- Balancing the book: Is it necessary and sufficient?
STARK D and Cortis D
The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics
16-12-2017 - Irreducible projective representations of the symmetric group which remain irreducible in characteristic 2
Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society, London Mathematical Society
08-12-2017 - The outercoarseness of the n-cube
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, University of Calgary
01-12-2017 - Moduli of non-commutative polarized schemes
Behrend K and NOOHI B
Mathematische Annalen, Springer Verlag
30-11-2017 - On sup-norms of cusp forms of powerful level
Saha A
Journal of The European Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society vol. 19 (11)
01-11-2017 - A note on the growth of nearly holomorphic vector-valued Siegel modular forms
Pitale A, SAHA A and Schmidt R
Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences
16-10-2017 - On a Ramsey‐type problem of Erdős and Pach
Kang RJ, Long E, Patel V and Regts G
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, Wiley vol. 49 (6), 991-999.
06-10-2017 - The parameterised complexity of counting even and odd induced subgraphs
Jerrum M and Meeks K
Combinatorica vol. 37 (5), 965-990.
01-10-2017 - A Gröbner basis for the graph of the reciprocal plane
FINK A, Speyer DE and Woo A
Journal of Commutative Algebra, Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium
02-08-2017 - Deterministic polynomial-time approximation algorithms for partition functions and graph polynomials
Patel V and Regts G
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 61, 971-977.
01-08-2017 - Decomposing tournaments into paths
Lo A, Patel V, Skokan J and Talbot J
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 61, 813-818.
01-08-2017 - Hybrid sup-norm bounds for Maass newforms of powerful level
Saha A
Algebra and Number Theory, Mathematical Sciences Publishers vol. 11 (5), 1009-1045.
12-07-2017 - Uniform sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma
Guo H, Jerrum M and Liu J
STOC’17, Montreal, Canada. vol. Part F128415, 342-355.
19-06-2017 - Poisson approximation of counts of subgraphs in random intersection graphs
Rybarczyk K and STARK D
Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier
16-05-2017 - On the switch Markov chain for perfect matchings
Dyer M, JERRUM MR and Müller H
Journal of The Association For Computing Machinery (Acm), Association For Computing Machinery vol. 64 (2)
12-05-2017 - Functional clones and expressibility of partition functions
Bulatov A, Goldberg LA, Jerrum M, Richerby D and Živný S
Theoretical Computer Science
11-05-2017 - A complexity trichotomy for approximately counting list H-colourings
JERRUM MR, Galanis A and Goldberg LA
Acm Transactions on Computation Theory, Association For Computing Maachinery vol. 9 (2)
01-05-2017 - Transitive Avoidance Games
JOHNSON JR, Leader I and Walters M
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
31-03-2017 - Multicolour Ramsey Numbers of Odd Cycles
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Academic Press vol. 124, 56-63.
16-01-2017 - Local and global Maass relations
Pitale A, Saha A and Schmidt R
Mathematische Zeitschrift, Springer Verlag vol. 287 (1-2), 655-677.
09-01-2017 - Positively oriented matroids are realizable
Ardila F, Rincon F and Williams L
Journal of The European Mathematical Society vol. 19 (3), 815-833.
01-01-2017 - Deterministic Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for Partition Functions and Graph Polynomials
Patel V and Regts G
Siam Journal on Computing, Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics (Siam) vol. 46 (6), 1893-1919.