Dr Jens-Dominik Mueller

Jens-Dominik Mueller

SEMS Academic Misconduct Officer, Head of Professional Bodies Liaison Group

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Optimisation, Shape Optimisation, Adjoint and sensitivity methods, Data-driven modelling


Development of multi-disciplinary modelling chains that include sensitivity analysis.
Application of Automatic Differentiation tools to combine complete workflows from CAD to objective function.
Use of adjoint sensitivity methods in shape optimisation and data-driven modelling.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


Relevant PublicationJesudasan R and Müeller J-D (2024). High-Resolution CAD-Based Shape Parametrisation of a U-Bend Channel. Aerospace, MDPI vol. 11 (8) 


Relevant PublicationImam-Lawal O, Verstraete T and Müller JD (2023). Discrete adjoint for coupled conjugate heat transfer. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Springer vol. 66 (5) 
Relevant PublicationXu S, Zhao J, Wu H, Zhang S, Müller J-D, Huang H, Rahmati M and Wang D (2023). A Review of Solution Stabilization Techniques for RANS CFD Solvers. Aerospace, MDPI vol. 10 (3) 


Relevant PublicationQuadros R and Mueller J (2022). LES-aided shape optimization of U-Bend channel. 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering


bullet iconShahdad S, Hindocha A, Patel T, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Koched A, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Fleming PS and Din AR (2021). Fallow time determination in dentistry using aerosol measurement in mechanically and non-mechanically ventilated environments. British Dental Journal (BDJ), Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com] 
Relevant PublicationAgromayor R, Anand N, Müller JD, Pini M and Nord LO (2021). A Unified Geometry Parametrization Method for Turbomachinery Blades. CAD Computer Aided Design, Elsevier vol. 133 
Relevant PublicationJesudasan R and Mueller J (2021). Cad-Based Adaptive Shape Parametrisation for Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation. 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress


Relevant PublicationMohanamuraly P and Müller JD (2020). An adjoint-assisted multilevel multifidelity method for uncertainty quantification and its application to turbomachinery manufacturing variability. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley 
bullet iconDin AR, Hindocha A, Patel T, Sudarshan S, Cagney N, Koched A, Mueller J-D, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Shahdad S and Fleming PS (2020). Quantitative analysis of particulate matter release during orthodontic procedures: a pilot study. British Dental Journal, Springer Nature, 1-7.  
Relevant PublicationOdier N, Thacker A, Harnieh M, Staffelbach G, Gicquel L, Duchaine F, García Rosa N and Müller JD (2020). A mesh adaptation strategy for complex wall-modeled turbomachinery LES. Computers and Fluids, Elsevier vol. 214 
Relevant PublicationShahdad S, Patel T, Hindocha A, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Seoudi N, Morgan C and Din A (2020). The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study. British Dental Journal (BDJ), Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com] 
Relevant PublicationAkbarzadeh S, Hückelheim J and Müller JD (2020). Consistent treatment of incompletely converged iterative linear solvers in reverse-mode algorithmic differentiation. Computational Optimization and Applications, Springer (part of Springer Nature) 
Relevant PublicationMohanamuraly P, Hascoët L and Müller JD (2020). Seeding and adjoining zero-halo partitioned parallel scientific codes. Optimization Methods and Software vol. 35 (3), 618-637.  


Relevant PublicationXu S, Mueller J-D, Pavanakumar M and Wang D (2019). A Newton–Krylov Solver for Robust Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Analysis. AIAA Journal: devoted to aerospace research and development, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Relevant PublicationMueller J, ZHANG X, Akbarzadeh S and WANG Y (2019). Geometric continuity constraints of automatically derived parametrisations in CAD-based shape optimisation. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Taylor & Francis 
bullet iconRoi DP, Mueller J-D, Lobotesis K, McCague C, Memarian S, Khan F and Mankad K (2019). Intracranial aneurysms: looking beyond size in neuroimaging: the role of anatomical factors and haemodynamics. QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY vol. 9 (4), 537-545.  


