Dr Oriol Planas

Oriol Planas

Lecturer in Organic Chemistry

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


Catalysis, Main Group, Transition Metals, Organometallic


Our research interests span from the design of novel catalysts based on d- and p-block elements to uncover previously unknown pathways to the discovery of new synthetic organic transformations. The main goal of the research group is to provide original ligand designs, catalytic sustainable methodologies and in-depth mechanistic understanding using catalytic amount of Earth-abundant elements.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research


Relevant PublicationMechanism of the Aryl-F Bond-Forming Step from Bi(V) Fluorides.
Planas O, Peciukenas V, Leutzsch M, Nöthling N, Pantazis DA and Cornella J
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society vol. 144 (32), 14489-14504.  


bullet iconCatálisis Redox con Bismuto
Planas Fabrega O
Anales De La Quimica, Real Sociedad EspañOla De QuíMica vol. 117, 266-273.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research
solid heart iconPhotoChrom MSCA PF 2023 Planas Fabrega/Martinez Bascuñana
Oriol Planas
£192,297 EPSRC - EU Scheme
01-09-2024 - 31-08-2026
solid heart iconRS-NIF: Shedding Light on the Reactivity of Low-Valent Organoantimony Species: Yi-Chen Chan
Oriol Planas
£414,805 Royal Society
01-12-2023 - 30-11-2026
solid heart iconINNOBA - MSCA PF 2022 Planas Fabrega/Fernandez Gonzalez
Oriol Planas
£200,512 EPSRC - EU Scheme
01-10-2023 - 30-09-2025
solid heart iconCooperative Noble Base Metal Catalysis - EPSRC NIA
Oriol Planas
£474,870 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-09-2023 - 15-11-2026

solid heart iconCooperative noble catalysis with earth-abundant metals - Oriol Planas
Oriol Planas
£19,800 Royal Society
21-03-2022 - 20-03-2023