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  • The LifeWebs project: A call for data describing plant-herbivore interaction networks
    Fayle TM, Sam K, Humlova A, Cagnolo L and Novotny V
    Frontiers of Biogeography, California Digital Library (Cdl) vol. 8 (4) 
  • Genome sequence and genetic diversity of European ash trees.
    Sollars ES, Harper AL, Kelly LJ, Sambles CM, Ramirez-Gonzalez RH, Swarbreck D, Kaithakottil G, Cooper ED, Uauy C, Havlickova L, Worswick G, Studholme DJ, Zohren J, Salmon DL, Clavijo BJ, Li Y, He Z, Fellgett A, McKinney LV, Nielsen LR, et al.
  • The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project.
    Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, et al.
    Ecol Evol vol. 7 (1), 145-188.  
  • GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
    Parr CL, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Photakis M, Bishop TR, Fitzpatrick MC, Arnan X, Baccaro F, Brandão CRF, Chick L, Donoso DA, Fayle TM, Gómez C, Grossman B, Munyai TC, Pacheco R, Retana J, Robinson A, Sagata K, et al.
    Insect Conservation and Diversity, Wiley vol. 10 (1), 5-20.  
  • DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe
    Leese F, Altermatt F, Bouchez A, Ekrem T, Hering D, Meissner K, Mergen P, Pawlowski J, Piggott J, Rimet F, Steinke D, Taberlet P, Weigand A, Abarenkov K, Beja P, Bervoets L, Björnsdóttir S, Boets P, Boggero A, Bones A, et al.
    Research Ideas and Outcomes vol. 2, e11321-e11321.  
  • Impact of controlled neonicotinoid exposure on bumblebees in a realistic field setting
    Arce AN, David TI, Randall EL, Ramos Rodrigues A, Colgan TJ, Wurm Y and Gill RJ
    Journal of Applied Ecology 
  • Uses of Innovative Modeling Tools within the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
    Lynam CP, Uusitalo L, Patrício J, Piroddi C, Queirós AM, Teixeira H, Rossberg AG, Sagarminaga Y, Hyder K, Niquil N, Möllmann C, Wilson C, Chust G, Galparsoro I, Forster R, Veríssimo H, Tedesco L, Revilla M and Neville S
    Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers vol. 3 
  • Biodiversity in Marine Ecosystems—European Developments toward Robust Assessments
    Heiskanen A-S, Berg T, Uusitalo L, Teixeira H, Bruhn A, Krause-Jensen D, Lynam CP, Rossberg AG, Korpinen S, Uyarra MC and Borja A
    Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers vol. 3 
  • Do agri-environment schemes result in improved water quality?
    Jones JI, Murphy JF, Anthony SG, Arnold A, Blackburn JH, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Hughes GO, Pretty JL, Scarlett PM, Gooday RD, Zhang YS, Fawcett LE, Simpson D, Turner AWB, Naden PS and Skates J
    Journal of Applied Ecology 
  • Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems
    Rossberg AG, Uusitalo L, Berg T, Zaiko A, Chenuil A, Uyarra MC, Borja A and Lynam CP
    Ecological Indicators vol. 72, 215-224.  
  • Transgressive phenotypes and generalist pollination in the floral evolution of Nicotiana polyploids
    McCarthy EW, Chase MW, Knapp S, Litt A, Leitch AR and Le Comber SC
    Nature Plants, Npg vol. 2, 1-9.  
  • Competition can lead to unexpected patterns in tropical ant communities
    Ellwood MDF, Blüthgen N, Fayle TM, Foster WA and Menzel F
    Acta Oecologica, Elsevier vol. 75, 24-34.  
  • Maximum sustainable yield from interacting fish stocks in an uncertain world: two policy choices and underlying trade-offs
    Farcas A and Rossberg AG
    Ices Journal of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil, Oxford University Press (Oup): Policy B - Oxford Open Option A 
  • Midpoint attractors and species richness: Modelling the interaction between environmental drivers and geometric constraints
    Colwell RK, Gotelli NJ, Ashton LA, Beck J, Brehm G, Fayle TM, Fiedler K, Forister ML, Kessler M, Kitching RL, Klimes P, Kluge J, Longino JT, Maunsell SC, McCain CM, Moses J, Noben S, Sam K, Sam L, Shapiro AM, et al.
    Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 19 (9), 1009-1022.  
  • The imperative need for nationally coordinated bioassessment of rivers and streams
    Nichols SJ, Barmuta LA, Chessman BC, Davies PE, Dyer FJ, Harrison ET, Hawkins CP, Jones I, Kefford BJ, Linke S, Marchant R, Metzeling L, Moon K, Ogden R, Peat M, Reynoldson TB and Thompson RM
    Marine and Freshwater Research vol. 68 (4), 599-599.  
  • The effects of altered flow and bed sediment on macroinvertebrates in stream mesocosms
    Growns I, Murphy JF and Jones JI
    Marine and Freshwater Research vol. 68 (3), 496-505.  
  • Contrasting changes in the abundance and diversity of North American bird assemblages from 1971 to 2010
    Schipper AM, Belmaker J, de Miranda MD, Navarro LM, Böhning‐Gaese K, Costello MJ, Dornelas M, Foppen R, Hortal J, Huijbregts MAJ, Martín‐López B, Pettorelli N, Queiroz C, Rossberg AG, Santini L, Schiffers K, Steinmann ZJN, Visconti P, Rondinini C and Pereira HM
    Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 22 (12), 3948-3959.  
  • Unidirectional diploid-tetraploid introgression among British birch trees with shifting ranges shown by RAD markers
    Zohren J, Wang N, Kardailsky I, Borrell JS, Joecker A, Nichols RA and Buggs RJA
    Molecular Ecology, Wiley: 12 Months 
  • Biological barriers to restoration: testing the biotic resistance hypothesis in an upland stream recovering from acidification
    Frame JL, Jones JI, Ormerod SJ, Sadler JP and Ledger ME
    Hydrobiologia vol. 777 (1), 161-170.  
  • A small number of anadromous females drive reproduction in a brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) population in an English chalk stream
    Goodwin JCA, Andrew King R, Iwan Jones J, Ibbotson A and Stevens JR
    Freshwater Biology vol. 61 (7), 1075-1089.  
  • Mapping the combined risk of agricultural fine sediment input and accumulation for riverine ecosystems across England and Wales
    Naura M, Hornby DD, Collins AL, Sear DA, Hill C, Jones JI and Naden PS
    Ecological Indicators vol. 70, 209-221.  
  • Genome size and ploidy influence angiosperm species’ biomass under nitrogen and phosphorus limitation
    Guignard MS, Nichols RA, Knell RJ, Macdonald A, Romila C-A, Trimmer M, Leitch IJ and LEITCH AR
    New Phytologist, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 
  • Transcriptomic identification of starfish neuropeptide precursors yields new insights into neuropeptide evolution
    Semmens DC, Mirabeau O, Moghul I, Pancholi MR, Wurm Y and Elphick MR
    Open Biology, The Royal Society vol. 6 (2) 
  • Are riparian forest reserves sources of invertebrate biodiversity spillover and associated ecosystem functions in oil palm landscapes?
    Gray CL, Simmons BI, Fayle TM, Mann DJ and Slade EM
    Biological Conservation, Elsevier vol. 194, 176-183.  
  • GeneValidator: identify problems with protein-coding gene predictions
    Drăgan M-A, Moghul I, Priyam A, Bustos C and Wurm Y
    Bioinformatics vol. 32 (10), 1559-1561.  
  • Understanding the controls on deposited fine sediment in the streams of agricultural catchments
    Naden PS, Murphy JF, Old GH, Newman J, Scarlett P, Harman M, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Pretty JL, Arnold A, Laizé C, Hornby DD, Collins AL, Sear DA and Jones JI
    The Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier vol. 547, 366-381.  
  • Tackling agricultural diffuse pollution: What might uptake of farmer-preferred measures deliver for emissions to water and air?
    Collins AL, Zhang YS, Winter M, Inman A, Jones JI, Johnes PJ, Cleasby W, Vrain E, Lovett A and Noble L
    The Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier vol. 547, 269-281.  
  • Mutualistic ant-plant symbioses and habitat change in tropical forests
    Fayle TM
    2016 International Congress of Entomology