

Oscar Bandtlow

Dr Oscar Bandtlow

Reader in Mathematics
Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

dynamical systems, ergodic theory, operator theory, spectral theory, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

Adrian Baule

Dr Adrian Baule

Reader in Applied Mathematics
Deputy Director of Research

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Statistical mechanics, Stochastic processes, Soft condensed matter, Machine learning

Christian Beck

Prof Christian Beck

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Stochastic modelling, spatio-temporal chaos, power grids, dynamics of air pollution, sustainable energy systems, superstatistics

Ginestra Bianconi

Prof Ginestra Bianconi

Professor of Applied Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

statistical mechanics, network theory, discrete topology and geometry, mathematical physics, dynamical systems

Alexander Clark

Prof Alexander Clark

Professor of Mathematics
Dean for International, Faculty of Science and Engineering

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Dynamical Systems, Topology, Tiling Spaces

Lennart Dabelow

Dr Lennart Dabelow

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
Lead for Communication and Public Engagement of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum many-body dynamics, equilibration and thermalization, stochastic thermodynamics, active matter, machine learning for math and physics

Weini Huang

Dr Weini Huang

Reader in Mathematical Biology
Centre Lead for Research Innovation and External Stakeholders Engagement

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Mathematical Biology, Evolutionary Theory, Math Oncology, Species Coevolution, Stochastic Process, Mutation Accumulation

Oliver Jenkinson

Prof Oliver Jenkinson

Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Ergodic theory, Dynamical systems

Rainer Klages

Dr Rainer Klages

Reader in Applied Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
+44 (0)20 788 25448

dynamical systems, nonequilibrium statistical physics, stochastic theory, movement ecology, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics and chaos

Vito Latora

Prof Vito Latora

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Deputy Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Structure and dynamics of complex networks, Higher-order networks, Temporal and multilayer networks, Spreading and contagion in social systems, Brain Networks, Creativity and innovation ecosystems

Anna Maltsev

Dr Anna Maltsev

Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Applied Probability

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

random matrix theory, quantum graphs, mathematical biology, calcium signalling

Ian Morris

Dr Ian Morris

Reader in Mathematics
Director of the Mathematics MSc

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Ergodic theory, Fractal geometry, Matrix analysis

Vincenzo Nicosia

Dr Vincenzo Nicosia

Senior Lecturer in Networks and Data Analysis

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Complex Networks, Complex Systems, Non-linear Dynamics, Spatial Networks, Multi-layer networks

Nicola Perra

Dr Nicola Perra

Reader in Applied Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Network Science, Data Science, Digital Epidemiology

Thomas Prellberg

Prof Thomas Prellberg

Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
020 7882 5490

lattice statistical mechanics, enumerative and asymptotic combinatorics, dynamical systems, Monte Carlo algorithms, soft condensed matter

Franco Vivaldi

Prof Franco Vivaldi

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Dynamical Systems, Arithmetic Dynamics, Piecewise Isometries

Reem Yassawi

Dr Reem Yassawi

Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences
Director of Graduate Studies

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Topological dynamics, Automata sequences, Substitutional dynamics, Ergodic theory, Cellular automata, Aperiodic order