Dr Fredrik DahlqvistLecturer in Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Theoretical computer science, probabilistic programming, probability theory, category theory, logic |
Prof Dino DistefanoProfessor of Software Verification School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science automatic program verification |
Dr Raymond HuLecturer in Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Programming languages, Distributed programming, Type systems, Session types, Behavioural types |
Dr Edon KelmendiLecturer in Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Dynamical Systems, Logics in CS, Game theory, Automata |
Dr Vasileios KlimisLecturer in Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science building and verifying formal models, automated testing for GPU compilers, analysing weak memory models |
Prof Pasquale MalacariaProfessor of Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science information theory and program analysis, computer security, semantics of programming languages |
Dr Paulo OlivaReader in Mathematical Logic School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science mathematical logic, proof theory, formal verification, algorithms |
Dr Soren RiisReader School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Mathematical Logic, Complexity Theory, Proof Complexity, Algebraic Proof Complexity, Information Theory, Network Coding |
Prof Edmund RobinsonProfessor of Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Logic, Category Theory, Semantics |
Dr Marc RothLecturer in Theoretical Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science graph theory, algorithmics, computational complexity theory, parameterised algorithms, fine-grained complexity theory, computational counting problems |
Dr Michael ShekelyanLecturer in Computer Science School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Federated Learning, Differential Privacy, Random Sampling, Data Summaries, Query Processing |
Dr Michael TautschnigLecturer School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Software Verification, Concurrency, Decision Procedures |
Dr Nikolaos TzevelekosSenior Lecturer School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Program analysis, Game semantics, Denotational semantics, Automata over infinite alphabets |
Dr Przemysław (Przemek) WałęgaSenior Lecturer School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Temporal Reasoning, Logic, Computational Complexity, Graph Neural Networks |