Research Grants

The following are current grants held by members of the Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Genomics that are of particular relevance:

  • Using Population Genetics to Address Metabolic Health Disparities in East London's Diverse Ethnic Populations
    Moneeza Kalhan Siddiqui, Segun Fatumo, Matteo Fumagalli and Sarah Finer
    £74,125 Barts and the London Charity
    24-02-2025 - 23-02-2026
  • Exploring the cooperativity of the POU-SOX stemness regulators during early animal evolution
    Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
    £3,000 Royal Society
    01-02-2025 - 01-02-2026
  • Synthetic clinical data for underrepresented populations: a UK-France alliance
    Matteo Fumagalli, Moneeza Kalhan Siddiqui and Venet Osmani
    £9,500 DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
    01-01-2025 - 31-03-2025
  • Efficient computational technologies to resolve the Timetree of Life: from ancient DNA to species-rich phylogenies
    Mario dos Reis
    £460,301 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    29-11-2024 - 28-11-2027
  • The evolution of developmental system drift in axial specification in Spiralia
    Chema Martin Duran
    £648,579 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    01-08-2024 - 31-07-2027
  • Molecular and Cellular Evolution of Sensory Organs - GRANT TRANSFER
    Roman Arguello
    £59,906 Swiss National Science Foundation
    01-07-2024 - 30-06-2025
  • Assessing the potential of DNA methylation for intergenerational inheritance in a sea anemone - Alex de Mendoza
    Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
    £42,696 Royal Society
    01-03-2024 - 31-08-2025
  • Heads or tails? The evolution of trunk growth heterochronies in animal larvae
    Chema Martin Duran
    £325,064 Leverhulme Trust
    01-01-2024 - 31-12-2026
  • NSFDEB-NERC: Machine learning tools to discover balancing selection in genomes from spatial and temporal autocorrelations
    Matteo Fumagalli
    £121,751 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    01-12-2023 - 30-11-2026
  • Predicting risk to non-native trees species from potential threats in the UK
    Richard Nichols
    £13,521 DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
    01-10-2023 - 31-03-2025
  • BBKA - Lido iCase studentship
    Yannick Wurm
    £6,000 BBKA British Beekeepers Association
    01-09-2023 - 31-08-2027
  • Integrating cellular space and time: inteplays between subcellular organisation and lifespan-GRANT TRANSFER
    Charalampos (Babis) Rallis
    £269,451 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    01-09-2023 - 14-04-2026
  • Discovering missing links in neuropeptide evolution and function
    Maurice Elphick and Arianna Fornili
    £576,040 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    01-06-2023 - 31-05-2026
  • BBSRC-NSF/BIO - Host immune suppression as a key adaptation enabling bacterial symbioses
    Lee Henry
    £432,267 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    24-08-2022 - 23-08-2025
  • Future Leadership Fellowship: Testing how developmental pathways can predict evolutionary adaptation to climate change-GRANT TRANSFER
    Vicencio Oostra
    £1,404,707 MRC Medical Research Council
    31-05-2022 - 31-12-2026
  • The Role of Nutrition as an Epigenetic Modulator of Phenotypic Plasticity during Honeybee Development
    Paul J. Hurd
    £672,317 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    01-05-2022 - 30-04-2026
  • Deciphering the evolution of cytosine DNA methylation across eukaryotes through experimental and epi - ERC StG 2020 Alex de Mendoza
    Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
    £1,213,073 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
    01-09-2021 - 31-08-2026
  • Transcriptomic diagnostics for identifying interactive effects of pesticides, food deficiency, and heat stress on bee health
    Yannick Wurm
    £548,472 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    06-04-2021 - 05-05-2025
  • Survey and BIOinformatic review of fluid-tissue proteomics: novel biomarkers for ALS
    Andrea Malaspina and Conrad Bessant
    £188,946 Barts and the London Charity
    01-09-2020 - 31-08-2025
  • Linking livestock genetic diversity with three thousands years of agricultural crises and resilience
    Laurent Frantz
    £731,804 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
    01-04-2020 - 31-03-2025