward Gillen

Reader in Astrophysics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Exoplanets, Stars, Planetary system evolution, Origin and prevalence of life, Astrophysics

Thomas Haworth

Dr Thomas Haworth

Reader in Astrophysics
Admissions Lead for MSc Astrophysics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Planet formation, Star formation, Radiative Transfer, Hydrodynamics, Astrophysics, Protoplanetary disks

Jonathan Hays

Prof Jonathan Hays

Professor of Physics
Director Particle Physics Research Centre, Science Director STFC IRIS

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Particle Physics, Higgs boson, neutrino oscillations, research computing, sustainability, AI and Machine Learning

Heli Hietala

Dr Heli Hietala

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Peter Hobson

Prof Peter Hobson

Professor of Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Particle physics, Radiation sensors, Scintillators, Monte Carlo, Optical ray-tracing, Optical holography

Karim Malik

Dr Karim Malik

Reader in Theoretical Cosmology

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Nicola McConkey

Dr Nicola McConkey

Ernest Rutherford Fellow and Lecturer in Particle Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Neutrino Physics, Quantum Technology, Detector Development

Scott Melville

Dr Scott Melville

Lecturer of Cosmology
Stephen Hawking Fellow

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Cosmology, Gravity, Quantum Field Theory

Gustav Mogull

Dr Gustav Mogull

Royal Society University Research Fellow

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Ricardo Monteiro

Dr Ricardo Monteiro

Reader in Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Gravity, Quantum field theory, String theory

David Mulryne

Dr David Mulryne

Royal Society Universty Research Fellow | Reader in Theoretical Cosmology

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Cosmology, Inflation, Primordial Black Holes, Modified Gravity

Richard Nelson

Prof Richard Nelson

Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Constantinos Papageorgakis

Dr Constantinos Papageorgakis

Reader in Theoretical Physics
Head of The Department of Physics and Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Theoretical Physics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, (Super)Conformal Field Theories, String Theory

Malcolm Perry

Prof Malcolm Perry

Professor of Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Sanjaye Ramgoolam

Dr Sanjaye Ramgoolam

Reader in Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

String theory, Quantum field theory, Representation theory, Combinatorics

Eram Rizvi

Prof Eram Rizvi

Professor in Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Ian Roxburgh

Prof Ian Roxburgh

Emeritus Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Bill Spence

Prof Bill Spence

Professor of Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
William Sutherland

Dr William Sutherland

Senior Lecturer in Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Gabriele Travaglini

Prof Gabriele Travaglini

Professor of Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Quantum field theory, scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity, gravitational waves, string theory

David Vegh

Dr David Vegh

Senior Lecturer in Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Abigail Waldron

Dr Abigail Waldron

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Congkao Wen

Dr Congkao Wen

Senior Lecturer

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Christopher White

Prof Christopher White

Professor of Theoretical Physics
SPCS Deputy Director of Education, Director of Teaching and Learning for Physics and Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Particle physics, Gravity, Theoretical physics, High energy physics, Research impact

Ji Wu

Ji Wu

Research Manager

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Seth Zenz

Dr Seth Zenz

Senior Lecturer in Experimental Particle Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Particle physics, Large Hadron Collider, Higgs boson, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence