
   2024   |   2023   |   2022   |   2021   |   2020   |   2019   |   2018   |   2017   |   2016   |   2015   
  • The effects of polygenic risk for psychiatric disorders and smoking behaviour on psychotic experiences in UK Biobank
    García-González J, Ramírez J, Howard DM, Brennan CH, Munroe PB and Keers R
    , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 
  • Intergroup Competition Enhances Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) In-group Cohesion
    Samuni L, Mielke A, Preis A, Crockford C and Wittig RM
    International Journal of Primatology, Springer Nature vol. 41 (2), 342-362.  
  • Comparison of Parent Questionnaires, Examiner-Led Assessment and Parents’ Concerns at 14 Months of Age as Indicators of Later Diagnosis of Autism
    Pasco G, Davies K, Ribeiro H, Tucker L, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Johnson MH and Charman T
    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 51 (3), 804-813.  
  • A transient time window for early predispositions in newborn chicks
    Versace E, Ragusa M and Vallortigara G
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Editorial: The Mechanisms of Insect Cognition
    Chittka L, Giurfa M and Riffell JA
    Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers vol. 10 
  • “Same But Different”: Associations Between Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation, Cognition, and Academic Abilities
    Malanchini M, Engelhardt LE, Grotzinger AD, Harden KP and Tucker-Drob EM
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 117 (6), 1164-1188.  
  • Snake alarm calls as a public good in sooty mangabeys
    Mielke A, Crockford C and Wittig RM
    Animal Behaviour, Elsevier vol. 158, 201-209.  
  • Inexperienced preys know when to flee or to freeze in front of a threat
    Hebert M, Versace E and Vallortigara G
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Usa, National Academy of Sciences 
  • Attribution of intentional agency towards robots reduces one’s own sense of agency.
    Ciardo F, Beyer F, De Tommaso D and Wykowska A
    Cognition, Elsevier 
  • Neurophenomenology of induced and natural synaesthesia
    Schwartzman DJ, Bor D, Rothen N and Seth AK
    Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 374 (1787) 
  • Delineating and validating higher-order dimensions of psychopathology in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
    Michelini G, Barch DM, Tian Y, Watson D, Klein DN and Kotov R
    Translational Psychiatry, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Neural representations of enhanced speech motor control in trained singers
    Waters S, Kanber E, Lavan N, Carey D, Cartei V, Lally C, Miquel M and McGettigan C
    The Journal of The Acoustical Society of America vol. 146 (4), 2790-2790.  
  • Sleep quality, insomnia, and internalizing difficulties in adolescents: insights from a twin study
    Madrid-Valero JJ, Ronald A, Shakeshaft N, Schofield K, Malanchini M and Gregory AM
    Sleep, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 43 (2) 
  • Flower colour diversity seen through the eyes of pollinators. A commentary on: ‘Floral colour structure in two Australian herbaceous communities: it depends on who is looking’
    Arnold SEJ and Chittka L
    Annals of Botany, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 124 (2), viii-ix.  
  • Twins Early Development Study: A Genetically Sensitive Investigation into Behavioral and Cognitive Development from Infancy to Emerging Adulthood
    Rimfeld K, Malanchini M, Spargo T, Spickernell G, Selzam S, McMillan A, Dale PS, Eley TC and Plomin R
    Twin Research and Human Genetics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 22 (6), 508-513.  
  • The spatial and temporal properties of attentional selectivity for saccades and reaches
    Stewart EEM, Verghese P and Ma-Wyatt A
    Journal of Vision, Association For Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Arvo) vol. 19 (9), 12-12.  
  • Gaze Following and Attention to Objects in Infants at Familial Risk for ASD
    Parsons JP, Bedford R, Jones EJH, Charman T, Johnson MH and Gliga T
    Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers vol. 10 
  • How many voices did you hear? Natural variability disrupts identity perception from unfamiliar voices.
    Lavan N, Burston LFK and Garrido L
    Br J Psychol vol. 110 (3), 576-593.  
  • Transsaccadic integration benefits are not limited to the saccade target
    Stewart EEM and Schütz AC
    Journal of Neurophysiology, American Physiological Society vol. 122 (4), 1491-1501.  
  • 'Please sort these voice recordings into 2 identities': Effects of task instructions on performance in voice sorting studies.
    Lavan N, Merriman SE, Ladwa P, Burston LFK, Knight S and McGettigan C
    British Journal of Psychology, Wiley vol. 111 (3), 556-569.  
  • Infant regulatory function acts as a protective factor for later traits of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder but not callous unemotional traits
    Bedford R, Gliga T, Hendry A, Jones EJH, Pasco G, Charman T, Johnson MH and Pickles A
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 
  • Credit assignment to state-independent task representations and its relationship with model-based decision making
    Shahar N, Moran R, Hauser TU, Kievit RA, McNamee D, Moutoussis M, Dolan RJ, Bullmore E, Dolan R, Goodyer I, Fonagy P, Jones P, , Hauser T, Neufeld S, Romero-Garcia R, St Clair M, Vértes P, Whitaker K, Inkster B, et al.
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 116 (32), 15871-15876.  
  • The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning
    Lavan N, Knight S, Hazan V and McGettigan C
    Cognition, Elsevier vol. 193 
  • What is cognition?
    Bayne T, Brainard D, Byrne RW, Chittka L, Clayton N, Heyes C, Mather J, Ölveczky B, Shadlen M, Suddendorf T and Webb B
    Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 29 (13), r608-r615.  
  • Positional encoding in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)
    Versace E, Rogge JR, Shelton-May N and Ravignani A
    Animal Cognition, Springer Nature vol. 22 (5), 825-838.  
