Dr Edward Gillen

Reader in Astrophysics
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Exoplanets, Stars, Planetary system evolution, Origin and prevalence of life, Astrophysics
My primary research interests focus on understanding the evolution, diversity and habitability of planetary systems, which I pursue using a variety of ground- and space-based observatories. Within these overarching themes, some areas of particular interest include:- Detecting and characterising transiting exoplanet systems at different evolutionary stages (from young to mature).
- Observationally calibrating stellar (and hence planetary) evolution using stellar rotation, activity and eclipsing binaries.
- Assessing the potential habitability of exoplanets by characterising their stellar environments to probe origin of life scenarios and exploring the possibility of detecting biosignatures.
I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford in 2015 and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge. In 2018, I was awarded a Winton Exoplanet Fellowship, which I held initially at Cambridge before moving it to Queen Mary in 2020 to take up a lectureship position.
I am a member various international research and space mission consortia, such as the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS), Atmospheric Remote-sensing Exoplanet Large-survey (ARIEL) and PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO).


Vines JI, Jenkins JS, Anderson DR, Alves DR, Moyano M, Acton JS, Apergis I, Barkaoui K, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Christiansen JL, Collins KA, Eigmüller P, Falk B, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 536 (3), 2011-2024.

Chitnavis S, Gray C, Rousouli I, Gillen E, Mullineaux CW, Haworth TJ and Duffy CDP
Photosynthesis Research, Springer Nature vol. 162 (1), 75-92.

Blanco-Duque C, Bond SA, Krone LB, Dufour J-P, Gillen ECP, Purple RJ, Kahn MC, Bannerman DM, Mann EO, Achermann P, Olbrich E and Vyazovskiy VV
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 10 (36)

Henderson BA, Casewell SL, Jordán A, Brahm R, Henning T, Gill S, Mayorga LC, Ziegler C, Stassun KG, Goad MR, Acton J, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Burleigh MR, Dragomir D, Gillen E, Günther MN, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 533 (3), 2823-2842.

Leleu A, Delisle J-B, Delrez L, Bryant EM, Brandeker A, Osborn HP, Hara N, Wilson TG, Billot N, Lendl M, Ehrenreich D, Chakraborty H, Günther MN, Hooton MJ, Alibert Y, Alonso R, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong D, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 688

Gill S, Bayliss D, Ulmer-Moll S, Wheatley PJ, Brahm R, Anderson DR, Armstrong D, Apergis I, Alves DR, Burleigh MR, Butler RP, Bouchy F, Battley MP, Bryant EM, Bieryla A, Crane JD, Collins KA, Casewell SL, Carleo I, Claringbold AB, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 532 (2), 1444-1458.

Battley MP, Collins KA, Ulmer-Moll S, Quinn SN, Lendl M, Gill S, Brahm R, Hobson MJ, Osborn HP, Deline A, Faria JP, Claringbold AB, Chakraborty H, Stassun KG, Hellier C, Alves DR, Ziegler C, Anderson DR, Apergis I, Armstrong DJ, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 686

Barragán O, Yu H, Freckelton AV, Meech A, Cretignier M, Mortier A, Aigrain S, Klein B, O’Sullivan NK, Gillen E, Nielsen LD, Mallorquín M and Zicher N
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 531 (4), 4275-4292.

O’Brien SM, Schwamb ME, Gill S, Watson CA, Burleigh MR, Kendall A, Casewell SL, Anderson DR, Vines JI, Jenkins JS, Alves DR, Trouille L, Ulmer-Moll S, Bryant EM, Apergis I, Battley M, Bayliss D, Eisner NL, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 167 (5)

Bouchy F, Gillen E, Turner O, Gill S, Nielsen LD, Lendl M, Vines JI, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Jenkins JS, Acton JS, Belardi C, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Costes JC, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 684

Henderson BA, Casewell SL, Goad MR, Acton JS, Günther MN, Nielsen LD, Burleigh MR, Belardi C, Tilbrook RH, Turner O, Howell SB, Clark CA, Littlefield C, Barkaoui K, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Dransfield G, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 530 (1), 318-339.

