Dr Athen Ma

Athen Ma

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


Complex networks, Network science, Machine learning and ecology, Ecological networks, Ecosystem responses, Global environmental change


My research transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and develops innovative analytics to examine the structure and dynamics of ecosystems across different domains. I have developed novel analytics that revealed the assembly principles which underpin the organisation of collaborative science in the UK over the past three decades (featured in PNAS issue highlight and commentary, Physics World and Phys.org). My experience in profiling large-scale networks enables me to perform robust analysis and modelling, tailored to undertaking important questions in ecology. I have a strong interest on the community organisation in ecological systems, and have developed multi-disciplinary techniques that uncovered how components of ecological networks rewired under drought (formed the front cover of Nature Climate Change) and how community structures in streams across the UK recovered from acidification. My publication in Nature Ecology and Evolution has revealed that agricultural ecosystems from farm sites across the UK are remarkably resilient to genetically modified, herbicide tolerant management. My multi-disciplinary approach to better understand networked ecosystems has been recognised as key to ecoinformatics and ecological big data research as it provides a platform to explore complex ecological systems and interlink the services (e.g. production of food) they bring.

For latest news, visit sites.google.com/view/athenma/home