London Evo-Devo
Centre for Evolutionary and Functional GenomicsDate: 8 November 2024 Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Location: Maths Lecture Theatre
Given all the outstanding evo-devo work going on at QMUL and the greater London area, several Centre members (Alex de Mendoza, Chema Martin, and Roman Arguello, along with group leaders from The Crick and UCL) felt that a regular gathering to share recent discoveries and to network would be a real asset. Not too long ago there was such a meeting, and they are aiming to revive the spirit of it.
As part of the Centre of Evolutionary and Functional Genomics, their hope is to arrange a sustainable meeting that would occur once or twice a year. The current plan is to have half-day events that include short presentations/feedback (15 min + 5 min Qs) and socialization. Ideally, the location of these meetings will rotate among the organizer's campuses. They wish to cast a wide net by defining "evo-devo" broadly and attract researchers working directly in the area but also those working on evolutionary or developmental biology looking to bridge to the other side.
They have arranged the rebooting of London EvoDevo to be November 8th on Queen Mary's campus from 13:00 – 17:00.
If you'd like to join, please register here:
Updated by: Paul J. Hurd