Duffy CDP, Canchon G, Haworth TJ, Gillen E, Chitnavis S and Mullineaux CW
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 526 (2), 2265-2277.

Lowson N, Zhou G, Huang CX, Wright DJ, Edwards B, Nabbie E, Venner A, Quinn SN, Collins KA, Gillen E, Battley M, Triaud A, Hellier C, Seager S, Winn JN, Jenkins JM, Wohler B, Shporer A, Schwarz RP, Murgas F, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 527 (1), 1146-1162.

Smith GD, Gillen E, Hodgkin ST, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Battley MP, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Gill S, Goad MR, Henderson BA, Jenkins JS, Kendall A, Moyano M, Ramsay G, Tilbrook RH, Vines JI, West RG and Wheatley PJ
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 523 (1), 169-188.

Kreutzer LT, Gillen E, Briegal JT and Queloz D
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 522 (4), 5049-5061.

Barragán O, Gillen E, Aigrain S, Meech A, Klein B, Nielsen LD, Yu H, O’Sullivan NK, Nicholson BA and Lillo-Box J
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 522 (3), 3458-3471.

Moulton T, Hodgkin ST, Smith GD, Briegal JT, Gillen E, Acton JS, Battley MP, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Gill S, Goad MR, Henderson BA, Kendall A, Ramsay G, Tilbrook RH and Wheatley PJ
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 521 (2), 1700-1726.

Heitzmann A, Zhou G, Quinn SN, Huang CX, Dong J, Bouma LG, Dawson RI, Marsden SC, Wright D, Petit P, Collins KA, Barkaoui K, Wittenmyer RA, Gillen E, Brahm R, Hobson M, Hellier C, Ziegler C, Briceño C, Law N, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 165 (3)

Jackson DG, Watson CA, de Mooij EJW, Acton JS, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Belardi C, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Costes JC, Eigmüller P, Goad MR, Gill S, Gillen E, Günther MN, Hawthorn F, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 518 (4), 4845-4860.

Alves DR, Jenkins JS, Vines JI, Nielsen LD, Gill S, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Breytenbach H, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Eigmüller P, Gillen E, Goad MR, Günther MN, Henderson BA, Kendall A, Lendl M, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 517 (3), 4447-4457.

Ulmer-Moll S, Lendl M, Gill S, Villanueva S, Hobson MJ, Bouchy F, Brahm R, Dragomir D, Grieves N, Mordasini C, Anderson DR, Acton JS, Bayliss D, Bieryla A, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Chaverot G, Eigmüller P, Feliz D, Gaudi BS, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 666

Bayliss D, O'Brien SM, Bryant E, Wheatley P, West R, McCormac J, Chote P, Gill S, Anderson DR, Wise A, Juvan-Beaulieu I, Coates C, Gillen E, Smith AMS, Jenkins JS, Moyano M, Alves DR, Burleigh MR, Goad MR, Casewell SL, et al.
X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X. vol. 12191

Zhou G, Wirth CP, Huang CX, Venner A, Franson K, Quinn SN, Bouma LG, Kraus AL, Mann AW, Newton ER, Dragomir D, Heitzmann A, Lowson N, Douglas ST, Battley M, Gillen E, Triaud A, Latham DW, Howell SB, Hartman JD, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 163 (6)

Briegal JT, Gillen E, Queloz D, Hodgkin S, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Battley MP, Bayliss D, Burleigh MR, Bryant EM, Casewell SL, Costes JC, Eigmüller P, Gill S, Goad MR, Günther MN, Henderson BA, Jackman JAG, Jenkins JS, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 513 (1), 420-438.

Gill S, Ulmer-Moll S, Wheatley PJ, Bayliss D, Burleigh MR, Acton JS, Casewell SL, Watson CA, Lendl M, Worters HL, Sefako RR, Anderson DR, Alves DR, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Eigmüller P, Gillen E, Goad MR, Grieves N, Günther MN, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 513 (2), 1785-1793.

