Dr Kshitij Sabnis

Kshitij Sabnis

Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
Admissions Lead for Aerospace Engineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Experimental aerodynamics, High-speed aerodynamics, Vehicle aerodynamics, Shock/boundary-layer interactions, Vortex dynamics


My research aims to provide greater understanding of aerodynamics across a wide spectrum of speed regimes. Inspired by problems encountered in practical applications, I conduct tests (mainly wind tunnel experiments) on simplified representations of the real-world scenario to develop greater understanding of the underlying fluid mechanics. These flow problems range from the vortices produced at the tips of racecar wings to the flow separation induced by shock waves in the intakes of supersonic aircraft.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


Relevant PublicationShock-induced Fan Cowl Separation during Aeroengine Windmilling at Diversion from Cruise
Sabnis K, Babinsky H, Boscagli L, MacManus D and Sheaf C
Aiaa Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Relevant PublicationNumerical and experimental investigations of diffusion-induced boundary layer separation on aero-engine nacelles
Boscagli L, Sabnis K, MacManus DG, Babinsky H, Tejero F and Sheaf C
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Elsevier vol. 109 
Relevant PublicationMach 3.5 Compression Corner Control Using Microvortex Generators
Gochenaur DC, Williams RD, Sabnis K and Babinsky H
Aiaa Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Aiaa) vol. 62 (5), 1731-1743.  


Relevant PublicationCharacteristics of shock-induced boundary layer separation on nacelles under windmilling diversion conditions
Boscagli L, MacManus D, Tejero F, Sabnis K, Babinsky H and Sheaf C
Aiaa Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Relevant PublicationA review of three-dimensional shock wave–boundary-layer interactions
Babinsky H and Sabnis K
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Elsevier 


Relevant PublicationNozzle geometry effects on supersonic wind tunnel studies of shock–boundary-layer interactions
Sabnis K, Galbraith DS, Babinsky H and Benek JA
Experiments in Fluids, Springer Nature vol. 63 (12) 


Relevant PublicationAnalysis and extension of the quadratic constitutive relation for RANS methods
Sabnis K, Babinsky H, Spalart PR, Galbraith DS and Benek JA
The Aeronautical Journal, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 125 (1292), 1746-1767.  


Relevant PublicationNozzle Geometry-Induced Vortices in Supersonic Wind Tunnels
Sabnis K, Babinsky H, Galbraith DS and Benek JA
Aiaa Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Aiaa) vol. 59 (3), 1-12.  


Relevant PublicationNozzle Geometry Effects on Corner Boundary Layers in Supersonic Wind Tunnels
Sabnis K and Babinsky H
Aiaa Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Aiaa) vol. 57 (8), 1-4.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconEPSRC Core Equipment 2024
Wen Wang, Kshitij Sabnis, Andrei Sapelkin, Joe Briscoe and Ian Sanders
£449,082 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-01-2025 - 30-06-2026
solid heart iconSmall-scale vertical-axis wind turbines for backup domestic electricity generation in rural South African communities
Kshitij Sabnis and Neil Cagney
£134,505 Royal Society
13-12-2024 - 12-12-2027
solid heart iconIncreasing spatial and temporal resolution of schlieren imaging in high-speed aerodynamics
Kshitij Sabnis
£20,000 Royal Society
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2025