Dr Rainer Klages

Rainer Klages
Dr.rer.nat.habil., Dipl.-Phys.

Reader in Applied Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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dynamical systems, nonequilibrium statistical physics, stochastic theory, movement ecology, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics and chaos


My research combines dynamical systems theory, nonequilibrium statistical physics and stochastic theory to understand complex systems, with applications to nanoscience and especially to biology. I am interested in the emergence of fractal structures in chaotic transport processes such as diffusion. More recently I started to apply the theory of anomalous stochastic processes to explain the foraging of biological organisms. Examples are stochastic models of biological cell migration, bumblebee flights and swimming sea turtles. My research in theoretical physics and applied mathematics thus stretches from mathematical foundations to experimental applications.