  • Transsaccadic integration is dominated by early, independent noise
    Stewart EEM and Schütz AC
    Journal of Vision, Association For Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Arvo) vol. 19 (6), 17-17.  
  • Randomly weighted receptor inputs can explain the large diversity of colour-coding neurons in the bee visual system
    Vasas V, Peng F, MaBouDi H and Chittka L
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Listeners form average-based representations of individual voice identities
    Lavan N, Knight S and McGettigan C
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 
  • Teacher assessments during compulsory education are as reliable, stable and heritable as standardized test scores
    Rimfeld K, Malanchini M, Hannigan LJ, Dale PS, Allen R, Hart SA and Plomin R
    Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 60 (12), 1278-1288.  
  • Embryonic Exposure to Valproic Acid Affects Social Predispositions for Dynamic Cues of Animate Motion in Newly-Hatched Chicks
    Lorenzi E, Pross A, Rosa-Salva O, Versace E, Sgadò P and Vallortigara G
    Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers vol. 10 
  • Temporal correlation of elevated PRMT1 gene expression with mushroom body neurogenesis during bumblebee brain development
    Guan C, Egertová M, Perry CJ, Chittka L and Chittka A
    Journal of Insect Physiology, Elsevier vol. 116, 57-69.  
  • Human noise blindness drives suboptimal cognitive inference
    Herce Castañón S, Moran R, Ding J, Egner T, Bang D and Summerfield C
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 
  • Atypical functional connectivity in adolescents and adults with persistent and remitted ADHD during a cognitive control task
    Michelini G, Jurgiel J, Bakolis I, Cheung CHM, Asherson P, Loo SK, Kuntsi J and Mohammad-Rezazadeh I
    Translational Psychiatry, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Changing from the inside out? Examining relationships between overweight identification, dieting behaviours, and body measurements over time.
    JONES JM, Schonherr DM, Zaitsoff S and Pullmer R
    British Journal of Health Psychology, Wiley 
  • Editorial: Neuronal Co-transmission
    Apergis-Schoute J, Burnstock G, Nusbaum MP, Parker D, Morales MA, Trudeau L-E and Svensson E
    Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Frontiers vol. 13 
  • Breaking voice identity perception: Expressive voices are more confusable for listeners.
    Lavan N, Burston LF, Ladwa P, Merriman SE, Knight S and McGettigan C
    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Sage Publications vol. 72 (9), 2240-2248.  
  • Harmonic radar tracking reveals random dispersal pattern of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queens after hibernation
    Makinson JC, Woodgate JL, Reynolds A, Capaldi EA, Perry CJ and Chittka L
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Latent trajectories of adaptive behaviour in infants at high and low familial risk for autism spectrum disorder
    Bussu G, Jones EJH, Charman T, Johnson MH and Buitelaar JK
    Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 
  • Caste- and pesticide-specific effects of neonicotinoid pesticide exposure on gene expression in bumblebees
    Molecular Ecology, Wiley 
  • Animal Behaviour: Conformity and the Beginnings of Culture in an Insect
    Bridges AD and Chittka L
    Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 29 (5), r167-r169.  
  • A spatial network analysis of resource partitioning between bumblebees foraging on artificial flowers in a flight cage
    Pasquaretta C, Jeanson R, Pansanel J, Raine NE, Chittka L and Lihoreau M
    Movement Ecology, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
  • Delineating and validating higher-order dimensions of psychopathology in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
    Michelini G, Barch DM, Tian Y, Watson D, Klein DN and Kotov R
    , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 
  • Retrospective model-based inference guides model-free credit assignment
    Moran R, Keramati M, Dayan P and Dolan RJ
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 
  • Improving the reliability of model-based decision-making estimates in the two-stage decision task with reaction-times and drift-diffusion modeling
    Shahar N, Hauser TU, Moutoussis M, Moran R, Keramati M, consortium N and Dolan RJ
    Plos Computational Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 15 (2) 
  • Differential influences of environment and self-motion on place and grid cell firing
    Chen G, Lu Y, King JA, Cacucci F and Burgess N
    Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1) 
  • Functional EEG connectivity in infants associates with later restricted and repetitive behaviours in autism; a replication study
    Haartsen R, Jones EJH, Orekhova EV, Charman T and Johnson MH
    Translational Psychiatry, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
  • Higher in-hospital mortality during weekend admission for acute coronary syndrome
    Malanchini G, Stefanini GG, Malanchini M and Lombardi F
    Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, Wolters Kluwer vol. 20 (2), 74-80.  
  • General Principles of Neuronal Co-transmission: Insights From Multiple Model Systems
    Svensson E, Apergis-Schoute J, Burnstock G, Nusbaum MP, Parker D and Schiöth HB
    Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Frontiers vol. 12 
  • Temperament as an Early Risk Marker for Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Longitudinal Study of High-Risk and Low-Risk Infants
    Pijl MKJ, Bussu G, Charman T, Johnson MH, Jones EJH, Pasco G, Oosterling IJ, Rommelse NNJ and Buitelaar JK
    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 49 (5), 1825-1836.  
  • Expanding Consciousness
    Chittka L and Wilson C
    American Scientist, Sigma Xi vol. 107 (6) 
  • Dissociating different forms of random exploration
    Dubois M, Habicht J, Michely J, Moran R, Dolan R and Hauser T
    2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
  • Confidence Drives a Neural Confirmation Bias
    Rollwage M, Hauser T, Loosen A, Moran R, Dolan R and Fleming S
    2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
  • A mechanistic account of transferring structural knowledge across cognitive maps
    Mark S, Moran R, Parr T, Kennerley S and Behrens T
    2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience