- Percolation in real multiplex networks
Bianconi G and Radicchi F
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society
16-12-2016 - Profinite automata
Rowland E and Yassawi R
Advances in Applied Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 85, 60-83.
09-12-2016 - Network analysis and modelling: Special issue of European Journal of Applied Mathematics
Porter MA and Bianconi G
European Journal of Applied Mathematics vol. 27 (6), 807-811.
01-12-2016 - Functional Multiplex PageRank
Iacovacci J, Rahmede C, Arenas A and Bianconi G
Europhysics Letters: a Letters Journal Exploring The Frontiers of Physics, European Physical Society vol. 116, 28004-28004.
28-11-2016 - Bratteli diagrams where random orders are imperfect
Janssen J, Quas A and Yassawi R
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society (Ams) vol. 145 (2), 721-735.
31-10-2016 - Search reliability and search efficiency of combined Lévy–Brownian motion: long relocations mingled with thorough local exploration
Palyulin VV, KLAGES RG, Chechkin AV and Metzler R
Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical, Iop Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 49 (39), 394002-394002.
08-09-2016 - Message passing theory for percolation models on multiplex networks with
link overlap
Cellai D, Dorogovtsev SN and Bianconi G
Physical Review E, American Physical Society
01-09-2016 - Mapping between dynamic markings and performed loudness: A machine learning approach
Kosta K, Ramirez R, Bandtlow OF and Chew E
Journal of Mathematics and Music, Taylor &Amp; Francis: Stm, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles vol. 10, 149-172. Editors: Fiore T.
03-08-2016 - The role of dimensionality in neuronal network dynamics
Ulloa Severino FP, Ban J, Song Q, Tang M, Bianconi G, Cheng G and Torre V
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1)
11-07-2016 - Correlated Edge Overlaps in Multiplex Networks
Baxter GJ, Bianconi G, Costa RAD, Dorogovtsev SN and Mendes JFF
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
06-07-2016 - A Fractional Diffusion Equation for an n-Dimensional Correlated Levy Walk
Taylor-King JP, KLAGES R, Van Gorder RA and Fedotov S
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics vol. 94, 012104-012104.
06-07-2016 - Orders that yield homeomorphisms on Bratteli diagrams
Bezuglyi S and Yassawi R
Dynamical Systems, Taylor & Francis vol. 32 (2), 249-282.
04-07-2016 - Cosmological flux noise and measured noise power spectra in SQUIDs.
Beck C
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Journals - Option C vol. 6
20-06-2016 - Generalized network structures: The configuration model and the
canonical ensemble of simplicial complexes
Courtney OT and Bianconi G
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
16-06-2016 - Extracting Information from Multiplex Networks
Iacovacci J and Bianconi G
Chaos, American Institute of Physics (Aip) vol. 26, 065306-065306.
07-06-2016 - Interplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions
Battiston F, Cairoli A, Nicosia V, Baule A and Latora V
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 323-324, 12-19.
01-06-2016 - Correction: Spatio-temporal analysis of micro economic activities in rome reveals patterns of mixed-use urban evolution
Fiasconaro A, Strano E, Nicosia V, Porta S and Latora V
Plos One vol. 11 (5)
16-05-2016 - The role of three-body interactions in two-dimensional polymer collapse
Bedini A, Owczarek AL and Prellberg T
Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical, Iop Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 49 (21)
20-04-2016 - Forces and pressures in adsorbing partially directed walks
Rensburg EJJV and Prellberg T
Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 49 (20), 205001-205001.
18-04-2016 - Extreme event statistics of daily rainfall: dynamical systems approach
Yalcin GC, Rabassa P and Beck C
Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 49 (15)
15-04-2016 - Efficient exploration of multiplex networks
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
New Journal of Physics, Iop Publishing: Open Access Journals vol. 18 (4)
01-04-2016 - Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Micro Economic Activities in Rome Reveals Patterns of Mixed-Use Urban Evolution
Fiasconaro A, Strano E, Nicosia V, Porta S and Latora V
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 11 (3)
16-03-2016 - Network geometry with flavor: From complexity to quantum geometry.
Bianconi G and Rahmede C
Phys Rev E vol. 93 (3), 032315-032315.
14-03-2016 - Homophily and missing links in citation networks
Ciotti V, Bonaventura M, Nicosia V, Panzarasa P and Latora V
Epj Data Science vol. 5 (1)
03-03-2016 - Multiplex networks with heterogeneous activities of the nodes.
Cellai D and Bianconi G
Phys Rev E vol. 93 (3), 032302-032302.
02-03-2016 - Computing automorphism groups of shifts using atypical equivalence classes
Yassawi R, Quas A and Coven E
Discrete Analysis, Alliance of Diamond Open Access Journals
01-03-2016 - Transition from lognormal to X2 superstatistics for financial time series
Xu D and Beck C
Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications vol. 453, 173-183.
22-02-2016 - Control of Multilayer Networks.
Menichetti G, Dall'Asta L and Bianconi G
Sci Rep vol. 6, 20706-20706.
12-02-2016 - Irreducibility of multilayer network dynamics: The case of the voter model
Diakonova M, Nicosia V, Latora V and Miguel MS
New Journal of Physics vol. 18 (2)
29-01-2016 - Emergence of Multiplex Communities in Collaboration Networks.
Battiston F, Iacovacci J, Nicosia V, Bianconi G and Latora V
Plos One vol. 11 (1), e0147451-e0147451.
27-01-2016 - Superstatistics of Blaschke products
Penrose C and Beck C
Dynamical Systems-An International Journal vol. 31 (1), 89-105.
02-01-2016 - Winding angle distributions for two-dimensional collapsing polymers
Narros A, Owczarek AL and Prellberg T
Journal of Physics Conference Series, Iop Publishing vol. 686 (1)
01-01-2016 - Robust multiculturality emerges from layered social influence.
Battiston F, Nicosia V, Latora V and Miguel MS
Corr vol. abs/1606.05641
01-01-2016 - Homophily and missing links in citation networks.
Ciotti V, Bonaventura M, Nicosia V, Panzarasa P and Latora V
Epj Data Sci. vol. 5, 7-7.