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  • Walking humans and running mice: Perception and neural encoding of optic flow during self-motion
    Horrocks EAB, Mareschal I and Saleem AB
    Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 378 (1869) 
  • Discovery and functional characterization of neuropeptides in crinoid echinoderms
    Aleotti A, Wilkie IC, Yañez-Guerra LA, Gattoni G, Rahman TA, Wademan RF, Ahmad Z, Ivanova DA, Semmens DC, Delroisse J, Cai W, Odekunle E, Egertová M, Ferrario C, Sugni M, Bonasoro F and Elphick MR
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers Media Sa vol. 16 
  • Associations between emotion recognition and autistic and callous‐unemotional traits: differential effects of cueing to the eyes
    Leno VC, Pickard H, Cybulska L, Smith T, Munafo M, Penton‐Voak I, Simonoff E, Pickles A and Bedford R
    Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 64 (5), 787-796.  
  • Trait impressions from voices: Considering multiple ‘origin stories’ and the dynamic nature of trait-related cues
    Lavan N
    British Journal of Psychology, Wiley 
  • Knowledge about the recent past affects human gaze patterns
    Pedziwiatr MA, Heer S, Coutrot A, Bex P and Mareschal I
    Journal of Vision, Association For Research in Vision and Ophthalmology vol. 22 (14), 3927-3927.  
  • baz1b loss-of-function in zebrafish produces phenotypic alterations consistent with the domestication syndrome
    Torres-Pérez JV, Anagianni S, Mech AM, Havelange W, García-González J, Fraser SE, Vallortigara G and Brennan CH
    Iscience, Elsevier vol. 26 (1) 
  • Neurocomputational mechanisms of confidence in self and others
    Bang D, Moran R, Daw ND and Fleming SM
    Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 13 (1) 
  • Modulation of EEG theta by naturalistic social content is not altered in infants with family history of autism
    Haartsen R, Charman T, Pasco G, Johnson MH and Jones EJH
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • Do bumble bees play?
    Dona HSG, Solvi C, Kowalewska A, Mäkelä K, MaBouDi H and Chittka L
    Animal Behaviour, Elsevier vol. 194, 239-251.  
  • A Feasibility Study of a Data-Driven Human-Robot Conversational Interface for Reminiscence Therapy
    Céspedes N, Hsu A, Jones JM and Farkhatdinov I
    2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). vol. 00, 708-713.  
  • Explaining the influence of non‐shared environment (NSE) on symptoms of behaviour problems from preschool to adulthood: mind the missing NSE gap
    Gidziela A, Malanchini M, Rimfeld K, McMillan A, Ronald A, Viding E, Pike A, Asbury K, Eley TC, von Stumm S and Plomin R
    Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 64 (5), 747-757.  
  • Body weight distortions in an auditory-driven body illusion in subclinical and clinical eating disorders
    Tajadura-Jiménez A, Crucianelli L, Zheng R, Cheng C, Ley-Flores J, Borda-Más M, Bianchi-Berthouze N and Fotopoulou A
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1), 20031-20031.  
  • Chimpanzee play sequences are structured hierarchically as games
    Mielke A and Carvalho S
    Peerj, Peerj vol. 10 
  • Shared genetic influences between depression and conduct disorder in children and adolescents: A systematic review.
    Caserini C, Ferro M, Nobile M, Scaini S and Michelini G
    Journal of Affective Disorders, Elsevier vol. 322, 31-38.  
  • MotionPerfection: An agile tool for the visualisation, analysis, annotation, and record of motor practice
    Versace E, Gallo V, Xin Z, Abdallah D, Angioi M, Redding E, Ackroyd B and Galvan C
    Softwarex, Elsevier 
  • Genetic algorithms reveal profound individual differences in emotion recognition.
    Binetti N, Roubtsova N, Carlisi C, Cosker D, Viding E and Mareschal I
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences vol. 119 (45), e2201380119-e2201380119.  
  • The genetics of specific cognitive abilities
    Procopio F, Zhou Q, Wang Z, Gidziela A, Rimfeld K, Malanchini M and Plomin R
    Intelligence, Elsevier vol. 95 
  • Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations
    Stewart EEM, Hartmann FT, Morgenstern Y, Storrs KR, Maiello G and Fleming RW
    Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 32 (21), r1224-r1225.  
  • Genetic Variance in Conscientiousness Relates to Youth Psychopathology Beyond Executive Functions
    Shields AN, Malanchini M, Vinnik L, Tucker-Drob EM, Harden KP and Tackett JL
    Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 131 (8), 830-846.  
  • A zebrafish model of AIP loss of function
    Wang X, Leggieri A, Anagianni S, Brennan CH and Korbonits M
    Endocrine Abstracts, Bioscientifica 
  • Modeling affective touch pleasantness across skin types at the individual level reveals a reliable and stable basic function
    Crucianelli L, Chancel M and Ehrsson HH
    Journal of Neurophysiology, American Physiological Society vol. 128 (6), 1435-1452.  
  • Editorial: Comparative animal consciousness
    Irwin LN, Chittka L, Jablonka E and Mallatt J
    Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 16 
  • Treatment biomarkers for ADHD: Taking stock and moving forward
    Michelini G, Norman LJ, Shaw P and Loo SK
    Translational Psychiatry, Springer Nature [Academic Journals On Nature.Com] vol. 12 (1) 
  • How do we describe other people from voices and faces?
    Lavan N
    Cognition, Elsevier vol. 230 
    Gidziela A, Ahmadzadeh Y, Michelini G, Allegrini A, Agnew-Blais J, Lau LY, Duret M, Procopio F, Daly E, Ronald A, Rimfeld K and Malanchini M
    European Neuropsychopharmacology, Elsevier vol. 63, e260-e261.  
  • Exploration heuristics decrease during youth
    Dubois M, Bowler A, Moses-Payne ME, Habicht J, Moran R, Steinbeis N and Hauser TU
    Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer Nature vol. 22 (5), 969-983.  
  • An In-Laboratory Stressor Reveals Unique Genetic Variation in Child Cortisol Output
    Raffington L, Malanchini M, Grotzinger AD, Madole JW, Engelhardt LE, Sabhlok A, Youn C, Patterson MW, Harden KP and Tucker-Drob EM
    Developmental Psychology, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 58 (10), 1832-1848.  
  • Bumblebees retrieve only the ordinal ranking of foraging options when comparing memories obtained in distinct settings
    Solvi C, Zhou Y, Feng Y, Lu Y, Roper M, Sun L, Reid RJ, Chittka L, Barron AB and Peng F
    Elife, Elife vol. 11 
  • Gene–environment interaction using polygenic scores: Do polygenic scores for psychopathology moderate predictions from environmental risk to behavior problems?
    Plomin R, Gidziela A, Malanchini M and von Stumm S
    Development and Psychopathology, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 34 (5), 1816-1826.  
  • Psychedelics and schizophrenia: Distinct alterations to Bayesian inference
    Rajpal H, Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Timmermann CB, Brugger S, Muthukumaraswamy S, Seth AK, Bor D, Carhart-Harris RL and Jensen HJ
    Neuroimage, Elsevier vol. 263 
  • The value of an action: Impact of motor behaviour on outcome processing and stimulus preference
    Bikute K, Di Bernardi Luft C and Beyer F
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley 
  • Predictors of Literacy and Attitudes Toward Reading Among Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan
    Hadfield K, Al-Hamad M, Bakhti R, Dajani R, El Kharouf A, Michalek J, Mukunzi J, Qtaishat L, Sethi T, von Stumm S and Mareschal I
    International Journal of Early Childhood, Springer Nature vol. 56 (1), 19-39.  
  • COVID-19 and Perceived Changes to Quality of Life, Anxiety, Depression, and Loneliness in Autistic and Other Neurodivergent U.K. Adults
    J. S, Mason D, Colvert E, Agnew-Blais J and Happé F
    Autism in Adulthood, Mary Ann Liebert vol. 4 (3), 233-246.  
  • Joint Scattering for Automatic Chick Call Recognition
    Wang C, Benetos E, Versace E and Wang S
    30th European Signal Processing Conference Belgrade, Serbia 29 Aug 2022 - 2 Sep 2022., 195-199.  
  • Receptor deorphanization in an echinoderm reveals kisspeptin evolution and relationship with SALMFamide neuropeptides
    Escudero Castelán N, Semmens DC, Guerra LAY, Zandawala M, dos Reis M, Slade SE, Scrivens JH, Zampronio CG, Jones AM, Mirabeau O and Elphick MR
    Bmc Biology, Biomed Central vol. 20 (1) 
  • Do general and specific factors of preschool psychopathology predict preadolescent outcomes? A transdiagnostic hierarchical approach
    Michelini G, Gair K, Tian Y, Miao J, Dougherty L, Goldstein B, MacNeill L, Barch D, Luby J, Wakschlag L, Klein D and Kotov R
    Psychological Medicine, Cambridge University Press 
  • Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on offspring education using polygenic scores
    Demange P, Hottenga JJ, Abdellaoui A, Eilertsen EM, Malanchini M, Domingue B, de Zeeuw E, Rimfeld K, Eley T, Boomsma D, van Bergen E, Breen G, Nivard M and Cheesman R
    Nature Communications, Nature Research 
  • Neuronal gating of tactile input and sleep in 10-month-old infants at typical and elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder
    De Laet A, Piccardi ES, Begum-Ali J, Charman T, Johnson MH, Jones EJH, Bedford R and Gliga T
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • The relationship between executive function, processing speed, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in middle childhood
    Sabhlok A, Malanchini M, Engelhardt LE, Madole J, Tucker-Drob EM and Harden KP
    Developmental Science, Wiley vol. 25 (2) 
  • The Role of the Skin in Interoception: A Neglected Organ?
    Crucianelli L and Ehrsson HH
    Perspectives On Psychological Science, Sage Publications vol. 18 (1), 224-238.  
  • Methylphenidate, Guanfacine, and Combined Treatment Effects on Electroencephalography Correlates of Spatial Working Memory in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    Michelini G, Lenartowicz A, Diaz-Fong JP, Bilder RM, McGough JJ, McCracken JT and Loo SK
    Journal of The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 62 (1), 37-47.  
  • Electrophysiological and Clinical Predictors of Methylphenidate, Guanfacine, and Combined Treatment Outcomes in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    Michelini G, Lenartowicz A, Vera JD, Bilder RM, McGough JJ, McCracken JT and Loo SK
    Journal of The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 62 (4), 415-426.  
  • The strength of weak integrated information theory
    Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Bor D, Seth AK and Barrett AB
    Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Cell Press vol. 26 (8), 646-655.  
  • The Mind of a Bee
  • Motivational trade-offs and modulation of nociception in bumblebees
    Gibbons M, Versace E, Crump A, Baran B and Chittka L
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences vol. 119 (31) 
  • Exploring electrophysiological markers of auditory predictive processes and pathological ageing in adults with Down's syndrome
    Avancini C, Jennings S, Chennu S, Noreika V, Le A, Bekinschtein TA, Walpert MJ, Clare ICH, Holland AJ, Zaman SH and Ring H
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley vol. 56 (9), 5615-5636.  
  • Visuo-thermal congruency modulates the sense of body ownership
    Crucianelli L and Ehrsson HH
    Communications Biology, Springer Nature vol. 5 (1), 731-731.  
  • Does high variability training improve the learning of non-native phoneme contrasts over low variability training? A replication
    Brekelmans G, Lavan N, Saito H, Clayards M and Wonnacott E
    Journal of Memory and Language, Elsevier 
  • Light-induced asymmetries in embryonic retinal gene expression are mediated by the vascular system and extracellular matrix
    Versace E, Sgadò P, George J, Loveland JL, Ward J, Thorpe P, Jensen LJ, Spencer KA, Paracchini S and Vallortigara G
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • Consensus Goals in the Field of Visual Metacognition
    Rahnev D, Balsdon T, Charles L, de Gardelle V, Denison R, Desender K, Faivre N, Filevich E, Fleming SM, Jehee J, Lau H, Lee ALF, Locke SM, Mamassian P, Odegaard B, Peters M, Reyes G, Rouault M, Sackur J, Samaha J, et al.
    Perspectives On Psychological Science, Sage Publications vol. 17 (6), 1746-1765.  
  • Quantity as a Fish Views It: Behavior and Neurobiology
    Messina A, Potrich D, Perrino M, Sheardown E, Petrazzini MEM, Luu P, Nadtochiy A, Truong TV, Sovrano VA, Fraser SE, Brennan CH and Vallortigara G
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, Frontiers vol. 16 
  • Descending control of nociception in insects?
    Gibbons M, Sarlak S and Chittka L
    Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 289 (1978) 
  • The consequences of a year of the COVID-19 pandemic for the mental health of young adult twins in England and Wales
    Rimfeld K, Malanchini M, Arathimos R, Gidziela A, Pain O, McMillan A, Ogden R, Webster L, Packer AE, Shakeshaft NG, Schofield KL, Pingault J-B, Allegrini AG, Stringaris A, von Stumm S, Lewis CM and Plomin R
    Bjpsych Open, Royal College of Psychiatrists vol. 8 (4) 
  • Diversity of opinions promotes herding in uncertain crowds.
    Navajas J, Armand O, Moran R, Bahrami B and Deroy O
    Royal Society Open Science, The Royal Society vol. 9 (6), 191497-191497.  
  • Discrimination of edge orientation by bumblebees
    Guiraud M, Roper M, Wolf S, Woodgate JL and Chittka L
    Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 17 (6) 
  • Restriction of dietary protein in rats increases progressive-ratio motivation for protein
    Chiacchierini G, Naneix F, Apergis-Schoute J and McCutcheon JE
    Physiology & Behavior, Elsevier vol. 254 
  • Mother’s and children’s ADHD genetic risk, household chaos and children’s ADHD symptoms: A gene-environment correlation study
    Blais J, Wertz J, Arseneault L, Belsky D, Danese A, Pingault J-B, Polanczyk G, Sugden K, Williams B and Moffit T
    Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley 
  • Event-related brain dynamics during mind wandering in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: An experience-sampling approach.
    Bozhilova N, Kuntsi J, Rubia K, Asherson P and Michelini G
    Neuroimage: Clinical, Elsevier vol. 35, 103068-103068.  
  • Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals
    Goettker A and Stewart EEM
    Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 32 (13), 2956-2961.e3.  
  • A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition
    Luppi AI, Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Holland N, Fryer TD, O’Brien JT, Rowe JB, Menon DK, Bor D and Stamatakis EA
    Nature Neuroscience, Nature Research vol. 25 (6), 771-782.  
  • Greater than the parts: A review of the information decomposition approach to causal emergence
    Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Luppi AI, Jensen HJ, Seth AK, Barrett AB, Carhart-Harris RL and Bor D
    Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 380 (2227) 
  • Interoception as independent cardiac, thermosensory, nociceptive, and affective touch perceptual submodalities
    Crucianelli L, Enmalm A and Ehrsson HH
    Biological Psychology, Elsevier vol. 172, 108355-108355.  
  • Non-invasive Solutions to Identify Distinctions Between Healthy and Mild Cognitive Impairments Participants
    Alharbi EA, Jones JM and Alomainy A
    Ieee Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
  • Social cognition in insects
    Chittka L and Rossi N
    Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Elsevier vol. 26 (7), 578-592.  
  • Social synchronization of brain activity increases during eye-contact
    Luft CDB, Zioga I, Giannopoulos A, Di Bona G, Binetti N, Civilini A, Latora V and Mareschal I
    Communications Biology, Springer Nature vol. 5 (1) 
  • Whole-brain modelling identifies distinct but convergent paths to unconsciousness in anaesthesia and disorders of consciousness
    Luppi AI, Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Allanson J, Pickard JD, Williams GB, Craig MM, Finoia P, Peattie ARD, Coppola P, Owen AM, Naci L, Menon DK, Bor D and Stamatakis EA
    Communications Biology, Nature Research vol. 5 (1) 
  • Towards a view from within: The contribution of Francisco Varela to the study of consciousness
    Lanfranco RC, Canales-Johnson A, Lucero B, Vargas E and Noreika V
    Adaptive Behavior, Sage Publications vol. 31 (5), 405-422.  
  • Young domestic chicks spontaneously represent the absence of objects
    Szabó E, Chiandetti C, Téglás E, Versace E, Csibra G, Kovács ÁM and Vallortigara G
    Elife, Elife vol. 11 
  • Evidence integration and decision confidence are modulated by stimulus consistency
    Glickman M, Moran R and Usher M
    Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Research vol. 6 (7), 988-999.  
  • Genetic and Environmental Factors of Non-Ability-Based Confidence
    Vogt RL, Zheng A, Briley DA, Malanchini M, Harden KP and Tucker-Drob EM
    Social Psychological and Personality Science Social Psychological and Personality Science. vol. 13 (3), 734-746.  
  • Direct eye gaze enhances the ventriloquism effect
    Lavan N, Chan WY, Zhuang Y, Mareschal I and Shergill SS
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, Springer Nature vol. 84 (7), 2293-2302.  
  • Inter‐trial theta phase consistency during face processing in infants is associated with later emerging autism
    van Noordt S, Desjardins JA, Team TB and Elsabbagh M
    Autism Research, Wiley vol. 15 (5), 834-846.  
  • Editorial: When the Body Feels Like Mine: Constructing and Deconstructing the Sense of Body Ownership Through the Lifespan
    Crucianelli L, Cascio CJ, Salomon R and Salvato G
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 16, 854135-854135.  
  • Talker and accent familiarity yield advantages for voice identity perception: A voice sorting study
    Njie S, Lavan N and McGettigan C
    Memory and Cognition, Psychonomic Society 
  • Ketamine and sleep modulate neural complexity dynamics in cats
    Pascovich C, Castro‐Zaballa S, Mediano PAM, Bor D, Canales‐Johnson A, Torterolo P and Bekinschtein TA
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley vol. 55 (6), 1584-1600.  
  • Measuring the temporal dynamics of inter-personal neural entrainment in continuous child-adult EEG hyperscanning data
    Haresign IM, Phillips EAM, Whitehorn M, Goupil L, Noreika V, Leong V and Wass SV
    Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier vol. 54 
  • Humans represent the precision and utility of information acquired across fixations
    Stewart EEM, Ludwig CJH and Schütz AC
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1), 2411-2411.  
  • War-related trauma linked to increased sustained attention to threat in children
    Michalek J, Lisi M, Binetti N, Ozkaya S, Hadfield K, Dajani R and Mareschal I
    Child Development, Wiley 
  • Somatostatin-type and allatostatin-C–type neuropeptides are paralogous and have opposing myoregulatory roles in an echinoderm
    Zhang Y, Yanez-Guerra LA, Tinoco AB, Escudero Castelán N, Egertová M and Elphick M
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Usa, National Academy of Sciences vol. 119 (7, e2113589119), 1-12.  
  • Event-related brain oscillations in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Michelini G, Salmastyan G, Vera JD and Lenartowicz A
    International Journal of Psychophysiology, Elsevier vol. 174, 29-42.  
