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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 27 (4)
13-11-2020 - Switch-Based Markov Chains for Sampling Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Graphs
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13-11-2020 - Sup-norms of eigenfunctions in the level aspect for compact arithmetic
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01-11-2020 - Synchronizing Times for $k$-sets in Automata
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27-08-2020 - Irreducible projective representations of the alternating group which remain irreducible in characteristic 2
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05-08-2020 - Statistical physics approaches to Unique Games
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01-07-2020 - Zero-one Schubert polynomials
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10-06-2020 - Random Walks on Small World Networks
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01-06-2020 - 2-chains: an interesting family of posets
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23-05-2020 - On the standard $L$-function for $GSp_{2n} \times GL_1$ and algebraicity
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06-05-2020 - Decomposing tournaments into paths
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29-04-2020 - Correlation for permutations
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28-04-2020 - A lattice point counting generalisation of the Tutte polynomial
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