- On-the-fly bisimulation equivalence checking for fresh-register automata
Bandukara MH and Tzevelekos N
Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier vol. 145
01-12-2023 - Computing the Density of the Positivity Set for Linear Recurrence Sequences
Kelmendi E
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Centre Pour La Communication Scientifique Directe (Ccsd) vol. Volume 19, Issue 4
28-11-2023 - Parameterised and Fine-Grained Subgraph Counting, Modulo 2
Goldberg LA and Roth M
Algorithmica, Springer vol. 86 (4), 944-1005.
02-11-2023 - Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers
MacBrayne A, Curzon P, Soyel H, Marsh W, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
Rheumatology Advances in Practice, Oxford University Press (Oup)
26-10-2023 - Validating IoT Devices with Rate-Based Session Types
Iraci G, Chuang C-E, Hu R and Ziarek L
Proceedings of The Acm on Programming Languages, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 7 (OOPSLA 2), 1589-1617.
16-10-2023 - The largest Condorcet domain on 8 alternatives
Leedham-Green C, Markström K and Riis S
Social Choice and Welfare, Springer Nature vol. 62 (1), 109-116.
05-09-2023 - Higher-order games with dependent types
Escardó M and Oliva P
Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier vol. 974
01-09-2023 - Deconstructing general references via game semantics
Tzevelekos N and Murawski AS
Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond, Springer Nature
02-08-2023 - Keep spending: Beyond optimal cyber-security investment
Malacaria P and Zhang Y
2023 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium.
01-07-2023 - The Power of Positivity
Karimov T, Kelmendi E, Nieuwveld J, Ouaknine J and Worrell J
2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). vol. 00, 1-11.
29-06-2023 - Reachability in Injective Piecewise Affine Maps
Ghahremani F, Kelmendi E and Ouaknine J
2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). vol. 00, 1-11.
29-06-2023 - Fully Abstract Normal Form Bisimulation for Call-by-Value PCF
Koutavas V, Lin Y-Y and Tzevelekos N
2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). vol. 00, 1-13.
29-06-2023 - The Complexity of Pattern Counting in Directed Graphs, Parameterised by the Outdegree
Bressan M, Lanzinger M and Roth M
Proceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing., 542-552.
02-06-2023 - Submixing and shift-invariant stochastic games
Gimbert H and Kelmendi E
International Journal of Game Theory, Springer Nature vol. 52 (4), 1179-1214.
25-05-2023 - Parameterized Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders
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Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics (Siam) vol. 37 (2), 405-486.
26-04-2023 - CROSS: A Framework for Cyber Risk Optimisation in Smart Homes
Zhang Y, Malacaria P, Loukas G and Panaousis E
Computers and Security, Elsevier, 103250-103250.
05-04-2023 - Set-alternating schemes: A new class of large Condorcet domains.
Karpov A, Markström K, Riis S and Zhou B
Corr vol. abs/2308.02817
01-01-2023 - Pushdown Normal-Form Bisimulation: A Nominal Context-Free Approach to Program Equivalence.
Koutavas V, Lin Y-Y and Tzevelekos N
Corr vol. abs/2311.01325
01-01-2023 - New Record-Breaking Condorcet Domains on 10 and 11 Alternatives.
Zhou B and Riis S
Corr vol. abs/2303.06524
01-01-2023 - Exploring Parity Challenges in Reinforcement Learning through Curriculum Learning with Noisy Labels.
Zhou B and Riis S
Corr vol. abs/2312.05379
01-01-2023 - Condorcet Domains of Degree at most Seven.
Akello-Egwell D, Leedham-Green CR, Litterick A, Markström K and Riis S
Corr vol. abs/2306.15993