
Leadership Team

Christian Beck

Prof Christian Beck

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Stochastic modelling, spatio-temporal chaos, power grids, dynamics of air pollution, sustainable energy systems, superstatistics

Lennart Dabelow

Dr Lennart Dabelow

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
Centre Lead for Communication and Public Engagement

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum many-body dynamics, equilibration and thermalization, stochastic thermodynamics, active matter, machine learning for math and physics

Weini Huang

Dr Weini Huang

Reader in Mathematical Biology
Centre Lead for Research Innovation and External Stakeholders Engagement

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Mathematical Biology, Evolutionary Theory, Math Oncology, Species Coevolution, Stochastic Process, Mutation Accumulation

Vito Latora

Prof Vito Latora

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Deputy Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Structure and dynamics of complex networks, Higher-order networks, Temporal and multilayer networks, Spreading and contagion in social systems, Brain Networks, Creativity and innovation ecosystems