Günther MN, Berardo DA, Ducrot E, Murray CA, Stassun KG, Olah K, Bouma LG, Rappaport S, Winn JN, Feinstein AD, Matthews EC, Sebastian D, Rackham BV, Seli B, Triaud AHMJ, Gillen E, Levine AM, Demory B-O, Gillon M, Queloz D, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 163 (4)

Smith GD, Gillen E, Queloz D, Hillenbrand LA, Acton JS, Alves DR, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Briegal JT, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Delrez L, Dransfield G, Ducrot E, Gill S, Gillon M, Goad MR, Günther MN, Henderson BA, Jenkins JS, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 507 (4), 5991-6011.

Acton JS, Goad MR, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Breytenbach H, Nielsen LD, Smith G, Anderson DR, Battley MP, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Csizmadia S, Eigmüller P, Gill S, Gillen E, Grieves N, Günther MN, Henderson BA, Hodgkin ST, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society

Leleu A, Alibert Y, Hara NC, Hooton MJ, Wilson TG, Robutel P, Delisle J-B, Laskar J, Hoyer S, Lovis C, Bryant EM, Ducrot E, Cabrera J, Delrez L, Acton JS, Adibekyan V, Allart R, Prieto CA, Alonso R, Alves D, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 649

Jackman JAG, Wheatley PJ, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Briegal JT, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Gänsicke BT, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, Günther MN, Henderson BA, Hodgkin ST, Jenkins JS, Pugh C, Queloz D, Raynard L, Tilbrook RH, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 504 (3), 3246-3264.

Tilbrook RH, Burleigh MR, Costes JC, Gill S, Nielsen LD, Vines JI, Queloz D, Hodgkin ST, Worters HL, Goad MR, Acton JS, Henderson BA, Armstrong DJ, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Bryant EM, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 504 (4), 6018-6032.

Barragán O, Aigrain S, Gillen E and Gutiérrez-Canales F
Research Notes of The Aas vol. 5 (3), 51-51.

Grieves N, Nielsen LD, Vines JI, Bryant EM, Gill S, Bouchy F, Lendl M, Bayliss D, Eigmueller P, Segransan D, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, Gillen E, Goad MR, Günther MN, Henderson BA, et al.
Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 647

Smith AMS, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Belardi C, Bouchy F, Brahm R, Briegal JT, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, Costes JC, Csizmadia S, Eigmüller P, Erikson A, Gill S, Gillen E, et al.
Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 646

Bryant EM, Bayliss D, Nielsen LD, Veras D, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, Csizmadia S, Eigmüller P, Erikson A, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 499 (3), 3139-3148.

Jenkins JS, Díaz MR, Kurtovic NT, Espinoza N, Vines JI, Rojas PAP, Brahm R, Torres P, Cortés-Zuleta P, Soto MG, Lopez ED, King GW, Wheatley PJ, Winn JN, Ciardi DR, Ricker G, Vanderspek R, Latham DW, Seager S, Jenkins JM, et al.
Nature Astronomy, Springer Nature vol. 4 (12), 1202-1202.

Jenkins JS, Díaz MR, Kurtovic NT, Espinoza N, Vines JI, Rojas PAP, Brahm R, Torres P, Cortés-Zuleta P, Soto MG, Lopez ED, King GW, Wheatley PJ, Winn JN, Ciardi DR, Ricker G, Vanderspek R, Latham DW, Seager S, Jenkins JM, et al.
Nature Astronomy

Jackman JAG, Wheatley PJ, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Belardi C, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Eigmüller P, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, Grange A, Hodgkin ST, Jenkins JS, McCormac J, Moyano M, Queloz D, Raynard L, Tilbrook RH, Watson CA, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 497 (1), 809-817.

