Prof Joe Briscoe

Joe Briscoe
MSci (Hons), PhD, FHEA, CSci, MIMMM, MInstP

Professor of Energy Materials and Devices
Head of The Centre for Sustainable Engineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Renewable Energy, Photovoltaics, Energy harvesting, Nanomaterials, Photoelectrochemistry, Ferroelectrics


My group's research is focused on the use of thin films and nanostructured materials for renewable energy applications, including: semiconductor photocatalysts, photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) & solar fuels; photovoltaic devices; ferroelectrics for solar energy conversion; piezoelectric energy harvesting. We have a particular interest in the use of polar (ferroelectric & piezoelectric) materials and nanomaterials in these devices with expertise in solution-based synthesis of materials, material characterisation and device fabrication and testing, including flexible devices.