Prof Lei Su

Lei Su

Professor of Photonics

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


Sensors and Instrumentation, Optical Devices and Systems, Optoelectronics, Fibre Optics, Photonics, Artificial Intelligence


My research is centred on sensors and instrumentation, optical devices and optoelectronic materials for imaging, detection, monitoring and communication, interfacing with Artificial Intelligence, Materials, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, in applications such as healthcare, energy and security.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering


Relevant PublicationPhotonic-enabled Simultaneous Self-interference Cancellation and Image Rejection Receiver with Dispersion Immunity Fiber Transmission
Wang J, Han X, Wang W, Su L and Zhao M
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-10.  
Relevant PublicationMetal Halide Perovskites for Applications in Biomimetic Devices
Chu W and Su L
Inorganics, Mdpi vol. 12 (12) 
bullet iconSoft Optical Waveguide Shape Sensing Using Deep Learning
Wang X, Li Z, Wang Y and Su L
2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR). vol. 00, 1-2.  
Relevant PublicationFabrication of Potassium- and Rubidium-Doped Formamidinium Lead Bromide Nanocrystals for Surface Defect Passivation and Improved Photoluminescence Stability
Tabassum M, Zia Q, Ye H, Neal WG, Aslam S, Zhang J and Su L
Acs Applied Electronic Materials 
bullet iconEnhanced Light Control in Transmission and Reflection through a Dynamically Deformed Multimode Fiber with Deep Learning
Fan P, Wang Y, Ruddlesden M, Zuo C and Su L
CLEO 2024


Relevant PublicationSoft Optical Waveguides for Biomedical Applications, Wearable Devices, and Soft Robotics: A Review
Wang X, Li Z and Su L
Advanced Intelligent Systems, Wiley vol. 6 (1) 
Relevant PublicationUniversal dynamics and deterministic motion control of decoherently seeded temporal dissipative solitons via spectral filtering effect
Li Z, Liu H, Zha Z, Su L, Shum PP and Guo H
Photonics Research, Optica Publishing Group vol. 11 (12) 
Relevant PublicationA timeline of surgical lighting – Is automated lighting the future?
Sharma N, Heer A and Su L
The Surgeon, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationHighly sensitive microfiber ultrasound sensor for photoacoustic imaging
Shum PP, Keiser G, Humbert G, Hu DJJ, Zhang AP and Su L
Opto-Electronic Advances, 230065-230065.  
Relevant PublicationFAPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals Embedded in Poly(L–lactic acid) Nanofibrous Membranes for Enhanced Air and Water Stability
Tabassum M, Zia Q, Li J, Khawar MT, Aslam S and Su L
Membranes, Mdpi vol. 13 (3) 
Relevant PublicationTuning parameters of phase retrieval algorithm for single-shot imaging based on object-modulated speckles by particle swarm optimization
Hernandez-Alvarez CA, Song L, Wang Y, Alonso-Rasgado T and Su L
Optics and Laser Technology, Elsevier vol. 159 
bullet iconMultimode Waveguide Shape Sensing
Wang X, Wang Y, Li Z and Su L
28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors


Relevant PublicationSingle-crystal organometallic perovskite optical fibers
Zhou Y, Parkes MA, Zhang J, Wang Y, Ruddlesden M, Fielding HH and Su L
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 8 (38) 
Relevant PublicationA Review of Recent Developments in Smart Textiles Based on Perovskite Materials
Tabassum M, Zia Q, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Reece MJ and Su L
Textiles, Mdpi vol. 2 (3), 447-463.  
bullet iconLearning to sense three-dimensional shape deformation of a single multimode fiber
Wang X, Wang Y, Zhang K, Althoefer K and Su L
Scientific Reports, Nature Research 
bullet iconSemi-supervised Learning Enabled Scalable High-Spatial-Density Channel Multiplexing over Multimode Fibers
Fan P, Ruddlesden M, Wang Y, Zhao L, Lu C and Su L
2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC). vol. 00, 1-4.  
Relevant PublicationA review of geometry-confined perovskite morphologies: From synthesis to efficient optoelectronic applications
Zhang J, Shum P and Su L
Nano Research, Springer 
Relevant PublicationDeep Learning Enabled Scalable Calibration of a Dynamically Deformed Multimode Fiber
Fan P, Wang Y, Ruddlesden M, Wang X, Thaha MA, Sun J, Zuo C and Su L
Advanced Photonics Research, Wiley, 2100304-2100304.  
Relevant PublicationSpecial issue on translational biophotonics
Kong L, Evans C, Su L, Elson DS and Wei X
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 55 (16), 160401-160401.  
Relevant PublicationTuning the optical properties of MAPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals via alkali metal ions doping
Tabassum M, Zia Q, Aslam S, Wang Y, Zhang J, Reece M and Su L
Advanced Materials Proceedings, International Association of Advanced Materials 


