Dr Alexandre De Mendoza Soler

Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Epigenomics, Macroevolution, Protists, DNA methylation, Transposable Elements, Phylogeny
I am interested in comparative and evolutionary epigenomics, aiming at understanding how mechanisms of gene regulation evolve, and why. To do this, we explore genome regulation in non-traditional model systems, from unicellular eukaryotes (protists) to animals.I teach in the modules Genes and Bioinformatics (BIO223) and Functional Genomics & Epigenetics (BIO327).


Richards TA, Eme L, Archibald JM, Leonard G, Coelho SM, de Mendoza A, Dessimoz C, Dolezal P, Fritz-Laylin LK, Gabaldón T, Hampl V, Kops GJPL, Leger MM, Lopez-Garcia P, McInerney JO, Moreira D, Muñoz-Gómez SA, Richter DJ, Ruiz-Trillo I, Santoro AE, et al.
Plos Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 22 (11), e3002917-e3002917.

Gao Y, Tan DS, Girbig M, Hu H, Zhou X, Xie Q, Yeung SW, Lee KS, Ho SY, Cojocaru V, Yan J, Hochberg GKA, de Mendoza A and Jauch R
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1)

Guynes K, Sarre LA, Carrillo-Baltodano AM, Davies BE, Xu L, Liang Y, Martín-Zamora FM, Hurd PJ, de Mendoza A and Martín-Durán JM
Genome Biology, Springer Nature vol. 25 (1), 204-204.

Sarre LA, Kim IV, Ovchinnikov V, Olivetta M, Suga H, Dudin O, Sebé-Pedrós A and de Mendoza A
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 10 (28), eado6406-eado6406.

Dossmann L, Emperle M, Dukatz M, de Mendoza A, Bashtrykov P and Jeltsch A
Communications Biology, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1)

Yu D, Ren Y, Uesaka M, Beavan AJS, Muffato M, Shen J, Li Y, Sato I, Wan W, Clark JW, Keating JN, Carlisle EM, Dearden RP, Giles S, Randle E, Sansom RS, Feuda R, Fleming JF, Sugahara F, Cummins C, et al.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, Springer Nature vol. 8 (3), 519-535.

Buckberry S, Liu X, Poppe D, Tan JP, Sun G, Chen J, Nguyen TV, de Mendoza A, Pflueger J, Frazer T, Vargas-Landín DB, Paynter JM, Smits N, Liu N, Ouyang JF, Rossello FJ, Chy HS, Rackham OJL, Laslett AL, Breen J, et al.
Nature, Springer Nature vol. 620 (7975), 863-872.

de Mendoza A
Science, American Association For The Advancement of Science vol. 381 (6658), 602-603.

Dukatz M, Dittrich M, Stahl E, Adam S, de Mendoza A, Bashtrykov P and Jeltsch A
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society For Biochemistry and Molecular Biology vol. 298 (10)

de Mendoza A, Nguyen TV, Ford E, Poppe D, Buckberry S, Pflueger J, Grimmer MR, Stolzenburg S, Bogdanovic O, Oshlack A, Farnham PJ, Blancafort P and Lister R
Genome Biology, Bmc vol. 23 (1)

De Mendoza Soler A, Poppe D, Buckberry S, Pflueger J, Albertin CB, Daish T, Bertrand S, de la Calle-Mustiennes E, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Nery JR, Ecker JR, Baer B, Ragsdale CW, Grützner F, Escriva H, Venkatesh B, Bogdanovic O and Lister R
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research Editors: Domingues V.

Ross SE, Angeloni A, Geng F-S, de Mendoza A and Bogdanovic O
Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 48 (22)

Ruiz-Trillo I and de Mendoza A
Development (Cambridge, England) vol. 147 (23)

Hadjieconomou D, King G, Gaspar P, Mineo A, Blackie L, Ameku T, Studd C, De Mendoza Soler A, Diao F, White BH, Brown AEX, Plaçais P-Y, Préat T and Miguel-Aliaga I
Nature, Nature Research

Kenny NJ, Francis WR, Rivera-Vicéns RE, Juravel K, de Mendoza A, Díez-Vives C, Lister R, Bezares-Calderón LA, Grombacher L, Roller M, Barlow LD, Camilli S, Ryan JF, Wörheide G, Hill AL, Riesgo A and Leys SP
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 11 (1)

Almudi I, Vizueta J, Wyatt CDR, de Mendoza A, Marlétaz F, Firbas PN, Feuda R, Masiero G, Medina P, Alcaina-Caro A, Cruz F, Gómez-Garrido J, Gut M, Alioto TS, Vargas-Chavez C, Davie K, Misof B, González J, Aerts S, Lister R, et al.
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 11 (1)

Ross SE, Angeloni A, de Mendoza A and Bogdanovic O
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

de Mendoza A, Lister R and Bogdanovic O
Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 432 (6), 1687-1705.

de Mendoza A and Sebé-Pedrós A
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, Elsevier vol. 58-59, 25-32.

de Mendoza A, Hatleberg WL, Pang K, Leininger S, Bogdanovic O, Pflueger J, Buckberry S, Technau U, Hejnol A, Adamska M, Degnan BM, Degnan SM and Lister R
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research vol. 3 (10), 1464-1473.

De Mendoza A, Pflueger J and Lister R
Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press vol. 29 (8), 1277-1286.

de Mendoza A and Sebé-Pedrós A
In Old Questions and Young Approaches to Animal Evolution, Springer Nature 15-38.

De Mendoza A, Bonnet A, Vargas-Landin DB, Ji N, Hong F, Yang F, Li L, Hori K, Pflueger J, Buckberry S, Ohta H, Rosic N, Lesage P, Lin S and Lister R
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 9 (1)

Knaupp AS, Buckberry S, Pflueger J, Lim SM, Ford E, Larcombe MR, Rossello FJ, de Mendoza A, Alaei S, Firas J, Holmes ML, Nair SS, Clark SJ, Nefzger CM, Lister R and Polo JM
Cell Stem Cell, Elsevier vol. 21 (6), 834-845.e6.

Ford E, Grimmer MR, Stolzenburg S, Bogdanovic O, de Mendoza A, Farnham PJ, Blancafort P and Lister R
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

de Mendoza A, Jones JW and Friedrich M
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1)

Gold DA, Grabenstatter J, de Mendoza A, Riesgo A, Ruiz-Trillo I and Summons RE
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 113 (10), 2684-2689.

Torruella G, de Mendoza A, Grau-Bové X, Antó M, Chaplin MA, del Campo J, Eme L, Pérez-Cordón G, Whipps CM, Nichols KM, Paley R, Roger AJ, Sitjà-Bobadilla A, Donachie S and Ruiz-Trillo I
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 25 (18), 2404-2410.

de Mendoza A, Suga H, Permanyer J, Irimia M and Ruiz-Trillo I
Elife, Elife vol. 4

Sebé-Pedrós A and de Mendoza A
In Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellular Life, Springer Nature 379-394.

de Mendoza A, Sebé-Pedrós A and Ruiz-Trillo I
Genome Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 6 (3), 606-619.

de Mendoza A and Ruiz-Trillo I
Elife, Elife vol. 3

Desvoyes B, de Mendoza A, Ruiz-Trillo I and Gutierrez C
Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 65 (10), 2657-2666.

de Mendoza A, Sebé-Pedrós A, Šestak MS, Matejčić M, Torruella G, Domazet-Lošo T and Ruiz-Trillo I
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 110 (50), e4858-e4866.

Martín-Durán JM, de Mendoza A, Sebé-Pedrós A, Ruiz-Trillo I and Hejnol A
Genome Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 5 (7), 1435-1442.

Suga H, Chen Z, de Mendoza A, Sebé-Pedrós A, Brown MW, Kramer E, Carr M, Kerner P, Vervoort M, Sánchez-Pons N, Torruella G, Derelle R, Manning G, Lang BF, Russ C, Haas BJ, Roger AJ, Nusbaum C and Ruiz-Trillo I
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 4 (1)

Suga H, Dacre M, de Mendoza A, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Manning G and Ruiz-Trillo I
Science Signaling, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 5 (222)

de Mendoza A and Ruiz-Trillo I
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 28 (11), 2987-2991.

de Mendoza A and Ruiz-Trillo I
Evodevo, Springer Nature vol. 2 (1)

Sebé-Pedrós A, de Mendoza A, Lang BF, Degnan BM and Ruiz-Trillo I
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 28 (3), 1241-1254.

de Mendoza A, Suga H and Ruiz-Trillo I
Bmc Ecology and Evolution, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1)
Grants of specific relevance to the Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Genomics

Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
£3,000 Royal Society
01-02-2025 - 01-02-2026

Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
£42,696 Royal Society
01-03-2024 - 31-08-2025

Alexandre De Mendoza Soler
£1,213,073 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
01-09-2021 - 31-08-2026

Conrad Mullineaux, Caroline Brennan, Alexandre De Mendoza Soler, Viji Draviam Sastry, Maurice Elphick, Christoph Engl, Isabel M Palacios, Matteo Palma, Marina Resmini, Alexander Ruban, Peter Thorpe, Angelika Stollewerk, Chema Martin Duran, Paulo Baptista Ribeiro, Susana Alves Godinho, Richard Grose, Stephanie Kermorgant, Peter McCormick and Tyson Sharp
£390,834 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-08-2022 - 31-07-2023