Relevant PublicationBanović M, Mykhaskiv O, Auriemma S, Walther A, Legrand H and Müller JD (2018). Algorithmic differentiation of the Open CASCADE Technology CAD kernel and its coupling with an adjoint CFD solver. Optimization Methods and Software vol. 33 (4-6), 813-828.  
Relevant PublicationHückelheim JC, Hovland PD, Strout MM and Müller JD (2018). Parallelizable adjoint stencil computations using transposed forward-mode algorithmic differentiation. Optimization Methods and Software vol. 33 (4-6), 672-693.  
Relevant PublicationMUELLER J, Wang Y and HE W (2018). Sensitivity Analysis and Gradient-based Optimisation of Feed Spacer Shape in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes Using Discrete Adjoint Approach. Desalination, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationZhang X, Jesudasan R and Müller J-D (2018). Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Optimisation of Wing Shape Using Non-uniform Rational B-Splines. Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems  143-158.  
Relevant PublicationSchwalbach M, Verstraete T, Müller J-D and Gauger N (2018). A Comparative Study of Two Different CAD-Based Mesh Deformation Methods for Structural Shape Optimization. Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems  47-60.  
Relevant PublicationAuriemma S (2018). Applications of differentiated CAD kernel in gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimisation. 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference
Relevant PublicationHückelheim JC and Müller J-D (2018). Checkpointing with Time Gaps for Unsteady Adjoint CFD. Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences  117-130.  
bullet iconMueller J-D, Hueckelheim J and Mykhaskiv O (2018). STAMPS: a Finite-Volume Solver Framework for Adjoint Codes Derived with Source-Transformation AD. 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference
Relevant PublicationOdier N, Duchaine F, Gicquel L, Staffelbach G, Thacker A, Rosa NG, Dufour G and Muller J-D (2018). Evaluation of Integral Turbulence Scale Through the Fan Stage of a Turbofan Using Hot Wire Anemometry and Large Eddy Simulation. Volume 2C: Turbomachinery
Relevant PublicationOdier N, Duchaine F, Gicquel L, Staffelbach G, Thacker A, García Rosa N, Dufour G and Muller JD (2018). Evaluation of integral turbulence scale through the fan stage of a turbofan using hot wire anemometry and large eddy simulation. 


Relevant PublicationJesudasan R, Zhang X and Mueller J-D (2017). Adjoint Optimisation of Internal Turbine Cooling Channel Using NURBS-Based Automatic and Adaptive Parametrisation Method. Volume 1: Compressors, Fans and Pumps; Turbines; Heat Transfer; Combustion, Fuels and Emissions
Relevant Publicationmykhaskiv O, MUELLER J, Banovic M, Auriemma S, Mohanamuraly P, Walther A and Legrand H (2017). NURBS-based and Parametric-based Shape Optimisation with differentiated CAD Kernel. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Taylor & Francis 
Relevant PublicationXu S, Timme S, Mykhaskiv O and Müller JD (2017). Wing-body junction optimisation with CAD-based parametrisation including a moving intersection. Aerospace Science and Technology vol. 68, 543-551.  
Relevant PublicationMykhaskiv O, Müller J-D, Mohanamuraly P, Banovic M, Walther A, Auriemma S and Legrand H (2017). NURBS-based and Parametric-based Shape Optimisation with Differentiated CAD Kernel. Proceedings of CAD'17
Relevant PublicationDaviller G, Brebion M, Xavier P, Staffelbach G, Müller JD and Poinsot T (2017). A Mesh Adaptation Strategy to Predict Pressure Losses in LES of Swirled Flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion vol. 99 (1), 93-118.  
Relevant PublicationMUELLER J, hueckelheim J, hovland P and Strout M (2017). Reverse-mode algorithmic differentiation of an OpenMP-parallel compressible flow solver. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE Publications 
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Müller L and Müller J-D (2017). CAD-Based Adjoint Optimization of the Stresses in a Radial Turbine. Volume 2C: Turbomachinery
Relevant PublicationMUELLER J, verstraete T and Mueller L (2017). ADJOINT BASED DESIGN OPTIMISATION OF AN INTERNAL COOLING CHANNEL U-BEND FOR MINIMIZED PRESSURE LOSSES., Editors: manna M. International Journal of turbomachinery propulsion and power 
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint-based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimised pressure losses. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, MDPI vol. 2 (2) 
Relevant PublicationMykhaskiv O, Mohanamuraly P, Mueller J-D, Xu S and Timme S (2017). CAD-based shape optimisation of the NASA CRM wing-body intersection using differentiated CAD-kernel. 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Mueller L and Mueller J-D (2017). Multidisciplinary Adjoint Optimization of Trubomachinery Components Including Aerodynamic and Stress Performance. 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimized pressure losses. EuroTurbo
Relevant PublicationImam-Lawal OR, Verstraete T and Müller JD (2017). Solving an inverse coupled conjugate heat transfer problem by an adjoint approach. 
Relevant PublicationMykhaskiv O, Mohanamuraly P, Müller JD, Xu S and Timme S (2017). CAD-based shape optimisation of the NASA CRM wing-body intersection using differentiated CAD-kernel. 
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Multidisciplinary adjoint optimization of trubomachinery components including aerodynamic and stress performance. 
Relevant PublicationVerstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimized pressure losses. 