Relevant PublicationA review on advances in doping with alkali metals in halide perovskite materials
Tabassum M, Zia Q, Zhou Y, Reece MJ and Su L
Discover Applied Sciences, Springer Nature vol. 3 (12) 
Relevant PublicationPolarization-Sensitive Photodetector Using Patterned Perovskite Single-Crystalline Thin Films
Zhang J, Zhao J, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Blankenagle K, Wang X, Tabassum M and Su L
Advanced Optical Materials, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationLearning Enabled Continuous Transmission of Spatially Distributed Information through Multimode Fibers
Fan P, Ruddlesden M, Wang Y, Zhao L, Lu C and Su L
Laser and Photonics Reviews, Wiley-Vch Verlag 
Relevant PublicationDistributed Fiber-Optic Ultrasonic Sensor Applied in Detection of Discharging Fault of Power Cable Joint
Chen Hao 陈, Xu Yang 徐, Qian Sen 钱, Chen Chuan 陈, Guo Jinghong 郭 and Su Lei 苏
Acta Optica Sinica, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics vol. 41 (3) 


Relevant PublicationMicrofiber-knot-resonator induced energy transferring from vector noise-like pulse to scalar soliton rains in an erbium-doped fiber laser
Zhou J, Gu S, Chen Z, Lou B, Jiang Y, Zhao J, Li L, Tang D, Shen D, Su L and Zhao L
Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationSolution-Processed Epitaxial Growth of Arbitrary Surface Nanopatterns on Hybrid Perovskite Monocrystalline Thin Films.
Zhang J, Guo Q, Li X, Li C, Wu K, Abrahams I, Yan H, Knight MM, Humphreys CJ and Su L
Acs Nano, American Chemical Society 
Relevant PublicationNonlinear Absorbing-Loop Mirror in a Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser
zhao J, Zhou J, Jiang Y, Li L, Shen D, Komarov A, Su L, Tang D, Klimczak M and Zhao L
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationSubstitutional doping of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite crystals for thermoelectrics
TANG W, Zhang J, RATNASINGHAM SR, Liscio F, CHEN K, Liu T, Wan K, Suena Galindez E, Bilotti E, Reece M, Baxendale M, Milita S, McLachlan M, Su L and Fenwick O
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) 
Relevant PublicationBreach and recurrence of dissipative soliton resonance during period doubling evolution in a ber laser
Wang Y, Su L, Wang S, Hua L, Li L, Shen D, Tang D, Komarov A, Klimczak M, Fu S, Tang M, Tang X and Zhao L
Physical Review a: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, American Physical Society 
Relevant PublicationTransient nanostrain detection in phi-OTDR using statistics-based signal processing
Chen H, Xu Y, Qian S, Yuan H and Su L
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationPeriod doubling of multiple dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a fibre laser
Hua L, Wang S, Yang X, Yao X, Li L, Komarov A, Klimczak M, SHEN D, Tang D, Su L and Zhao L
Osa Continuum, The Optical Society 
Relevant PublicationCarrier Beating Impairment in Weakly Coupled Multicore Fiber-Based IM/DD Systems
Zhao J, Gan L, Su L, Zhang J, He H, Cai W, Wang J, Fu S and Tang M
Ieee Access, Ieee vol. 8, 65699-65710.  
Relevant PublicationPeriod doubling eigenstates in a fiber laser mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation
Yao X, Li L, Komarov A, Klimczak M, Tang D, SHEN D, Su L and Zhao L
Optics Express, Optical Society of America (Osa) 
Relevant PublicationLaser-triggered drug release from polymeric 3-D micro-structured films via optical fibers
Kurochkin MA, Sindeeva OA, Brodovskaya EP, Gai M, Frueh J, Su L, Sapelkin A, Tuchin VV and Sukhorukov GB
Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials For Biological Applications, Elsevier vol. 110 
bullet iconSpeckle Reconstruction with Corruption through Multimode Fibers Using Deep Learning
Fan P, Ruddlesden M, Wang Y and Su L
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics


bullet iconFiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors for Partial Discharge Detection in Power Cables
Hao C, Yang X, Sen Q and Lei S
In Proceedings of The 21st International Symposium On High Voltage Engineering, Springer Nature 572-581.  
bullet iconNarrow-bandwidth h-shaped pulse generation and evolution in a net normal dispersion thulium-doped fiber laser
Zhao J, Zhou J, Li L, Klimczak M, Komarov A, Su L, Tang D, Shen D and Zhao L
Optics Express vol. 27 (21), 29770-29780.  
bullet iconGeneration of noise-like pulses with 203 nm 3-dB bandwidth
Wang X, Komarov A, Klimczak M, Su L, Tang D, Shen D, Li L and Zhao L
Optics Express vol. 27 (17), 24147-24153.  
bullet iconDeep learning the high variability and randomness inside multimode fibers
FAN P, Zhao T and SU L
Optics Express, Optical Society of America (Osa) vol. 27 (15), 20241-20258.  
bullet iconDissipative soliton resonance and its depression into burst-like emission in a holmium-doped fiber laser with large normal dispersion
Zhao J, Zhou J, Li L, Zhao L, Tang D, Shen D and Su L
Optics Letters vol. 44 (10), 2414-2417.  
bullet iconVarious soliton molecules in fiber systems
Li L, Huang H, Su L, Shen D, Tang D, Klimczak M and Zhao L
Applied Optics vol. 58 (10), 2745-2753.  
bullet iconTunable and switchable harmonic h-shaped pulse generation in a 3.03 km ultralong mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser
Zhao J, Li L, Zhao L, Tang D, Shen D and SU L
Photonics Research, Optical Society of America 
bullet iconUnusual Evolutions of Dissipative-Soliton-Resonance Pulses in an All-Normal Dispersion Fiber Laser
Wang Y, Li L, Zhao J, Wang S, Shu C, Su L, Tang D, Shen D and Zhao L
Ieee Photonics Journal vol. 11 (1) 
bullet iconDissipative Soliton Resonance Interruption and Restoration
Zhao L, Wang Y, li L, Zhao J, Su L, Tang D and Shen D
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS


bullet iconLight Propagation Prediction through Multimode Optical Fibers with a Deep Neural Network
Fan P, Deng L and Su L
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, IAEAC 2018., 1080-1084.  
bullet iconHigh sensitivity detection of partial discharge acoustic emission within power transformer by sagnac fiber optic sensor
Qian S, Chen H, Xu Y and Su L
Ieee Transactions On Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation vol. 25 (6), 2313-2320.  
Relevant PublicationBayes’ theorem based binary algorithm for fast reference-less calibration of a multimode fiber
ZHAO T, DENG L, WANG W, Elson D and SU L
Optics Express, Optical Society of America (Osa) 
bullet iconDeep learning the high variability and randomness inside multimode fibres
Pengfei F, Tianrui Z and SU L
Arxiv:1807.09351 [Physics.Optics] 
bullet iconCharacterization of an imaging multimode optical fiber using a digital micro-mirror device based single-beam system
Deng L, Yan JD, Elson DS and Su L
Optics Express vol. 26 (14) 
Relevant PublicationBifunctional aptamer-mediated catalytic hairpin assembly for the sensitive and homogenous detection of rare cancer cells.
Liu J, Zhang Y, Zhao Q, Situ B, Zhao J, Luo S, Li B, Yan X, Vadgama P, Su L, Ma W, Wang W and Zheng L
Anal Chim Acta vol. 1029, 58-64.  
bullet iconRoute to Larger Pulse Energy in Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
Zhao L, Li D, Li L, Wang X, Geng Y, Shen D and Su L
Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics vol. 24 (3) 
bullet iconInternal polarization dynamics of vector dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in normal dispersion fiber lasers
Li D, Shen D, Li L, Tang D, Su L and Zhao L
Optics Letters vol. 43 (6), 1222-1225.  
bullet iconDecomposition of group-velocity-locked-vector-dissipative solitons and formation of the high-order soliton structure by the product of their recombination
Wang X, Li L, Geng Y, Wang H, Su L and Zhao L
Applied Optics vol. 57 (4), 746-751.  
bullet iconOptical ultrasound generation and detection for intravascular imaging: A review
Zhao T, Su L and Xia W
Journal of Healthcare Engineering vol. 2018 