Lienhard F, Queloz D, Gillon M, Burdanov A, Delrez L, Ducrot E, Handley W, Jehin E, Murray CA, Triaud AHMJ, Gillen E, Mortier A and Rackham BV
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 497 (3), 3790-3808.

Acton JS, Goad MR, Casewell SL, Vines JI, Burleigh MR, Eigmüller P, Nielsen LD, Gänsicke BT, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Bryant EM, Gill S, Gillen E, Günther MN, Jenkins JS, McCormac J, Moyano M, Raynard LR, Tilbrook RH, Udry S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society

Gill S, Wheatley PJ, Cooke BF, Jordán A, Nielsen LD, Bayliss D, Anderson DR, Vines JI, Lendl M, Acton JS, Armstrong DJ, Bouchy F, Brahm R, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Eigmüller P, Espinoza N, Gillen E, R. Goad M, et al.
Astrophysical Journal Letters vol. 898 (1)

Gillen E, Hillenbrand LA, Stauffer J, Aigrain S, Rebull L and Cody AM
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 495 (2), 1531-1548.

McCormac J, Gillen E, Jackman JAG, Brown DJA, Bayliss D, Wheatley PJ, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Chazelas B, Chote P, Cooke BF, Costes JC, Csizmadia S, Eigmueller P, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 493 (1), 126-140.

Gillen E, Briegal JT, Hodgkin ST, Foreman-Mackey D, Van Leeuwen F, Jackman JAG, McCormac J, West RG, Queloz D, Bayliss D, Goad MR, Watson CA, Wheatley PJ, Belardi C, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Jenkins JS, Raynard L, Smith AMS, Tilbrook RH, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 492 (1), 1008-1024.

Lendl M, Bouchy F, Gill S, Nielsen LD, Turner O, Stassun K, Acton JS, Anderson DR, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Belardi C, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Chaushev A, Casewell SL, Cooke BF, Eigmüller P, Gillen E, Goad MR, Günther MN, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 492 (2), 1761-1769.

Guenther MN, Zhan Z, Seager S, Rimmer PB, Ranjan S, Stassun KG, Oelkers RJ, Daylan T, Newton E, Kristiansen MH, Olah K, Gillen E, Rappaport S, Ricker GR, Vanderspek RK, Latham DW, Winn JN, Jenkins JM, Glidden A, Fausnaugh M, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 159 (2)

Gillen E, Rimmer PB and Catling DC
Icarus vol. 336

Costes JC, Watson CA, Belardi C, Braker IP, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Eigmüller P, Günther MN, Jackman JAG, Nielsen LD, Soto MG, Turner O, Anderson DR, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Bryant EM, Cabrera J, Chaushev A, Csizmadia S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 491 (2), 2834-2844.

Jackman JAG, Wheatley PJ, Bayliss D, Gill S, Hodgkin ST, Burleigh MR, Braker IP, Günther MN, Louden T, Turner O, Anderson DR, Belardi C, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Bryant EM, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Costes JC, Csizmadia S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 489 (4), 5146-5164.

Vines JI, Jenkins JS, Acton JS, Briegal J, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Belardi C, Bryant EM, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Cooke BF, Csizmadia S, Eigmüller P, Erikson A, Foxell E, Gill S, Gillen E, Goad MR, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 489 (3), 4125-4134.

West RG, Gillen E, Bayliss D, Burleigh MR, Delrez L, Günther MN, Hodgkin ST, Jackman JAG, Jenkins JS, King G, McCormac J, Nielsen LD, Raynard L, Smith AMS, Soto M, Turner O, Wheatley PJ, Almleaky Y, Armstrong DJ, Belardi C, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 486 (4), 5094-5103.

