Remineralising Toothpaste
Researchers at Queen Mary developed novel re-mineralising toothpastes to treat dentine hypersensitivity and protect teeth from tooth decay. Led by Prof Robert Hill, materials scientists and bioengineers optimised and patented a series of glass formulations that can be incorporated as micron-scale particles into toothpastes. These dissolve in saliva to release calcium, phosphate and fluorine ions in the correct proportions for up to 12 hours to form hydroxycarbonate-apatite or more acid resistant fluorapatite. The chemistry of the toothpaste is designed to help repair eroded enamel and block any open dentine tubules that may be responsible for sensitivity when exposed to hot and cold drinks and food.
This work led to a successful spin-out of Biomin Technologies Ltd. BioMin™ fluorine free and fluorine containing toothpastes have been on sale in the UK, Germany, Australia, China and India.