

Fredrik Dahlqvist

Dr Fredrik Dahlqvist

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Theoretical computer science, probabilistic programming, probability theory, category theory, logic

Dino Distefano

Prof Dino Distefano

Professor of Software Verification

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

automatic program verification

Raymond Hu

Dr Raymond Hu

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Programming languages, Distributed programming, Type systems, Session types, Behavioural types

Edon Kelmendi

Dr Edon Kelmendi

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dynamical Systems, Logics in CS, Game theory, Automata

Vasileios Klimis

Dr Vasileios Klimis

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

building and verifying formal models, automated testing for GPU compilers, analysing weak memory models

Pasquale Malacaria

Prof Pasquale Malacaria

Professor of Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

information theory and program analysis, computer security, semantics of programming languages

Paulo Oliva

Dr Paulo Oliva

Reader in Mathematical Logic
Director of Outreach / Programme Director for Computer Science and Mathematics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

mathematical logic, proof theory, formal verification, algorithms

Soren Riis

Dr Soren Riis


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Mathematical Logic, Complexity Theory, Proof Complexity, Algebraic Proof Complexity, Information Theory, Network Coding

Edmund Robinson

Prof Edmund Robinson

Professor of Computer Science
Head of The Centre for Fundamental Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Logic, Category Theory, Semantics

Marc Roth

Dr Marc Roth

Lecturer in Theoretical Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

graph theory, algorithmics, computational complexity theory, parameterised algorithms, fine-grained complexity theory, computational counting problems

Michael Shekelyan

Dr Michael Shekelyan

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Federated Learning, Differential Privacy, Random Sampling, Data Summaries, Query Processing

Michael Tautschnig

Dr Michael Tautschnig


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Software Verification, Concurrency, Decision Procedures

Nikolaos Tzevelekos

Dr Nikolaos Tzevelekos

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Program analysis, Game semantics, Denotational semantics, Automata over infinite alphabets

Przemysław (Przemek) Wałęga

Dr Przemysław (Przemek) Wałęga

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Temporal Reasoning, Logic, Computational Complexity, Graph Neural Networks