Relevant PublicationHückelheim JC, Hascoët L and Müller JD (2016). Algorithmic differentiation of code with multiple context-specific activities. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology vol. 43 (4) 
Relevant PublicationJESUDASAN R, Gugala M, Mykhaskiv O and Mueller J (2016). A comparison of node-based and CAD-based automatic parametrisations in shape optimisation. 11th ASMO UK/ISSMO/NOED2016: International Conference on Numerical Optimisation Methods for Engineering Design Technische Universität München - Germany (TUM/Garching) 18 Jul 2016 - 20 Jul 2016
Relevant PublicationJESUDASAN R, Zhang X, Gugala M and Mueller J (2016). CAD-free vs CAD-based parametrisation method in adjoint-based​ aerodynamic shape optimization. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS-2016) Crete, Greece 5 Jun 2016 - 10 Jun 2016
Relevant PublicationMohanamuraly P, Huckelheim JC and Mueller J-D (2016). HYBRID PARALLELISATION OF AN ALGORITHMICALLY DIFFERENTIATED ADJOINT SOLVER. Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016)
Relevant PublicationZhang X, Wang Y, Gugala M and Mueller J-D (2016). GEOMETRIC CONTINUITY CONSTRAINTS FOR ADJACENT NURBS PATCHES IN SHAPE OPTIMISATION. Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016)
Relevant PublicationGugala M, Meyer M and Mueller J-D (2016). TOWARDS AN OUTPUT-BASED RE-MESHING FOR TURBOMACHINERY APPLICATIONS. Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016)
Relevant PublicationAuriemma S, Banovic M, Mykhaskiv O, Legrand H, Mueller J-D, Verstraete T and Walther A (2016). OPTIMISATION OF A U-BEND USING A CAD-BASED ADJOINT METHOD WITH DIFFERENTIATED CAD KERNEL. Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016)


Relevant PublicationGhani A, Poinsot T, Gicquel L and Müller JD (2015). LES Study of Transverse Acoustic Instabilities in a Swirled Kerosene/Air Combustion Chamber. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion vol. 96 (1), 207-226.  
Relevant PublicationXu S, Radford D, Meyer M and Müller JD (2015). Stabilisation of discrete steady adjoint solvers. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 299, 175-195.  
Relevant PublicationWang Y, Akbarzadeh S and Mueller JD (2015). Stabilisation of Discrete Adjoint Solvers for Incompressible Flow. 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationAkbarzadeh S, Wang Y and Mueller JD (2015). Fixed point discrete adjoint of SIMPLE-like solvers. 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationXu S, Radford D, Meyer M and Müller J-D (2015). CAD-Based Adjoint Shape Optimisation of a One-Stage Turbine With Geometric Constraints. Volume 2C: Turbomachinery
Relevant PublicationXu S, Hückelheim J, Gugala M and Müller J-D (2015). Computation of the Tangent-Linear Solution for LCO-Converged Nonlinear Flows. 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Relevant PublicationHueckelheim J, Xu S, Gugala M and Müller J-D (2015). Time-averaged steady vs. unsteady adjoint: a comparison for cases with mild unsteadiness. 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Relevant PublicationWang Y, Akbarzadeh S and Müller JD (2015). Stabilisation of discrete adjoint solvers for incompressible flow. 
Relevant PublicationMüller JD (2015). Essentials of computational fluid dynamics. 


Relevant PublicationXu S, Jahn W and Müller J-D (2013). CAD-based shape optimisation with CFD using a discrete adjoint. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 


Relevant PublicationJaworski AB, Müller JD and Rokicki J (2012). One-shot optimisation with grid adaptation using adjoint sensitivities (ECCOMAS 2012). ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, e-Book Full Papers, 3685-3693.  
Relevant PublicationJones D, Müller JD and Bayyuk S (2012). CFD development with automatic differentiation. 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 
Relevant PublicationWolf P, Staffelbach G, Gicquel LYM, Müller JD and Poinsot T (2012). Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame vol. 159 (11), 3398-3413.  
bullet iconMüller JD, Jitsumura M and Müller-Kronast NHF (2012). Sensitivity of flow simulations in a cerebral aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 (15), 2539-2548.  
Relevant PublicationMuller J-D, Jitsumura M and Mueller-Kronast NHF (2012). Sensitivity of flow simulations in a cerebral aneurysm. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS vol. 45 (15), 2539-2548.  
Relevant PublicationWolf P, Staffelbach G, Gicquel LYM, Müller J-D and Poinsot T (2012). Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame 
Relevant PublicationMueller J-D, Jones D, Jahn W, Othmer C, Megahed M, Hollette N, Pierrot G, Bletzinger K-U and Stavropolou E (2012). Goal-based flow optimisation for automotive design. TRANSPORT RESEARCH ARENA 2012 vol. 48, 3599-3612.  