bullet iconPower Flow in a Large-Core Multimode Fiber under External Perturbation and its Applications
Qian S, Xu Y, Zhong L and Su L
Scientific Reports vol. 7 (1) 
bullet iconPhotonic time-stretch optical coherence tomography with data compression and improved resolution
Mididoddi CK, Wang G, Su L and Wang C
2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2017. vol. 2017-January, 1-3.  
bullet iconC-shape microfiber taper interferometer for simultaneous measurement of curvature and temperature
Luo H, Su L, Zhang J, Yuan W, Liu S, Wang Y, Wang C and Wang X
Optik vol. 145, 181-187.  
bullet iconNew Bioengineering Breakthroughs and Enabling Tools in Regenerative Medicine
Mata A, Azevedo HS, Botto L, Gavara N and Su L
Current Stem Cell Reports vol. 3 (2), 83-97.  
bullet iconLensless wide-field single-shot imaging through turbid media based on object-modulated speckles
Wu P, Liang Z, Zhao X, SU L and Song L
Applied Optics, Optical Society of America 


bullet iconTrapping and rotating of a metallic particle trimer with optical vortex
Shen Z, SU L, Yuan X and Shen Y
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 109 (24) 
bullet iconA distributed fiber sensing system for acoustic emission and vibration of power equipment
Qian S, Chen H, Xu Y, Zhong L and Su L
2016 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis., 802-805.  
bullet iconFast and reliable interrogation of USFBG sensors based on MG-Y laser discrete wavelength channels
Rohollahnejad J, Xia L, Cheng R, Ran Y and Su L
Optics Communications vol. 382, 253-257.  
bullet iconModelling of a single multimode fiber imaging system
Liu C, Deng L, Liu D and SU L
bullet iconVertically-oriented nanoparticle dimer based on focused plasmonic trapping
Shen Z, Su L and Shen Y-C
Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 24 (14), 16052-16052.  
bullet iconAcoustic Fiber Optic Sensors for Partial Discharge Monitoring
Qian S, Chen H, Xu Y, Zhong L and Su L
2016 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)., 109-112.  
bullet iconInvestigation on sensitivity enhancement for optical fiber speckle sensors
Qian S, Xu Y, Zhong L and SU L
Optics Express, Optical Society of America: Open Access Journals vol. 24 (10), 10829-10840.  
bullet iconPlasmonic nanopore-based platforms for single-molecule Raman scattering
Deng L, Wang Y, Liu C, Hu DJJ, Shum PP and Su L
Optics Communications vol. 372, 113-117.  
bullet iconPlasmonic trapping and tuning of a gold nanoparticle dimer
Shen Z and SU L
Optics Express, Optical Society of America: Open Access Journals vol. 24 (5), 4801-4811.  
bullet iconDesign of Single-Shot Multimode Fiber Based Endoscope
Deng L, Liu C, Song L, Yan J and Su L
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics


bullet iconLaser-induced tissue fluorescence in radiofrequency tissue-fusion characterization
Su L, Fonseca MB, Arya S, Kudo H, Goldin R, Hanna GB and Elson DS
Journal of Biomedical Optics, Spie, The International Society For Optics and Photonics vol. 19 (1), 015007-015007.  
bullet iconDesign of Plasmonic Nanopore Platforms for Single-Molecule Detection
Deng L, Wang Y, Shen Z, Liu C, Hu DJJ, Shum PP and Su L
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2014
bullet iconAdvances in fiber optic based solutions for smart grid
Yi X, Dong J and Su L
Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications, E2 2014


bullet iconRaman spectroscopic evidence of tissue restructuring in heat‐induced tissue fusion
Su L, Cloyd KL, Arya S, Hedegaard MAB, Steele JAM, Elson DS, Stevens MM and Hanna GB
Journal of Biophotonics, Wiley vol. 7 (9), 713-723.  
bullet iconRadiofrequency-induced small bowel thermofusion: an ex vivo study of intestinal seal adequacy using mechanical and imaging modalities
Arya S, Hadjievangelou N, Lei S, Kudo H, Goldin RD, Darzi AW, Elson DS and Hanna GB
Surgical Endoscopy, Springer Nature vol. 27 (9), 3485-3496.  
bullet iconRadiofrequency tissue fusion for small bowel sealing: A study of seal quality using mechanical testing and imaging
Hadjievangelou N, Arya S, Su L, Kudo H, Goldin RD, Darzi AW, Elson DS and Hanna GB
BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY. vol. 100, 12-12.  


