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14-12-2017 - Functional characterization of a second pedal peptide/orcokinin-type neuropeptide signaling system in the starfish Asterias rubens
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08-12-2017 - Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
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24-10-2017 - Transcriptomic discovery and comparative analysis of neuropeptide precursors in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea).
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18-10-2017 - A possible structural correlate of learning performance on a colour discrimination task in the brain of the bumblebee
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04-10-2017 - Functional Characterization of Paralogous Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Type and Corazonin-Type Neuropeptides in an Echinoderm
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29-09-2017 - Transcriptomics reveals tissue/organ-specific differences in gene expression in the starfish Patiria pectinifera
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09-09-2017 - Discovery of novel representatives of bilaterian neuropeptide families and reconstruction of neuropeptide precursor evolution in ophiuroid echinoderms
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06-09-2017 - Pedal peptide/orcokinin-type neuropeptide signaling in a deuterostome: The anatomy and pharmacology of starfish myorelaxant peptide in Asterias rubens
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28-08-2017 - Body wall structure in the starfish Asterias rubens
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16-07-2017 - The evolution of host-symbiont dependence
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04-07-2017 - The evolution and nomenclature of GnRH-type and corazonin-type neuropeptide signaling systems
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13-06-2017 - The neuropeptidome of the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish, Acanthaster planci.
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21-04-2017 - Open questions: Tackling Darwin’s “instincts”: the genetic basis of behavioral evolution
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03-04-2017 - The fire ant social chromosome supergene variant Sb shows low diversity but high divergence from SB
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01-04-2017 - Survey of Global Genetic Diversity Within the Drosophila Immune System
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01-01-2017 - Genetic linkage to explain genetic variation
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