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25-11-2024 - Improved bounds for the zeros of the chromatic polynomial via Whitney's Broken Circuit Theorem
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01-11-2024 - Universality for tropical and logarithmic maps
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17-09-2024 - Markov chains generating random permutations and set partitions
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10-09-2024 - Fundamentals of Partial Rejection Sampling
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03-09-2024 - Perfect sampling of $q$-spin systems on $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$ via weak spatial mixing
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02-08-2024 - Nontruthful Position Auctions Are More Robust to Misspecification
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01-05-2024 - Signed permutohedra, delta‐matroids, and beyond
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01-03-2024 - Impartial selection with additive guarantees via iterated deletion
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01-03-2024 - Gröbner bases, symmetric matrices, and type C Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties
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01-02-2024 - Decomposition numbers for abelian defect RoCK blocks of double covers of symmetric groups
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Journal of The London Mathematical Society, Wiley vol. 109 (2)
31-01-2024 - Hamilton cycles in dense regular digraphs and oriented graphs
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Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, Elsevier vol. 164, 119-160.