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'Delivering science and engineering research for a better world'

Queen Mary is ranked 14th in the world and 5th in the UK for the quality of research (THE World University Ranking 2024), and joint 7th in the UK according to the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF21).
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    6 Strategic Research Themes

  • Image of a researchers

    20 Faculty Research Centres

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    5 Schools

In the last UK research assessment (REF21), 97% of research outputs (publications) were rated as at least ‘internationally excellent’, with half at the top 4-star ‘world-leading’ rating.  The quality of our research in science and engineering was highly ranked including Engineering (2nd in the UK for outputs), Chemistry (9th for outputs and 8th for impact), Biology (13th for impact) and Computer science (8th overall and 1st for impact).

We are collaborative, supportive, and proud of our achievements, and ambitious to establish Queen Mary as one of the leading global institutions for science and engineering. Our high quality, supportive and stimulating environment attracts and nurtures research talent from across the world.