- Navigating CIE Space for Efficient TADF Downconversion WOLEDs
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Dyes and Pigments, Elsevier vol. 183
01-12-2020 - Excited State Dynamics of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence from an Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer System
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 11 (9), 3305-3312.
07-04-2020 - Erratum: Beyond Marcus theory and the Landauer-Büttiker approach in molecular junctions: A unified framework (Journal of Chemical Physics (2018)(149) (154112) DOI: 10.1063/1.5049537)
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Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 152 (9)
03-03-2020 - Role of metallic leads and electronic degeneracies in thermoelectric power generation in quantum dots
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Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (1)
01-02-2020 - Large amplitude charge noise and random telegraph fluctuations in room-temperature graphene single-electron transistors
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14-01-2020 - Modulation of charge transfer by N -alkylation to control photoluminescence energy and quantum yield
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Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (27), 6990-6995.
01-01-2020 - Exploiting trifluoromethyl substituents for tuning orbital character of singlet and triplet states to increase the rate of thermally activated delayed fluorescence
Ward JS, Danos A, Stachelek P, Fox MA, Batsanov AS, Monkman AP and Bryce MR
Materials Chemistry Frontiers, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 4 (12), 3602-3615.