- Comparing Fock spaces in types $A^{(1)}$ and $A^{(2)}$
Fayers M
Algebraic Combinatorics, Cellule Mathdoc/Centre Mersenne vol. 6 (5), 1347-1381.
07-11-2023 - Partial Shuffles by Lazy Swaps
Janzer B, Johnson JR and Leader I
Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics (Siam) vol. 37 (4), 2544-2557.
30-10-2023 - The Manin constant and the modular degree
Cesnavicius K, Neururer M and Saha A
Journal of The European Mathematical Society, Ems Press
15-09-2023 - On the irreducible spin representations of symmetric and alternating groups which remain irreducible in characteristic 3 3
Fayers M and Morotti L
Representation Theory of The American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society (Ams) vol. 27 (22), 778-814.
11-09-2023 - Orthogonal schedules in single round robin tournaments
Lambers R, Briët J, Patel V, Spieksma F and Yıldız MA
Operations Research Letters, Elsevier vol. 51 (5), 528-532.
01-09-2023 - Cycle Partition of Dense Regular Digraphs and Oriented Graphs
Lo A, Patel V and Yildiz MA
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications. (12), 717-724.
28-08-2023 - Shattering k-sets with Permutations
Johnson JR and Wickes B
Order, Springer Nature vol. 41 (2), 419-436.
20-06-2023 - A simple polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the total variation distance between two product distributions
Jerrum M, Guo H, Wang J and Feng W
Theoretics, Episciences
15-06-2023 - The small cycle counts of random feedback shift registers
Stark D
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Centre For Combinatorics vol. 86 (3), 414-422.
01-06-2023 - Random permutations and queues
Gnedin A and Stark D
Advances in Applied Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 149, 102549-102549.
12-05-2023 - The Weyl bound for triple product L-functions
Blomer V, Jana S and Nelson PD
Duke Mathematical Journal, Duke University Press vol. 172 (6)
15-04-2023 - Tropical Combinatorics
Rincón F, Tran NM and Yu J
Notices of The American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society (Ams) vol. 70 (01), 1-1.