bullet iconInvestigating the response of As2S3-based SERS substrates
Rowlands CJ, Su L and Elliott SR
Optical Materials, Elsevier vol. 32 (11), 1413-1416.  
bullet iconRapid Prototyping of Low‐Loss IR Chalcogenide‐Glass Waveguides by Controlled Remelting
Rowlands CJ, Su L and Elliott SR
Chemphyschem, Wiley vol. 11 (11), 2393-2398.  
bullet iconAll-fiber microcantilever sensor monitored by a low-cost fiber-to-tip structure with subnanometer resolution.
Su L and Elliott SR
Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group vol. 35 (8), 1212-1214.  


bullet iconEvanescent-wave excitation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates by an optical-fiber taper.
Su L, Lee TH and Elliott SR
Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group vol. 34 (17), 2685-2687.  
bullet iconNanostructures fabricated in chalcogenide glass for use as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates.
Su L, Rowlands CJ and Elliott SR
Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group vol. 34 (11), 1645-1647.  
bullet iconEvidence of formation of tightly bound rare-earth clusters in chalcogenide glasses and their evolution with glass composition
Lee TH, Simdyankin SI, Su L and Elliott SR
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 79 (18) 


bullet iconFabrication of photonic waveguides in sulfide chalcogenide glasses by selective wet-etching
Su L, Rowlands CJ, Lee TH and Elliott SR
Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 44 (7), 472-474.  


bullet iconCO2-laser fabricated long-period grating sensors in graded-index multimode fibers
Lei S, Chao L and Kin SC
2006 Optical Fiber Communication Conference, and the 2006 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference. vol. 2006 
bullet iconWavelength-selective all-fiber filter based on a single long-period fiber grating and a misaligned splicing point
Dong X, Su L, Shum P, Chung Y and Chan CC
Optics Communications, Elsevier vol. 258 (2), 159-163.  
bullet iconMultimode fiber Bragg grating based fiber lasers and optical sensors
Su L and Lu C
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
bullet iconCO/sub 2/-laser-induced long-period gratings in graded-index multimode fibers for sensor applications
Su L, Chiang KS and Lu C
Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 18 (1), 190-192.  
bullet iconCO2-laser fabricated long-period grating sensors in graded-index multimode fibers
Su L, Lu C and Chiang KS
2006 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference., 3-64.  


bullet iconMicrobend-induced mode coupling in a graded-index multimode fiber.
Su L, Chiang KS and Lu C
Applied Optics, Optica Publishing Group vol. 44 (34), 7394-7402.  
bullet iconFiber Bragg-grating incorporated microbend sensor for simultaneous mechanical parameter and temperature measurement
Su L, Chiang KS and Lu C
Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 17 (12), 2697-2699.  
bullet iconMultimode fiber Bragg grating based fiber lasers and optical sensors
Su L and Lu C
Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Technical Digest Series. vol. 1, 61-63.  
bullet iconDesign of wavelength-switching erbium-doped fiber lasers with a multimode fiber Bragg grating using spatial-mode excitation and selection techniques
Su L, Lu C, Hao J, Li Z and Wang Y
Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 17 (2), 315-317.  
bullet iconWavelength-switching fibre laser based on multimode fibre Bragg gratings
Su L and Lu C
Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 41 (1), 11-13.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering
solid heart iconPortable Luminescent Chemical Compass
Lei Su
£240,176 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-01-2025 - 31-12-2027
solid heart iconClock-Chips - Incorporating the Circadian Clock into Organ-on-a-Chip Technology
David Lee and Lei Su
£387,326 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-10-2024 - 31-03-2026
solid heart iconScalable Manufacturing of Single-Crystal Perovskite Optical and Electronic Devices: Follow-On
Lei Su, Oliver Fenwick, Colin Crick and Stoichko Dimitrov
£941,955 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-03-2024 - 28-02-2027
solid heart iconIntegrated Human-Augmented Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Platform for Precision Viticulture
Ketao Zhang and Lei Su
£297,599 Innovate UK
01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026
solid heart iconWearable ultrasound sensor for vascular access home monitoring
Lei Su and Haixue Yan
£25,000 Kidney Research UK
01-01-2023 - 31-08-2025

solid heart iconBody-Worn Multimodal Sensor for Point-of-Care Vascular Access Monitoring
Lei Su
£302,920 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-10-2021 - 31-12-2023
solid heart iconWafer-Scale Manufacturing of Single-Crystal Perovskite Optoelectronics
Lei Su
£253,046 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
05-07-2021 - 04-07-2023
solid heart iconTHESIS
Lei Su
£156,364 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
01-10-2018 - 30-09-2020
solid heart iconInternational Exchanges Scheme: China
Lei Su
£12,000 Royal Society
31-03-2017 - 30-03-2022