Eigmueller P, Chaushev A, Gillen E, Smith A, Nielsen LD, Turner O, Csizmadia S, Smalley B, Bayliss D, Belardi C, Bouchy F, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chazelas B, Cooke BF, Erikson A, Gansicke BT, Guenther MN, Goad MR, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 625

David TJ, Hillenbrand LA, Gillen E, Cody AM, Howell SB, Isaacson HT and Livingston JH
Astrophysical Journal vol. 872 (2)

Jackman JAG, Wheatley PJ, Pugh CE, Kolotkov DY, Broomhall AM, Kennedy GM, Murphy SJ, Raddi R, Burleigh MR, Casewell SL, Eigmüller P, Gillen E, Günther MN, Jenkins JS, Louden T, McCormac J, Raynard L, Poppenhaeger K, Udry S, Watson CA, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 482 (4), 5553-5566.

Raynard L, Goad MR, Gillen E, Nielsen LD, Watson CA, Thompson APG, McCormac J, Bayliss D, Soto M, Csizmadia S, Chaushev A, Burleigh MR, Alexander R, Armstrong DJ, Bouchy F, Briegal JT, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chazelas B, Cooke BF, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 481 (4), 4960-4970.

Casewell SL, Raynard L, Watson CA, Gillen E, de Mooij E, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Thompson A, Jackman JAG, Burleigh MR, Chaushev A, Belardi C, Louden T, Goad MR, Nielsen LD, Poppenhaeger K, Eigmüller P, Günther MN, Jenkins JS, McCormac J, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 481 (2), 1897-1907.

Günther MN, Queloz D, Gillen E, Delrez L, Bouchy F, McCormac J, Smalley B, Almleaky Y, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Burdanov A, Burleigh M, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Cooke BF, Csizmadia S, Ducrot E, Eigmüller P, Erikson A, Gänsicke BT, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 478 (4), 4720-4737.

Rimmer PB, Xu J, Thompson SJ, Gillen E, Sutherland JD and Queloz D
Sci Adv vol. 4 (8)

Armstrong DJ, Günther MN, McCormac J, Smith AMS, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Burleigh MR, Casewell S, Eigmüller P, Gillen E, Goad MR, Hodgkin ST, Jenkins JS, Louden T, Metrailler L, Pollacco D, Poppenhaeger K, Queloz D, Raynard L, Rauer H, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 478 (3), 4225-4237.

Wheatley PJ, West RG, Goad MR, Jenkins JS, Pollacco DL, Queloz D, Rauer H, Udry S, Watson CA, Chazelas B, Eigmüller P, Lambert G, Genolet L, McCormac J, Walker S, Armstrong DJ, Bayliss D, Bento J, Bouchy F, Burleigh MR, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 475 (4), 4476-4493.

Bayliss D, Gillen E, Eigmüller P, McCormac J, Alexander RD, Armstrong DJ, Booth RS, Bouchy F, Burleigh MR, Cabrera J, Casewell SL, Chaushev A, Chazelas B, Csizmadia S, Erikson A, Faedi F, Foxell E, Gänsicke BT, Goad MR, Grange A, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 475 (4), 4467-4475.

Jackman JAG, Wheatley PJ, Pugh CE, Gansicke BT, Gillen E, Broomhall A-M, Armstrong DJ, Burleigh MR, Chaushev A, Eigmueller P, Erikson A, Goad MR, Grange A, Gunther MN, Jenkins JS, McCormac J, Raynard L, Thompson APG, Udry S, Walker S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 477 (4), 4655-4664.

Günther MN, Queloz D, Gillen E, McCormac J, Bayliss D, Bouchy F, Walker SR, West RG, Eigmüller P, Smith AMS, Armstrong DJ, Burleigh M, Casewell SL, Chaushev AP, Goad MR, Grange A, Jackman J, Jenkins JS, Louden T, Moyano M, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 472 (1), 295-307.

