Prof Gleb Sukhorukov

Gleb Sukhorukov

Professor of Biomedical Materials

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


Delivery Systems, Microfabrication, biopolymers, Encapsulation, Remote controlled systems


My research activities lie in Materials Science area covering disciplines of Biomaterials, Biophysics and Physical Chemistry. It comprises physics and (bio)-chemistry on submicron dimensions, design of multifunctional colloidal particles and capsules and other nano-engineered (bio)-materials enabling micropackaging of various active components and responsiveness, elaboration of micron and submicron sized delivery systems with remote controlling and triggering properties including susceptibility to light, magnetic field and ultrasound and electromagnetic irradiation of wide range. I pioneered research on layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolytes on colloidal particles, fabrication of micron-sized capsules and encapsulation of variety of substances of different chemical structure and molecular weight. Apart of microencapsulation we developed a way to fabrication surface accommodated microchambers and their arrays enabling packaging and release on demand of various bioactive compounds. Currently these microchambers coated medical devises have entered to clinical trials.