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01-12-2021 - Evidence for the Widespread Occurrence of Bacteria Implicated in Acute Oak Decline from Incidental Genetic Sampling
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01-12-2021 - A Mutation–Selection Model of Protein Evolution under Persistent Positive Selection
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25-10-2021 - The Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics Project: probing the evolution of symbiosis across the tree of life
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06-10-2021 - Alternative developmental and transcriptomic responses to host plant water limitation in a butterfly metapopulation
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27-09-2021 - Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan
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14-09-2021 - Ancient role of sulfakinin/cholecystokinin-type signalling in inhibitory regulation of feeding processes revealed in an echinoderm
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07-09-2021 - The Mutable Collagenous Tissue of Echinoderms: From Biology to Biomedical Applications
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11-06-2021 - A specific and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for measurement of relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide in the starfish Asterias rubens
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04-06-2021 - The development and neuronal complexity of bipinnaria larvae of the sea star Asterias rubens.
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27-05-2021 - Detecting adaptive introgression in human evolution using convolutional neural networks
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25-05-2021 - Early embryogenesis and organogenesis in the annelid Owenia fusiformis
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10-05-2021 - Molecular identification and cellular localisation of a corticotropin-releasing hormone type neuropeptide in an echinoderm
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07-05-2021 - Distinguishing between recent balancing selection and incomplete sweep using deep neural networks
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05-04-2021 - Dataset of the next-generation sequencing of variable 16S rRNA from bacteria and ITS2 regions from fungi and plants derived from honeybees kept under anthropogenic landscapes
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02-04-2021 - Spatially clustered count data provide more efficient search strategies in invasion biology and disease control.
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22-03-2021 - Amplicon Sequencing of Variable 16S rRNA from Bacteria and ITS2 Regions from Fungi and Plants, Reveals Honeybee Susceptibility to Diseases Results from Their Forage Availability under Anthropogenic Landscapes
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22-03-2021 - Genome-wide screens in yeast models towards understanding chronological lifespan regulation
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17-03-2021 - Targeted molecular profiling of rare olfactory sensory neurons identifies fate, wiring and functional determinants
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05-03-2021 - Functional analysis of sense organ specification in the Tribolium castaneum larva reveals divergent mechanisms in insects
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05-02-2021 - Crosstalk between the mTOR and DNA Damage Response Pathways in Fission Yeast
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02-02-2021 - The emergence of the brain non-CpG methylation system in vertebrates
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Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research Editors: Domingues V.