Relevant PublicationJones D, Müller JD and Christakopoulos F (2011). Preparation and assembly of discrete adjoint CFD codes. Computers and Fluids vol. 46 (1), 282-286.  
Relevant PublicationYu G, Müller JD, Jones D and Christakopoulos F (2011). CAD-based shape optimisation using adjoint sensitivities. Computers and Fluids vol. 46 (1), 512-516.  
Relevant PublicationTwycross-Lewis R, Lu Y, Malliaras P, Mueller J-D and Maffulli N (2011). A modelling approach to aid the understanding of high volume image guided injection in recalcitrant achilles tendinopathy. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 45 (2) 
Relevant PublicationChristakopoulos F, Jones D and Mueller J-D (2011). Pseudo-timestepping and verification for automatic differentiation derived CFD codes. COMPUTERS & FLUIDS vol. 46 (1), 174-179.  


bullet iconMcConlogue T, Mueller J and Shelton J (2010). Challenges of developing engineering students' writing through peer assessment. Engineering Education 2010: Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers, EE 2010 
Relevant PublicationPuigt G, Auffray V and Müller JD (2010). Discretisation of diffusive fluxes on hybrid grids. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 229 (5), 1425-1447.  


Relevant PublicationJaworski A and Müller JD (2008). Toward modular multigrid design optimisation. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering vol. 64 LNCSE, 281-291.  
Relevant PublicationForsythe N and Mueller JD (2008). Validation of a fluid-structure interaction model for a bileaflet mechanical heart valve. INT J COMPUT FLUID D vol. 22 (8), 541-553.  


Relevant PublicationMuller JD and Cusdin P (2005). On the performance of discrete adjoint CFD codes using automatic differentiation. 


Relevant PublicationCusdin P and Müller JD (2004). Generating efficient code with automatic differentiation. 


Relevant PublicationGiles MB, Duta MC, Müller JD and Pierce NA (2003). Algorithm developments for discrete adjoint methods. AIAA Journal vol. 41 (2), 198-205.  


Relevant PublicationMüller JD (2002). Anisotropic adaptation and multigrid for hybrid grids. 
Relevant PublicationMoinier P, Müller JD and Giles MB (2002). Edge-based multigrid and preconditioning for hybrid grids. AIAA Journal vol. 40 (10), 1954-1960.  


Relevant PublicationMüller JD, Schönfeld ET and Légier JP (2001). Adaptive local grid refinement for unsteady reacting flows. 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 
Relevant PublicationMüller JD and Giles MB (2001). Solution adaptive mesh refinement using adjoint error analysis. 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 
Relevant PublicationGiles M, Duta M and Mueller J-D (2001). Adjoint code developments using the exact discrete approach. 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference


Relevant PublicationMoinier P and Mueller J-D (1999). Edge-based multigrid and preconditioning for hybrid grids. 14th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationMoinier P, Müller JD and Giles MB (1999). Edge-based multigrid and preconditioning for hybrid grids. 


Relevant PublicationMueller J-D, Schoenfeld T, Rudgyard M and Mueller J-D (1997). A comparison of the treatment of hanging nodes for hybrid grid refinement. 13th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Relevant PublicationMüller JD, Schönfeld T and Rudgyard M (1997). A comparison of the treatment of hanging nodes for hybrid grid refinement. 


Relevant PublicationBanks D, Mueller J-D and Vankeirsbilck P (1996). An object-oriented approach to hybrid structured/unstructured grid generation. 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit


Relevant PublicationMuller J-D (1994). Quality estimates and stretched meshes based on Delaunay triangulations. AIAA Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) vol. 32 (12), 2372-2379.  


Relevant PublicationMüller J, Roe PL and Deconinck H (1993). A frontal approach for internal node generation in Delaunay triangulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Wiley vol. 17 (3), 241-255.  
Relevant PublicationMüller JD (1993). Proven angular bounds and stretched triangulations with the frontal delaunay method. 
Relevant PublicationPaillère H, Deconinck H, Struijs R, Roe PL, Mesaros LM and Müller JD (1993). Computations of inviscid compressible flows using fluctuation-splitting on triangular meshes. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconComputational methods for active flow control using adoint sensitivities
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£179,947 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-09-2020 - 31-08-2022)
solid heart iconMHI2: mixing plane, nozzle vane
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£186,258 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (01-01-2019 - 30-06-2023)
solid heart iconCAD-based wing optimisation for the XRF1 - CASE studentship Airbus
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£27,000 Airbus Defence & Space Ltd (01-09-2018 - 31-08-2022)
solid heart iconParallel Multigrid and Mesh Refinement
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£58,294 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (01-10-2016 - 31-08-2020)
solid heart iconMADDOG - Multidisciplinary Adjoint Design Optimisation of Gasturbines
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£127,046 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-09-2015 - 31-08-2017)
solid heart iconIODA
Jens-Dominik Mueller
£734,361 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-01-2015 - 31-12-2018)