Dr Matthew FayersReader in Pure Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Representation theory, Algebraic combinatorics, Finite groups, Hecke algebras, Quantum algebra |
Prof Alex FinkProfessor in Pure Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences matroids, tropical geometry, algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry |
Dr Felix FischerSenior Lecturer in Optimisation and Operations Research School of Mathematical Sciences Mechanism Design, Algorithms, Mathematics of Operations Research, Applied Probability |
Dr Subhajit JanaLecturer in Number Theory School of Mathematical Sciences Automorphic forms, L-functions, Equidistribution, Subconvexity |
Prof Mark JerrumProfessor of Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Applied probability, Combinatorics, Theoretical computer science |
Dr Robert JohnsonSenior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences extremal combinatorics, graph theory, probabilistic combinatorics |
Dr Navid NabijouLecturer in Mathematical Sciences School of Mathematical Sciences Algebraic curves, Moduli spaces, Gromov-Witten theory, Logarithmic geometry, Tropical geometry, Orbifolds |
Dr Viresh PatelLecturer in Optimisation School of Mathematical Sciences Extremal combinatorics, Probabilistic combinatorics, Graph polynomials / partition functions, Phase transitions, Approximation algorithms (for counting) |
Dr Felipe RincónSenior Lecturer in Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences Combinatorics, Matroid theory, Tropical geometry, Algebraic geometry |
Prof Abhishek SahaProfessor of Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences automorphic forms, number theory, Siegel modular forms, L-functions |
Dr Dudley StarkReader in Mathematics and Probability School of Mathematical Sciences Random combinatorial object, Random graph, Poisson approximation, Generating function, Asymptotic expansion, Graph theory |
Dr Ivan TomasicReader in Pure Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Model theory, Categorical logic, Topos theory, Algebraic geometry, Difference algebra, Differential algebra |