Dr Janelle Jones

Janelle Jones

Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology
Director of Graduate Studies

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Social Connections, Identity, Health and Well-being, Older adults, The Arts, Technology


Broadly, my research examines how social connections (e.g., groups, relationships), related identities, and interactions (whether real, imagined or implied) influence behaviour, health, and well-being.

Recently, this work has focused on three main areas in collaboration with QMUL colleagues from Psychiatry (WIPH), Engineering (EECS), Law (CCLS), and with External Partners:

(1) The role of identity, its management, and identity change in mental health (e.g., schizophrenia, depression);

(2) Older adults' health and well-being (e.g., evaluating community-based arts interventions; employing wireless sensors in the home to support falls prevention; using technology (e.g., sensors, robots) to diagnose and treat dementia);

(3) Preventing gambling harms (e.g., assessing perceptions of bank gambling blocks; investigating the implications of social connections and related identities for gambling participation and harm reduction).