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14-10-2022 - InfERL: scalable and extensible Erlang static analysis
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06-09-2022 - Decision support for healthcare cyber security
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04-08-2022 - Conjuring with Computation, A Manual of Magic and Computing for Beginners
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23-06-2022 - Approximately Counting Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Disequalities and Negations
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12-06-2022 - Counting small induced subgraphs with hereditary properties
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09-06-2022 - Value iteration for simple stochastic games: Stopping criterion and learning algorithm
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01-05-2022 - Optimal Security Hardening over a Probabilistic Attack Graph: A Case Study of an Industrial Control System using CySecTool
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28-04-2022 - Optimal Security Hardening over a Probabilistic Attack Graph
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18-04-2022 - FAUSTA: Scaling Dynamic Analysis with Traffic Generation at WhatsApp
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14-04-2022 - Bisimulation as a logical relation
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12-04-2022 - Exact and Approximate Pattern Counting in Degenerate Graphs: New Algorithms, Hardness Results, and Complexity Dichotomies
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10-02-2022 - Verification Witnesses.
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01-01-2022 - On-The-Fly Bisimilarity Checking for Fresh-Register Automata
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01-01-2022 - Impartial Games: A Challenge for Reinforcement Learning.
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01-01-2022 - From Bounded Checking to Verification of Equivalence via Symbolic Up-to Techniques
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