Research Grants

The following are current grants held by members of the Centre for Chemical Research that are of particular relevance:

Nanostructure of Co-Assembled Viscoelastic Protein Nanosheets for Bioemulsion Design
Ali Zarbakhsh
£1,185 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-11-2024 - 31-10-2025)
Spatiotemporal Characterisation Methods for Microwave-initiated Heterogeneous Catalysis
Michael Jie
£20,000 Royal Society (01-11-2024 - 31-10-2025)
HISUMAX - MSCA PF 2023 Abrahams/ Shaheen
Isaac Abrahams
£206,086 EPSRC - EU Scheme (02-10-2024 - 01-10-2026)
BBSRC AIDD CTP CASE Award: Ivan Manoza
Wojciech Kopec
£18,000 Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belg) (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2028)
NanoBNFix MSCA PF 2023 Zhang/Li
Peng Zhang
£206,086 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2026)
Precision Mechano-Therapeutics With Light-Driven Molecular Nanomachines Against Progressive Fibrosis
Marc Fernandez-Yague
£19,926 Royal Society (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2025)
Split-site scholarship: Deepak Kumar INCN-2024-171
Christian Nielsen
£4,800 FCO Foreign & Commonwealth Office - GOV UK (16-09-2024 - 15-09-2025)
PhotoChrom MSCA PF 2023 Planas Fabrega/Martinez Bascuñana
Oriol Planas
£192,297 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-09-2024 - 31-08-2026)
Bioelectronic Sensors: From Synthesis to Device
Christian Nielsen and Dilara Gunturkun
£3,285 RSC The Royal Society of Chemistry (01-08-2024 - 31-07-2025)
Christian Nielsen
£462,723 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-05-2024 - 30-04-2028)
Optimizing CO2 mineralization: from atomistic detail to reactor design
Devis Di Tommaso and Gregory Chass
£349,105 Leverhulme Trust (01-05-2024 - 30-09-2027)
Deliberate imperfection: topological design of defects within graphene
Christian Nielsen
£75,566 Leverhulme Trust (01-04-2024 - 31-03-2028)
Nanoscale Multicolour Photodetectors : DNA Nanotechnology for Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures
Matteo Palma
£130,000 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-04-2024 - 31-03-2025)
Nanostructure of Protein Assemblies for Bioemulsion Design
Ali Zarbakhsh
£979 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (19-03-2024 - 18-03-2025)
Resolving the collapse mechanism of responsive block copolymer brushes for controlled gene delivery
Ali Zarbakhsh
£792 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (19-03-2024 - 18-03-2025)
Contract research: Microwave-driven dry methane reforming
Michael Jie
£355,092 HUNT ENERGY ENTERPRISES, L.L.C. (01-03-2024 - 30-04-2026)
Scalable Manufacturing of Single-Crystal Perovskite Optical and Electronic Devices: Follow-On
Lei Su, Oliver Fenwick, Colin Crick and Stoichko Dimitrov
£941,955 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-03-2024 - 28-02-2027)
URF transfer Enhanced Expenses for Dr. David Ayuso
David Ayuso
£174,297 Royal Society (01-03-2024 - 30-09-2025)
URF transfer for Dr. David Ayuso
David Ayuso
£209,061 Royal Society (01-03-2024 - 30-09-2025)
Valorisation of terephtalic acid through various transformations
Stellios Arseniyadis
£20,070 Syensqo (01-03-2024 - 28-02-2025)
Developing novel antibody tools to modulate GPR20
Andrew Tinker, Arianna Fornili, Ahuva Nissim and Peter McCormick
£74,767 Barts and the London Charity (01-02-2024 - 31-03-2025)
UKRI FLF Renewal
Jan Mol
£593,003 MRC Medical Research Council (01-01-2024 - 31-12-2026)
RS-NIF: Shedding Light on the Reactivity of Low-Valent Organoantimony Species: Yi-Chen Chan
Oriol Planas
£414,805 Royal Society (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2026)
RS International Exchange scheme: Tungsten-free superhard materials: Earth-abundant metal ternary borides solid solutions
Devis Di Tommaso
£11,000 Royal Society (01-11-2023 - 31-10-2025)
Richard Pickersgill and Arianna Fornili
£8,600 Evotec EVOTEC (UK) LIMITED (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2027)
INNOBA - MSCA PF 2022 Planas Fabrega/Fernandez Gonzalez
Oriol Planas
£200,512 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2025)
Neutron studies of disordered materials: linking experiment to theory: Studentship - Peter Dung Nguyen
Anthony Phillips