  • Characterizing ontogeny of quantity discrimination in zebrafish
    Sheardown E, Torres-Perez JV, Anagianni S, Fraser SE, Vallortigara G, Butterworth B, Miletto-Petrazzini ME and Brennan CH
    Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 289 (1968) 
  • Ankk1 Loss of Function Disrupts Dopaminergic Pathways in Zebrafish
    Leggieri A, García-González J, Torres-Perez JV, Havelange W, Hosseinian S, Mech AM, Keatinge M, Busch-Nentwich EM and Brennan CH
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 16 
  • Translational relevance of forward genetic screens in animal models for the study of psychiatric disease
    Sheardown E, Mech AM, Petrazzini MEM, Leggieri A, Gidziela A, Hosseinian S, Sealy IM, Torres-Perez JV, Busch-Nentwich EM, Malanchini M and Brennan CH
    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Elsevier vol. 135 
  • Genomic Signatures of Recent Adaptation in a Wild Bumblebee
    Colgan TJ, Arce AN, Gill RJ, Ramos Rodrigues A, Kanteh A, Duncan EJ, Li L, Chittka L and Wurm Y
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press vol. 39 (2) 
  • Predictors of language regression and its association with subsequent communication development in children with autism
    Pickles A, Wright N, Bedford R, Steiman M, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Kerns CM, Mirenda P, Smith IM, Ungar WJ, Vaillancourt T, Waddell C, Zaidman‐Zait A, Zwaigenbaum L, Szatmari P, Elsabbagh M and Team PIAS
    Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 63 (11), 1243-1251.  
  • Recognition of rotated objects and cognitive offloading in dogs
    Versace E, Lonardo L and Huber L
    Iscience, Elsevier (Cell Press) 
  • Validity and utility of Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): III. Emotional dysfunction superspectrum
    Watson D, Levin‐Aspenson HF, Waszczuk MA, Conway CC, Dalgleish T, Dretsch MN, Eaton NR, Forbes MK, Forbush KT, Hobbs KA, Michelini G, Nelson BD, Sellbom M, Slade T, South SC, Sunderland M, Waldman I, Witthöft M, Wright AGC, Kotov R, et al.
    World Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 21 (1), 26-54.  
  • Behavioral and Gene Regulatory Responses to Developmental Drug Exposures in Zebrafish
    Mech AM, Merteroglu M, Sealy IM, Teh M-T, White RJ, Havelange W, Brennan CH and Busch-Nentwich EM
    Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers vol. 12 
  • Inhibitory control and problem solving in early childhood: Exploring the burdens and benefits of high self‐control
    Hendry A, Agyapong MA, D'Souza H, Frick MA, Portugal AM, Konke LA, Cloke H, Bedford R, Smith TJ, Karmiloff‐Smith A, Jones EJH, Charman T and Brocki KC
    Infant and Child Development, Wiley vol. 31 (3) 
  • Exposure to family stressful life events in autistic children: Longitudinal associations with mental health and the moderating role of cognitive flexibility
    Leno VC, Wright N, Pickles A, Bedford R, Zaidman-Zait A, Kerns C, Mirenda P, Zwaigenbaum L, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith I, Vaillancourt T, Szatmari P and Elsabbagh M
    Autism, Sage Publications vol. 26 (7), 1656-1667.  
  • Event-related brain-oscillatory and ex-Gaussian markers of remission and persistence of ADHD
    Vainieri I, Michelini G, Adamo N, Cheung CHM, Asherson P and Kuntsi J
    Psychological Medicine, Cambridge University Press vol. 52 (2), 352-361.  
  • The genetics of specific cognitive abilities
    Procopio F, Zhou Q, Wang Z, Gidziela A, Rimfeld K, Malanchini M and Plomin R
    Intelligence, Elsevier 
  • The effects of recent event knowledge and semantics in the guidance of fixations on scenes
    Heer S, Pedziwiatr MA, Bex P, Coutrot A and Mareschal I
    PERCEPTION. vol. 51, 152-152.  
  • The effect of familiarity on within-person age judgements from voices
    Lavan N
    British Journal of Psychology vol. 113 (1), 287-299.  
  • Integrated information as a common signature of dynamical and information-processing complexity
    Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Farah JC, Shanahan M, Bor D and Barrett AB
    Chaos An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Aip Publishing vol. 32 (1) 
  • Can insects feel pain? A review of the neural and behavioural evidence
    Gibbons M, Crump A, Barrett M, Sarlak S, Birch J and Chittka L
    Advances in Insect Physiology, Elsevier vol. 63, 155-229.  
  • A framework for evaluating evidence of pain in animals
    Gibbons M and Chittka L
    Animal Sentience, Wellbeing International Publications vol. 7 (32) 
  • Personality Differences between Bees
    Chittka L
    Natural History vol. 130 (9), 16-23.  