Research Grants

The following are current grants held by members of the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability that are of particular relevance:

  • Pump prime I2BC (France) QMUL (UK) photosynthetic improvement
    Guy Hanke and Conrad Mullineaux
    £4,118 DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
    06-01-2025 - 16-03-2025
  • The molecular basis of viral tolerance in bats
    Stephen Rossiter
    £511,378 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    19-11-2024 - 18-11-2027
  • Transforming meiofaunal molecular systematics and community ecology through nanopore-based transcriptome skimming
    Yannick Wurm
    £79,493 NHM Natural History Museum
    01-10-2024 - 30-09-2028
  • Accelerated diversification for climate resilient agriculture
    Samuel Pironon
    £24,088 Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew)
    05-08-2024 - 05-04-2027
  • Predicting the Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Ecological Networks
    Athen Ma, Vito Latora and Pavel Kratina
    £389,809 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    01-06-2024 - 31-05-2027
  • FLF Renewal: Directed and adaptive evolution of photosynthetic systems
    Tanai Cardona
    £593,273 MRC Medical Research Council
    01-05-2024 - 30-04-2027
  • Pink salmon invasion of the Arctic
    J Iwan Jones
    £46,415 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    15-04-2024 - 31-03-2025
  • NERC NPF Phase II
    Axel Rossberg, Joanne Chamberlain and Andrew Leitch
    £115,853 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    02-01-2024 - 01-04-2026
  • Towards multispecies fisheries management
    Axel Rossberg
    £68,437 DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
    01-01-2024 - 31-03-2025
  • Predicting risk to non-native trees species from potential threats in the UK
    Richard Nichols
    £13,521 DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
    01-10-2023 - 31-03-2025
  • Connecting grain yield and photosynthetic electron transport in developing seeds
    Guy Hanke
    £509,549 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    25-09-2023 - 24-09-2026
  • PHD studentship for Heru Rusfiandi
    Andrew Leitch
    £179,738 Verdant Bioscience Pte Ltd
    19-09-2023 - 18-09-2029
  • ‘Building a Bioinformatics Ecosystem for Agri-Ecologists
    Yannick Wurm
    £37,394 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    18-09-2023 - 17-09-2026
  • BBKA - Lido iCase studentship
    Yannick Wurm
    £6,000 BBKA British Beekeepers Association
    01-09-2023 - 31-08-2027
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and engaging antibacterial resistance in anaerobic treated effluen
    Özge Eyice
    £14,861 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    01-06-2023 - 31-03-2026
  • Microbial link from organosulfur compounds to methane in anoxic sediments
    Mark Trimmer
    £279,601 Leverhulme Trust
    01-10-2021 - 19-06-2025
  • Transcriptomic diagnostics for identifying interactive effects of pesticides, food deficiency, and heat stress on bee health
    Yannick Wurm
    £548,472 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    06-04-2021 - 05-05-2025
  • CWI_Defra UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network PROJECT NUMBER 07720
    J Iwan Jones and John Murphy
    £394,145 UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
    01-01-2021 - 31-03-2025
  • GLobal Insect Threat-Response model: a comprehensive assessment of insect declines
    J Iwan Jones
    £262,182 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    14-11-2020 - 13-05-2026
  • Mechanisms and prediction of large scale ecological responses to environmental change
    Axel Rossberg and Kostya Trachenko
    £1,213,084 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
    06-01-2020 - 04-04-2025