£36,426 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2026)
Sequence-Defined Pi-Conjugated Materials - EPSRC CASE conversion
Christian Nielsen and Andrew Livingston
£62,500 CDT Cambridge Display Technology Limited (01-10-2023 - 31-03-2027)
TG: Cheminformatics and machine learning approaches for GPCR computer aided drug design
Arianna Fornili
£125,091 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2027)
Wei Dai Studentship - Sosei Heptares
Arianna Fornili and Emma Tjong
£21,600 Nxera Pharma UK Ltd (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2027)
Innovations in ADC linker design - PhD studentship (AstraZeneca)
Christopher Jones and Stellios Arseniyadis
£60,000 AZ AstraZeneca UK Limited (18-09-2023 - 17-09-2027)
Cooperative Noble Base Metal Catalysis - EPSRC NIA
Oriol Planas
£474,870 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-09-2023 - 15-11-2026)
GreenX3: Innovative and sustainable materials, processes and technologies for a GREENer and circular economy
Marina Resmini
£782,029 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-09-2023 - 31-08-2027)
A molten salt community framework for predictive modelling of critical characteristics
Kostya Trachenko
£147,082 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2023 - 30-06-2026)
Digital Transformation of Electromagnetic Material Design and Manufacturing for Future Wireless Connectivity (DREAM)
Yang Hao, Kaspar Althoefer, Arumugam Nallanathan and Anthony Phillips
£2,579,837 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2028)
Discovering missing links in neuropeptide evolution and function
Maurice Elphick and Arianna Fornili
£576,040 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2026)
High entropy oxides: understanding their unique properties and dynamics using machine learning interatomic potentials - MSCA PF-GF Trachenko/Dicks
Kostya Trachenko
£262,232 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2026)
The cardiovascular function of the orphan G-protein coupled receptor GPR20
Andrew Tinker, Peter McCormick, Arianna Fornili and Patricia Munroe
£307,773 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-05-2023 - 30-04-2026)
Wetcat - MSCA PF 2021 Yao Lu/ Guo
Yao Lu
£190,380 EPSRC - EU Scheme (13-04-2023 - 12-04-2025)
Jochen Brandt URF Enhanced Research Expenses 2023
Jochen Brandt
£134,895 Royal Society (01-04-2023 - 05-01-2026)
Physics, Accuracy and Machine Learning: Towards the next-generation of Molecular Potentials - Misquitta
Alston Misquitta and Rachel Crespo Otero
£265,251 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-02-2023 - 31-01-2027)
Structure of the assembly platform of the type II secretion system
Richard Pickersgill, Vidya Chandran Darbari and Arianna Fornili
£579,168 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (28-10-2022 - 27-10-2025)
Bio-molecular nanocarbon junctions for low-power computing
Matteo Palma and Jan Mol
£95,848 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2025)
CTP Training Grant:
Arianna Fornili
£124,909 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026)
Developing next-generation DL_POLY for the benefit of the modelling community
Kostya Trachenko
£368,611 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2022 - 30-11-2025)
Fully-funded PhD studentship (home fees)
Stellios Arseniyadis
£82,779 ORIL Industrie (01-10-2022 - 31-01-2026)
Half-funded PhD studentship (home fees)
Stellios Arseniyadis
£47,215 ORIL Industrie (01-10-2022 - 31-01-2026)
Structural bioinformatics and chemogenomics approaches to navigate GPCR ligand interaction space - CTP
Arianna Fornili
£123,829 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026)
Structural Bioinformatics and chemogenomics approaches
Arianna Fornili
£21,600 Nxera Pharma UK Ltd (26-09-2022 - 25-09-2026)
URF including expenses - Jochen Brandt-GRANT TRANSFER
Jochen Brandt
£468,299 Royal Society (26-09-2022 - 05-01-2026)
Nanoscale Biosensing Devices: Fundamental Insight on the Sensing Mechanism
Matteo Palma
£230,206 Air Force office of Scientific Research (USA) (01-01-2021 - 28-02-2025)
Mechanisms and prediction of large scale ecological responses to environmental change
Axel Rossberg and Kostya Trachenko
£1,213,084 NERC Natural Environment Research Council (06-01-2020 - 04-04-2025)