Gillen E, Hillenbrand LA, David TJ, Aigrain S, Rebull L, Stauffer J, Cody AM and Queloz D
Astrophysical Journal vol. 849 (1)

Pepper J, Gillen E, Parviainen H, Hillenbrand LA, Cody AM, Aigrain S, Stauffer J, Vrba FJ, David T, Lillo-Box J, Stassun KG, Conroy KE, Pope BJS and Barrado D
Astronomical Journal vol. 153 (4)

Gillen E, Aigrain S, Terquem C, Bouvier J, Alencar SHP, Gandolfi D, Stauffer J, Cody A, Venuti L, Almeida PV, Micela G, Favata F and Deeg HJ
Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 599

Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Bouvier J, Cody AM, Hillenbrand LA, Soderblom DR, Valenti J, Barrado D, Bouy H, Ciardi D, Pinsonneault M, Stassun K, Micela G, Aigrain S, Vrba F, Somers G, Christiansen J, Gillen E and Cameron AC
Astronomical Journal vol. 152 (5)

Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Bouvier J, Cody AM, Hillenbrand LA, Soderblom DR, Valenti J, Barrado D, Bouy H, Ciardi D, Pinsonneault M, Stassun K, Micela G, Aigrain S, Vrba F, Somers G, Gillen E and Cameron AC
Astronomical Journal vol. 152 (5)

Demory BO, Queloz D, Alibert Y, Gillen E and Gillon M
Astrophysical Journal Letters vol. 825 (2)

Stauffer J, Cody AM, Rebull L, Hillenbrand LA, Turner NJ, Carpenter J, Carey S, Terebey S, Morales-Calderón M, Alencar SHP, McGinnis P, Sousa A, Bouvier J, Venuti L, Hartmann L, Calvet N, Micela G, Flaccomio E, Song I, Gutermuth R, et al.
Astronomical Journal vol. 151 (3)

David TJ, Stauffer J, Hillenbrand LA, Cody AM, Conroy K, Stassun KG, Pope B, Aigrain S, Gillen E, Cameron AC, Barrado D, Rebull LM, Isaacson H, Marcy GW, Zhang C, Riddle RL, Ziegler C, Law NM and Baranec C
Astrophysical Journal vol. 814 (1)

Lohr ME, Norton AJ, Gillen E, Busuttil R, Kolb UC, Aigrain S, McQuillan A, Hodgkin ST and González E
Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 578

Stauffer J, Cody AM, McGinnis P, Rebull L, Hillenbrand LA, Turner NJ, Carpenter J, Plavchan P, Carey S, Terebey S, Morales-Calderón M, Alencar SHP, Bouvier J, Venuti L, Hartmann L, Calvet N, Micela G, Flaccomio E, Song I, Gutermuth R, et al.
Astronomical Journal vol. 149 (4)

Cody AM, Stauffer J, Baglin A, Micela G, Rebull LM, Flaccomio E, Morales-Calderón M, Aigrain S, Bouvier J, Hillenbrand LA, Gutermuth R, Song I, Turner N, Alencar SHP, Zwintz K, Plavchan P, Carpenter J, Findeisen K, Carey S, Terebey S, et al.
Astronomical Journal vol. 147 (4)

Gillen E, Aigrain S, McQuillan A, Bouvier J, Hodgkin S, Alencar SHP, Terquem C, Southworth J, Gibson NP, Cody A, Lendl M, Morales-Calderón M, Favata F, Stauffer J and Micela G
Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 562

Edward Gillen
£1,304,360 EPSRC - EU Scheme
05-11-2024 - 04-11-2029

Christopher Duffy, Edward Gillen, Conrad Mullineaux and Thomas Haworth
£161,373 Leverhulme Trust
01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026

Chris Clarkson, Richard Nelson, Timothy Clifton, William Sutherland, Edward Gillen, Karim Malik, Thomas Haworth, Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Theresa Baker, David Mulryne, Philip Bull, Juan A. Valiente Kroon, Charalampos Markakis, Mohammad Mahdi Godazgar, Katy Clough, Pau Figueras and Arick Shao
£1,625,769 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-04-2023 - 30-09-2026

Edward Gillen
£265,920 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-04-2022 - 31-03-2025

Edward Gillen
£106,514 David and Claudia Harding Foundation
01-05-2020 - 30-04-2026